It is super to see people out and about on their bikes during lockdown, getting their daily exercise.

We are hoping to encourage people to carry on cycling and we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to learn Bikeabiliy skills even though they are not at school.

Before we do anything on a bike, we need to get ready to cycle.

TASK 1 – bike size, helmet and clothing:

TASK 2 – bike check:

TASK 2 – pupil video of an M check

An M Check Video

Some pupils have done an excellent job of the tasks so far and we are going to have a few people who manage to pass their Bikeability levels during lockdown.  That’s really awesome!


Our Junior Road Safety Officers are not sitting at home resting from their duties, oh no!  They have continued to be active and have been creating animations to raise awareness of safety measures for people out and about.

You can see what they have been up to by looking at the first of a few animations being produced for your information:

Out and About – Walking


by Calvin

Out and About – Shopping

by Scarlett

The new P6 JRSO group are have also just started their duties.  They are busy working on ‘Return to School’ activities which you will see on the transition page.

Our school magazine group also wrote an article about the role of the JRSOs at Firth Primary.  As we didn’t have time to complete the magazine before lockdown, you can view the page here too:

Magazine Group – JRSO Article

Keep in touch to see some more amazing animations and important safety information.