Elementary Menu - North Kitsap School District

Free School Meals are provided for children in P1-P5

The cost of a school meal for children in P6 and P7 will be provided at the beginning of each session.  There are different option of how you can pay for the meals.

There is a wide selection of choices available for lunch every day including, hot dinner, sandwiches, soup and baked tatties.  The menu will be sent to you via email every term.

School dinners are ordered online using a unique link that is sent weekly in advance by email. If no selection is made children will be provided with a hot main meal and dessert.

Payments can be paid by cash, cheque or you can purchase a book of 10 dinner tickets online using the following link:

Make a school meal ticket payment – MyOrkney (

Orkney Islands Council provides assistance with free school meals and clothing allowances to families on a low income who meet the eligibility criteria. To be awarded this assistance, proof must be provided that you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit.

The current clothing allowance is £120.00 per eligible primary child and £150.00 per eligible secondary child. This is paid once per year, normally between August and 31st March, depending on when you submit your application.

Header and background photos by Thorfinn and Freya

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