Term One Highlights

This is pupil post number 3, telling us about a few recent highlights at school.

We have done a lot of fun and crazy things at Papay school but these are some of the best bits.

Let’s talk about the Papay pirates, it all started when we read a book about dodos on an adventure, so we decided to start our own adventure…. We came up with an idea where we have to leave Papay on a boat as Papay is now infested with stoats. We go on our own adventure and get into wild and weird things.

Let’s talk about Halloween day. On the first day we learned about the history of Halloween and about Samhain which was really interesting. The next day we came in with Halloween costumes and had a really fun day with a Halloween lunch.

We had a lot of fun last term looking after our ducks and ducklings. It was a surprise one Saturday morning when we saw some ducklings in the school field. Our duck Mossy had been sitting on eggs! At school we looked properly and learned about them. We named one Tiddles and another Kizmet. The nickname for Kizmet was blue Wetfoot. Once they were almost fully grown most of the ducklings were moved to one of our houses to live.