Number Time


  1. Revise counting, reading and writing numbers! Watch the clip below to help you.

2.  Choose which worksheet to complete. If you found it easy then try another one.

If you are feeling extra brave, then try this one! Just remember your place value (hundreds, tens and units)


Break Time!

Usually at this point in the morning you would get your 15 mins of playtime! Go and have a snack, toilet break and play before Maths time 🙂




  1. Revise your tricky sight words by watching the videos below 🙂
  2. Pick a book you have at home and read it with someone. If you don’t have any books then click this link to read an online story –
  3. Once you have read your story. Draw a character from your story in your jotter.
  4. Write your character’s name beside your drawing.
  5. Write 3 adjectives to describe your character.
  6. Can you make a friend for the character? Use your imagination and draw a new character, remember to give them a name too!


Spelling and Sound of the Week

Before the holidays we looked at a_e with magic ‘e’. We will continue with a_e and also look at ay which makes the same sound! We will be revising our tricky words this term.

a_e and ay have the same sound but there is a difference:

With magic ‘e’ you can hear the long ‘a’ sound but at the end of the word you hear the second last letter because the ‘e’ is silent e.g. cake, game, lake

However, with ‘ay‘ you do hear the long ‘a’ sound at the end e.g. day, play, tray

Now you know lots of way to spell with the long ‘a’ sound (remember your learned ‘ai‘ in Primary 1 too)

Have a look at these videos: 


  1. In your jotters, can you try to write ‘ay’ in your best handwriting 5 times.
  2. Think of some ‘ay’ and ‘a_e’ words and pick 4 words to write and draw them them in your jotter or on paper.
  3. Now try to write a sentence for each word, remember to use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end.
  4. Can you make a silly rhyme using ‘ay’ or ‘a_e’  words? e.g. It was a bright and sunny day, in the Month of May, is the best time to go out and play! Did you spot the rhyming words?

There will be no spelling tests but if you would still like homework words to learn and want to do your own spelling test at the end of the week then here is a word list. You can add more words onto it:

Easter Message from your Teachers!

Hi Primary 2!  Well we have made to another week of home learning. We know it’s been difficult these past couple of weeks but Miss Rai, Mrs Chesire and Mr White would like to say how proud they are of you all! We appreciate you checking the blog and working hard at home. We miss you all so much!

We hope you all have a very relaxing time during the Easter break. This is the time to learn some new skills whether it’s riding a bike, learning to cook or make something. Spend time with your family,  and enjoy it. Remember to keep reading too! Make a written or video diary of your time and keep it safe for years to come so you can look back at it, create memories!  Here are some ideas to keep you busy during the holidays if you get bored.

Happy Easter when it comes!

Love Miss Rai, Mrs Cheshire and Mr White

Get everyone in your house to write some tasks. It doesn’t have to be on lollipop sticks, use paper. Whenever someone says they are bored they have to pick a task!

Easter Chocolate Fudge

Here is a recipe you can try with your family during the Spring break. If you do not have a slow cooker then get an adult to help you use a microwave or use a pan (need adult help!).

Sum Dog

If you feeling bored and don’t know what to do……..log into SumDog and compete against your friends in your class.

Remember your log in is in your home learning jotter.

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