Our Digital Journey

Our Digital Journey

As a whole school community, we aim to embrace a ‘culture of technology’ by embedding the necessary skills pupils will need both now and in the future into our daily practise. Young people require considerable Digital knowledge, skills and awareness to support them in their everyday life both in the present and in the future.

Aberuthven Primary School sets out to provide opportunities for pupils to become knowledgeable about the nature of information; safe use of new technology; and the ability to unlock its potential and use the benefits to enhance their learning in other curricular areas where appropriate.

 Our Aims

  • To encourage, assist and support all members of our school community in feeling confident about their ability in use of Digital technology.
  • To develop Digital skills through explicit teaching of core skills and demonstrating how skills can then be applied to support learning in other areas.
  • To stimulate and promote the use of Digital technology in order to support, enhance and extend learning opportunities.
  • To develop an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of Digital technology and the possible implications and consequences of its use.
  • To ensure children have equal opportunity of access to Digital equipment in School.
  • To promote a variety of digital communication tools to enable information to be shared with Parents and others within our school community.

For further information on our approach to Digital Learning, please view our school policy which is also available on our website:

Our School Policies

Digital Schools Award

Following our school accreditation visit on Tuesday 15th November 2022, I am delighted to shared that we have been awarded a Digital Schools Scotland Award.


Please click here to read a copy of our award letter and our validation report.


We are so very proud of this achievement and of the hard work and enthusiasm for digital learning from every member of our school community.

Respect and opportunities for all

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