Spelling the days of the weeks

We can say them….                   and sing them….


We know the order and we know what happens on certain days!


Now it’s time to make sure we can spell them!

Use your spelling strategies to help you.

Some are really easy and we can just use our sounds.

Others are tricky words that you’ll need to practise.

Now try these!
Fill in the missing letters to spell the days of the week.
They are all muddled up!


  •  Mo__ay

  •  Sat___ay

  • T_u_s_a_y

  • Tu_s_a_

  • We__esd_y

  • Su___y

  • Fr—y

How did you do? Check with the list above!

Sumdog update

Morning P2,

I hope you are all well. I see that you’ve been working hard and enjoying Sumdog.

P2a need 2 more to enter the competition, P2b need 10 more.

Even if your class don’t manage to enter into the competition, you can still be entered in as an individual. Keep working hard!

More and Less

Look at the way numbers change if you make them 1 or 10 more or less.

When we make numbers 1 more or less, the unit digit changes.

When we make numbers 10 more or less, the tens digit changes.

Answer these.

Look at the which digits change.

Try making up some more of your own.

You could stick to tens and units –  or even try hundreds, tens and units!

I wonder what happens when you make numbers 100 more or less…

What do you think ? 



Monday Maths starter activity answers

sect.1 10, 12, 14              Sect.2 6           Sect.3 2

 Sect. 1   7 = seven    15= fifteen     22= twenty two    4=four

Sect. 2 

14= 1 ten + 4 ones

18= 1 ten + 8 ones

12= 1 ten + 2 ones


Monday Afternoon


  • Time for some Zumba to warm up your bodies



  • Now we are going to do some GBXerxise – Dance



How are you feeling today?

Relationship Skills – Twiggle Makes Friends

Task 1

Click on the link below.  Ask an adult to help you, There are some talking points.

Task 2

  • This is a bingo game with tasks that you can complete over the week.

    SEL Bingo

As you complete each task record the date. Which column, row or
diagonal will you finish first? Can you fill in the entire card?

Well done for working hard today. We are very proud of you all. 




Sumdog competition

Morning Primary 2,

The Sumdog competition is running until Thursday. Come along and help your class win.

P2a need 4 more children to enter, P2b need 10 more children to enter.

Please take some time to practise your skills on Sumdog.

Monday Morning 18.5.20

Good morning Primary 2 and welcome back to another week of home learning. We hope you had a good weekend. This week we will only be posting up to Thursday as Friday and next Monday are a bank holiday. This week Renfrewshire Council are promoting Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme is ‘Kindness’. How many kind things can you do or say this week. If you want a challenge then try the challenge below. Let us know how you get on by leaving us comments. Also, look out for this week’s online Olympics challenge.

Spelling and Literacy

Countdown Words! How many words can you make using these letters?


Look at the different ways to make the long o sound! Watch the video above and then see how many words you can come up with with the long o sound. Which spelling do you use? Remember if you hear the long o in the middle of the word then chances are it is the ‘oa’ spelling e.g. coat. If you hear a consonant at the end of the word like ‘rope’ then it is the magic e ‘o_e’ spelling. If you hear long o at the end, then most likely it will be ‘ow’ spelling! snow

  1. Divide you paper into 3 sections and title each section with ‘oa’, ‘o_e’ and ‘ow’ at the top. See how many words you can come up with in each section. You can draw pictures too beside your words
  2. Pick 3 or 4 words and write a sentence. Remember a sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.


Remember to keep reading every day if you can, even if it’s just for 10 minutes! If you have run out of books to read then you can download free ebooks from renfrewshire Libraries online (if you are a member). Also, you can dowload free ebooks from Oxford Owl. If you are not sure which book band to select, then look at your reading book from your original homework packs, that will give you a good starting point.



Brain Break


Choose your starter activity. The answers will be posted later.

Money, Money, Money!

This week we will focus on money. Can you remember all the different coins up to £2? What notes do we use? Click on the links below to refresh your memory, you can print these if you have a printer. Remember in Scotland we use British coins and notes as well as Scottish notes.

Coins and Notes Word Mat



  1. See if you have any coins at home. Can you put the coins in order from the smallest value to the largest value?
  2. Do some coin rubbings. Place some paper on top of your coins and use a crayon to colour the paper on top of the coin.
  3. Where do you think we get money from? Is it free or do we have to earn it? What do we use money for? Make a list.
  4. Play some money games https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game
  5. Remember you can also log into Sumdog.com

Lunch Time! Remember to wash your hands especially after touching coins.

Punctuation with Mrs Rossi. Monday 18th May.

Capital Letters and Full Stops.

Copy these sentences in to your jotter. Put a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end of the sentence.

Also put a capital letter for days of the week and months.

Take care with your handwriting.

  1. on sunday we will go to the beach
  2. this month is may
  3. tom and jack are playing in the sand
  4. next wednesday we are going to bake a cake
  5. my friend is coming to play on saturday
  6. i like to see the sea splashing on to the sand

Friday Afternoon 15.5.20



Inherited characteristics are characteristics which we get from our parents and/or grandparents. They are aspects of our bodies or our abilities which are passed down through the generations. Some baby animals look like their parents when they are born and some do not until they are older. We inherit characteristics from our families such as eye colour, hair colour and even blood group.  Have a look at video below and then click on the animal quiz link!


 Raisins and Lemonade Demonstration

  1. Carefully unscrew the lid of a bottle of lemonade and take it off. Pour the lemonade into a tall glass , until the glass is about 3/4 full. (You can even stir a couple of drops of food dye into the lemonade if you wish)
  2. Write down what you think will happen if we add raisins into the lemonade.
  3. Now drop some raisins into the lemonade, then watch to see what happens! The raisins will sink to the bottom, then start to float to the surface.
  4. Keep watching the raisins. When they float, they will stay there and then sink down to the bottom again. The raisins will keep bobbing up and down for a couple of hours. Write up and draw your results.

What’s happening?

Fizzy drinks are full of tiny bubbles of gas called carbon dioxide. The bubbles are light so will float up to the surface. When you drop raisins into the lemonade, lots of bubbles stick to them and carry them to the surface. When these bubbles burst, the raisins will sink down again and start to collect more bubbles, before bobbing up again!




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