Good morning Primary 2! We hope you had a good weekend. Not long until Christmas now! Here are your homework tasks below:
Group 1 Group 2
- out hot
- found mop
- sound bog
- shout on
- cloud
- on
- are
Remember to Look at the word, say it, cover it, write it and then check it. Do this two or three times.
Challenge: Can you choose 2 of your spelling words to write 2 sentences? Remember to use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end of your sentence.
Reading: Read along and answer the questions
- What was stuck in the tree?
- What did the princess have for dinner?
- What was the princess trying to reach in the fridge?
- Why did the princess ask for lots of scoops of mash?
- Would you like to be tall? why?
- Draw and write a list of things you would do if you were tall!