Languages Week

Languages Week

      18th November 2019 – 22nd November 2019 

We had a great time exploring a variety of different Languages this week. Some of our pupils have put together an extra Newsletter to share with you some of the learning which took place over the course of our Languages celebration week.

Day 1 –

On Monday we took part in a Mandarin lesson with Mrs Connolly. We learned how to count to 10 in Mandarin and then we made little booklets with the numbers all the way to 10 written Mandarin.

By Lucy B

Day 2 –

On Wednesday we were visited by Jo from ‘Kidslingo’. We learned how to say ‘hello’ and ‘how are you’ in Spanish. We sang some songs and coloured in the Spanish flag.

By Oliver, Danny and Calvin

Day 3 –

On Wednesday we learned some more Makaton with Miss Halkett. We learned how to say fruit, fish, eating, potatoes, cheese, pizza and some other foods. We learned how to sign the alphabet and we watched Mr Tumble sign types of fruit. We were given words by Miss Halket and we had to translate them into Makaton.

By Lucy E and Lucy B

Day 4-

On Thursday we learned some Scots words with Mrs Tyrrell. We read ‘Room on the Broom’ in English and then in Scots. Pupils acted out the characters in the story; a witch, a cat, a dog, a frog and a bird. We played a scots quiz guessing what some scots words meant and we sang ‘Auld Lang Syne’.

By Izabella & Lucy E

Day 5 –

On Friday, Mrs Savage from CSoA Language Department came to visit us and taught us some Spanish. We learned how to say the months of the year, we sang a song about the months of the year and then played a game of Bingo.

By Izabella


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