Easter Colouring Competition

Happy Easter!

The Salvation Army invited the whole school to take part in a colouring competition. Have a look below at some of our amazing colouring!



Homework w/b Monday 22nd March

Maths Homework


Due to COVID-19 your child can access their reading books online using their Collins ebook site logins which have been sent via text from the office. 

Children will begin to be given a selection of books to choose from and this will be updated every few weeks. 

We recommend children select one book each week. The book can be read throughout the week to build fluency and confidence. One or two follow up tasks written at the back of the book can be completed. Below is an example of what these follow up tasks may look like.

Please read with your child and encourage them to use these reading strategies below to help them.


Group 1 are continuing our sound i_e (magic e). Group 2 are looking at gr_ blends. Our tricky words this week are ‘words’ and ‘but’.

Copy your spelling words into your jotter. Use the ‘Look, say, cover, write and check’ method. Write two sentences using one of your spelling words and one of your tricky words! As a challenge try to use two of your spelling words and a tricky word in a sentence.

Group 1

  • smile
  • five
  • wife
  • hide
  • line
  • words
  • but

Group 2

  • grin
  • Gran
  • grab
  • grass
  • words
  • but

Story time

Homework 15 March 2021

Spelling Homework: Our sound is i_e (magic e). Group 2 are looking at st_ blends. Our tricky words this week are ‘by‘ and ‘had

Watch the video below and then copy your spelling words into your jotter. Use the ‘Look, say, cover, write and check’ method. Choose 3 words to write 3 of your own sentences. 


Digital reading books have been issued to your child. You may have received a text about Big Cat Collins login to access this a few weeks ago.


If you cannot access this please let us know or here is a story for you to read on the blog:

Can you draw your pirate character! Use adjectives to label your character!



Hot and Cold Topic 🐧

This week as part of our Hot and Cold Topic P2 were note-taking scientists learning all about penguins. We worked in groups to create informative and eye-catching posters all about this cute Antarctic bird…

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