Monday 25 January

Check in below if you haven’t done so already.


This week our spelling sound  is the friendly letters ‘ff‘. Group 2 will also look at words ending in ‘ad‘. Our tricky words this week are his and they.


Group 1 words                                  Group 2 words

  • off                                                               bad
  • puff                                                            sad
  • cliff                                                            had
  • sniff                                                          mad
  • fluff                                                           his
  • his                                                              they
  • they

Instead of letter stamps, use magnetic letters, pasta, playdough or paint! Cool words could be like bubble writing!

Countdown Challenge! 

Look at the big letters below. Use the letters you see to make some words! How many words can you make?


Place Value

Task 1: Choose a  chilli challenge worksheet to complete the number sentences into your jotter. Answers are at the bottom after Robert Burns Section.

2. Click on the image below to play. Start with the purple level and then try the blue level and green level.

Burns Night


Watch and listen to the video below about Burns Night. what have you learned? Tell an adult. 

Art: Let’s draw Rabbie Burns!

Baking Easy Peasy Shortbread!

Maths Answers

Mild (going across the way): 15, 19, 14, 12, 16, 11, 18, 13, 17

Hot (going across the way): 15, 49, 26, 27, 34, 43, 18, 52

Flamin’ Hot :

  1. 64
  2. 32
  3. 48
  4. 15
  5. 71
  6. 93
  7. 26
  8. 50


Friday 22nd January – The Two Farmers

Happy Friday Everyone.

Reverend Murning is really missing being with us in school. He has sent a lovely story for us to listen to today about being ourselves.  There are no religious references in the story or discussion.

He hopes you enjoy it.

Friday 22nd January

Good morning everyone! 

Feel free to leave a comment on this post saying hello to me and your classmates. Remember if you want to send pictures of your work you can email them to Mrs Wishart:


Today’s Learning:

Maths: We are learning to understand place value for numbers above 50.

  • I can recognise ten rods and unit cubes.
  • I can break a number down into tens and units.

Literacy: We are learning about adjectives.

  • I can explain what an adjective is.
  • I can choose my own adjective to describe a picture.

Maths time!

In maths we have been learning about place value. Watch this video to help you remember what tens and units are.


This video explains our warm up maths activity of the day.

Here is the activity which was shown in the video above. You don’t have to print it out, instead you can write 1-6 in a jotter/piece of paper and write your answers.



Now we are going to look at place value for numbers over 50…

Here is the chilli task- what two numbers did you write down?


Watch this video for an end of the week spelling quiz! This week both groups were looking at words with ‘-ar’ in them. Get your pencil and paper ready…


In literacy we are learning something new today. Watch this video to find out more about adjectives!

Task: Click on ‘adjective worksheet’ below to access the activity. Once you have chosen your answers, scroll down and click ‘Finish’ then ‘Check my answers’ to get them checked.

adjective worksheet

Health and Wellbeing

Being healthy is really important. What does it mean to be healthy? Watch this video to find out more.

After all that work it is time to get up and get dancing!

Here is Mrs Mackey with a microscope guessing challenge!


Well done everyone! Bye for now! 


Maths answers…no peeking until you have written your answers down!


PAThS 21st January

Hello Everyone.

Today in PAThS we are thinking about ways that we can calm ourselves down.  It is okay to get angry or worked up sometimes.  Everyone does!  What is important is that we deal with those emotions properly.

This is the follow-up activities that you can do.



P.E. Tuesday 19th January

Hi everyone.

I have attached a fitness video that you can join in with. It is really important to keep active. This helps to keep our body and our minds healthy.

You could send me a photo of you taking part.

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