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P5H Homework and Reminders – w/b 14.11.16

Good afternoon, I hope you have had a lovely weekend so far and are ready for another busy week. Please keep reading for your homework and reminders.

Spelling: Please complete list able or silent k in your spelling homework jotter for Thursday. You should complete a new task of your choice from the spelling homework activity grid you were given. If there are any you are unsure of please let me know in class and I will go over them with you. Please remember to complete a different spelling activity from this grid each week.

Book Detectives:

Please remember your Book Detectives homework is due for Tuesday 15th.  If you are unsure of what your homework is you can find it here:

Book Detectives Homework


Personal Reading Challenge:  Your reading challenge will continue until the end of term. You should read at least 4 books by Tuesday 20th December.  Remember to record the books you have been reading in you Reading Passport.

Remember you can bring a book from home into school each day and you can read it during our ERIC sessions. This will help you get through your book quicker.

Maths:  This week I have posted another set of worded problems on your maths homework blog.  Please complete these in  your maths homework jotter. As always, please read each question carefully. You should ensure you are showing workings AND giving a sentence answer. This homework is due for Thursday.

Both group 1 and group 2 can find their maths homework here:

Group 1 Maths Homework

Group 2 Maths Homework

Please also remember to continue to practise your times tables. We will be moving onto the topic of multiplication and division very soon and it is very important that you can recall your multiplication facts quickly and accurately.

Here are your reminders for this week.

  1. P. E. is on Tuesday and Thursday.  As both our P.E. sessions are particularly energetic please ensure you have a full kit to change into particularly on Thursday as our P.E. session is in the morning: shorts, trainers and a change of top. Girls, please remember to bring socks if you are wearing tights. Also please remember to have a full water bottle with you.
  2. If you have not already done so please remember to return your walking consent form.
  3. A number of you have still not covered your homework jotters. Please try to have this done as soon as possible with your name and type of homework clearly marked on the front.
  4. The Travel Champions poster competition closes on Wednesday.

Enjoy what’s left of the weekend.

See you all on Monday.

Mrs Hughes

P7M Homework – Monday 14th November

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible. Try not to get stressed or upset about homework – it really isn’t worth it! Ask your parent/carer to write a note if you are unable to  attempt any task. Thank you.


  • Reading – Please see below for the pages you have to read. We will no longer be completing any Book Detectives jobs at home. The only reading homework you have, is to read!
    • Blue: Split! – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Orange: Deadly, Animal Heroes, Extreme Fear or Trapped! – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Purple: Own choice of novel – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Red: Fun or Fear? or Fun with Food – Whole book by Monday 14th
    • Yellow: Me and My Newt – Whole book by Monday 14th
    • Green: Secret and Lies – Whole book by Monday 21st
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.
  • Spelling – Unit/List 5 – Please complete Unit/List 4 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 18th November. Please practise your spelling words on Spelling City (not compulsory).
  • Solo Talk – plan and prepare a 2-3 minute talk on a subject of your choice for Tuesday 22nd November. Click here for the criteria and hints and tips.



  • P.E. Monday  and Thursday 9-10am – Please wear your P.E. kit to school and then change into your uniform.
  • We are still looking for one adult/parent helper to accompany us on a visit to the library on Friday 18th November from 11.00-12.00. Please write a note in your child’s diary to let me know if you can help. Thank you in advance.
  • If you have not returned your Walking Consent form, you must do so before our visit to the library on Friday 18th  or you will not be able to join us and your buddies.
  • Would you like to design a flyer for the Christmas Fair with the chance of winning 2 cinema vouchers? If so, please visit this link:

Remember if you need a paper copy of any of the homework tasks, please ask.

P3H – Juggling Balls COMPLETED!

This week P3H finished their juggling balls craft and design project – hurray! They have all worked extremely hard through each stage of this project and the finished products look excellent.

The class then took some time to evaluate their juggling balls and the whole design process. They thought about WWW (What Went Well) and how it could be EBI (Even Better If). This allowed them to identify the strengths and potential next steps when designing and creating.

Well done P3H!

