Category Archives: Mini Eco

Eco Committee 2022-2023

Our Citizenship Committee  groups meet regularly with members of staff to identify areas of school improvement that they could lead.

This year our Eco Committee staff lead is Mrs Smith.

The committee are working towards our 6th Green Flag Award. They are responsible for sharing news about our school’s Eco-Schools work with the whole school and wider community.


February 2018

Today at our Mini-Eco  Meeting we were learning about polar bears because it is International Polar Bear day on February 27th. Every year, this global event draws attention to the challenges polar bears face in a warming Arctic – and how we each can help.

The Mini-Eco Group had a very interesting discussion on why the leaves had changed their colour and fallen to the ground. We decided it would be a great idea to clear up some of the fallen leaves in the playground. This may prevent some of our drains from flooding and stop people slipping on them.