A Papay School 2020 Review

A Papay School Review of 2020

The class have worked together to write this review of our 2020. We may keep adding to it later in the week.


In January Mr Hill arrived here as our new head teacher. We read the Wild Robot and the wild Robot Escapes. They were good books and I enjoyed them. We studied different habitats and I did deserts. We made posters about our habitat. 


It was March when we went into lockdown. It was strange at first as we had to log onto teams and start with online school which was really weird. We got used to it after a while and got into the flow and routine and did most lessons that we would usually do like music, art and we could do P.E. We had a video call every day where we would read a chapter of the book “The Wild Robot” and the next one “The Wild Robot Escapes.” After that we would get a message on teams of what we were doing and did what we had to do for the day.

We started school at home because it was lockdown. Every day we had a video call to Mr  Hill. He would send a list of what we need to do. Then I would do it at home with mum and dad then send in a photo on seesaw.

In lockdown I had to learn at home. We did some maths and reading. Mr Hill read a book on the video. Some of the things we did outside were science experiments and scavenger hunts


At the end of the term, one of the Papay pupils moved to Westray Junior High so we had a goodbye meeting on zoom so we can see each other. Mr Hill made a video where we all said goodbye. Then it was the summer holidays. Teams was a  great success (except from one day when one of us was kicking people out and muting them which got on most people’s nerves) Apart from that it was great!


In August when we got back to school we painted the boat in the playground. Mossy duck had ducklings and we had to feed them or they would die. When they were bigger I took some home. 

We planted lots of vegetables including salad, curly Kale, chives, spinach and chard. Jane put some of the kale in our school soup. We pulled lots of carrots to help the Market Garden. 


We made a movie called NIGHT AT THE SCHOOL . In the movie Mr Ross and Mrs Cursiter go home and we stay at school. We make a big mess but we have lots of fun at school. At the end Alfie tells us that we have to go to bed. Then in the morning we pack everything away. Then Mr Ross come in the door and we sit down to work.