Miss Burnett

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P4 trip to Dynamic Earth

We had a great day yesterday at Dynamic Earth 🌏. Unfortunately we missed our polar regions workshop however we still got to see lots of interesting things relating to the Arctic . We learnt about the tundra in the Arctic and enjoyed being passengers on a flight ✈️around the world during a 4D cinema experience. We also found out lots of information about the polar regions and got to touch an iceberg! ❄️ To top off our day we visited the 360degree show dome to watch a short film called We Are Stars ⭐️  where we learnt about what we are made of and where it all came from. We certainly had a busy day 😀 Sorry we were late home!

P7 – Diversity of Christianity task

You have already had time to read the information from the Fact Sheets and some of you have watched short videos about the denomination of Christianity you have to research. Please use the weblinks below to further research your denomination.


Church of Scotland video


Roman Catholic video video video



Baptist video


Episcopal video video





Free Church video video


Methodists   (only photos of the church so watch a wee bit or skip through it)  (computerised voice but some useful information)


P5S – Book Detectives Homework due 17.11.16

Image result for reading books cartoon

As discussed in class, you will read a set amount of pages per week. Please see below for the pages to be read by each group this week.

Green:  Sing for Supper – Please read chapters 1 – 2: pages 3-31 inclusive.

Yellow:    The Personality Potion– Please read chapters 1-3: pages 3-28 inclusive.

Red:   Kid Wonder and the Terrible Truth – Please read chapters 1-3: pages 3-24 inclusive

Blue:   Call 999 – Please read chapters 1-3: pages 3-28 inclusive.

Once you have completed the reading each week you should then complete two segments using the information from the chapters read: Question Master and Illustrator.  A short section from the book should also be chosen to read aloud to your group members.

We have gone over the types of questions you should be coming up with this week: evaluative. These questions are your thoughts and opinions on what you have read, eg. Why do you think Sonia’s dad did not want to be entered into the cake competition?  Please come up with 5 questions which can be shared with your group members during our next session. You must also have detailed answers for each of your questions. Please remember your answers should be written in full sentences.

You should also completed a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included. This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter.

Please remember that you will be unable to participate in our class lesson if you do not complete this task.

Turtle Logo

P3/2 started their new technologies topic today using Turtle Logo to create basic algorithms. We used 2 different websites to create our code and learned about the following commands in Turtle Logo:

  • fd 100 – move forward 100 spaces
  • rt 90 – turn right
  • lt 90 – turn left
  • cs – clear screen

We use the commands to create an algorithm to draw a square and a rectangle with our Turtle. At the end of the lesson we had a quick look at the Angry Birds Code Studio website. This uses similar commands to make the Angry Bird catch the pig.

Click on the pictures below to access the sites and let me know how you get on!

Miss Burnett



This is the Angry Birds coding website.

Scratch Link

Today in technologies we started to learn about Scratch. This is a free piece of software to help you learn about coding.

Click on the picture below to visit the Scratch website. You can download the software, or create an account and use it online. It is totally free!


Miss Burnett


P5H Book Detective Homework – w/b 7.11.16

Good evening, as predicted the snow has arrived!

Here is you Book Detectives homework for this week.

Blue:  Billy’s Luck – Please read from chapter 3 to the end of your book.

Yellow:  Dads Win Prizes – Please read from chapter 5 to the end of your book.

Red:  Pet Squad – Please read from chapter 6 to the end of your book.

Green:  Antarctic Adventure – Please read from chapter 4 to the end of your book.

Once you have completed your reading you should complete your  two segments using the information from the chapters you have read.

Question Master:

Please write out 5 literal questions which can be shared with your group members during our next session on Tuesday. Remember with literal questions the answer is right there in the text. You must also have detailed, sentence answers for each of your questions.


Please complete a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included.

Remember to choose a short section/paragraph from the book to read aloud to your group members. You should briefly record why you have chosen this section/paragraph.

This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter for Tuesday 15th November.

Please remember if you do not complete this task you will be unable to participate in our class lesson and it will be recorded as incomplete homework.

I will see you all in class  after break tomorrow.

Mrs Hughes

P5S – Brazil – A Day in the Life of …….

Image result for brazil flag

Last week for homework you were to keep a diary of a typical day: what time you got up, when you left for school, our school day, what time you go to bed. All this was so you could compare your life to that of a child from Brazil.

Today we looked at the life of Valentina from Bela Vista. Using information shared on Glow, each of you had to look at the similarities and differences between your lives. You took lots and lots of notes about Valentina’s life and used this to complete a venn diagram. Thank you to Lewis, our Digital Leader, for showing everyone how to access the information.

On one side you shared your information about your life and on the other Valentina’s. How wonderful do the completed diagrams look on your wall space? Please show your work to someone at home. Tell them some of the information you learned about Brazilian life. Are there any similarities or differences?

P7M – Can You Beat the System?

This afternoon, we took the role of farmers, traders and company employees in a fictional country of Centralia. We all started off with different amounts of equipment, resources and money and had to ‘grow and harvest’ maize and coffee. This was to highlight the difficulties people have in developing countries. During the growing seasons we were allowed to grow, harvest and trade our crops but we always had to have enough food at the end of the season to feed ourselves. The extra money we made was spent on health care and education for our families.

The seasons were often interrupted with news reports that affected each group in different ways. The farmers were devastated when they experienced land grabs in which land they had been using for growing food was sold over their heads to the companies. Price rises in food caused all of the groups problems but affected the poor farmers the most. The Global Market also reduced the buying price of bagged coffee and harvested corn. Drought caused by climate change meant that 50% of everyone’s corn crop was damaged and taken off them, which meant they couldn’t sell as much and sometimes left them with no food to eat. Everyone was frantically trying to grow, harvest and trade during the seasons which meant their was quite a buzz about the classroom!

However, news reports also brought good news for farmers. The Companies realised that farmers were vital to the world trade business so they made investment in them by giving them extra resources (scissors, pens, bags and labels for coffee). The farmers were over the moon! The final piece of good news for farmers was that the Government closed the loop tax holes which meant that the companies had to pay the correct tax and this allowed the Government to pay farmers back for their hard work.

Despite two groups of farmers joining together to form a co-operative, the group that had the most money were the company employees. We had a lot of fun, made a lot of noise (sometimes sounding like a real Stock Exchange) and hopefully learnt some important lessons about the world of farming, particularly in developing countries.

P4 Dynamic Earth Trip 10.11.16

Hi there,

Some of the children have been asking if they are allowed to bring money to Dynmaic Earth.  There is a gift shop on site and children are allowed to bring some spending money on the day if they wish.  A maximum of £5 is advised.  Many items are available for £1 or £2.  Please remember it is your child’s responsibilty to take care of their own money on the day. Timings are very tight and although we will try our best to get to the shop there is a chance that this may not be possible.

The bus leaves at 9.10am on Thursday and we would therefore ask that children are in the playground sharp if possible. We will bring the children in just before 9.

Please remember that school uniform has to be worn on the day and if your child suffers from travel sickness please ensure they have had the correct medication before coming to school.


Mrs McKay & Miss Altman


Here are the questions and answers we have been practising in our German lessons.

Wie heißt du?    Ich heiße …….

Wie geht’s?       Prima…….. sehr gut……
                                 gut …….. nicht so gut……..schlecht
Wie alt bist du?  Ich bin ….. Jahre alt.
Wo wohnst du?  Ich wohne in ……
You can use these websites to practise numbers or colours.

P4a Homework 7.11.16

Hello everyone,  here is your homework for this week – please remember to keep practising your 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables so that you remember them.

Talk Homework – We will be writing letters on Tuesday 8th November in class. Think about a friendly letter or ask someone if they have one that you can see. If you where writing a letter to a friend, who would you write to? what would you write? would you ask any questions?


Twirls – Will be issued to each group on Tuesday.

Crunchies – P1-6 for Wednesday and P7-12 Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)

Buttons – P1-5 Tuesday,  P6-10  for Wednesday and P11-15 for Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)


Blue group ‘ei’

sleigh, neigh, weight, eighteen, reindeer , neighbour, new and after.

Red group ‘ei’

vein, veil, eight, weigh, eighty, sleigh, how and going.

Green group ‘ee’

see, bee, feet, sweet, seem, three, into and back.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

This week in maths we will be looking at rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 and revising our times tables.

This website has a selection of times tables games for you to choose from –