Learning Improvement Plan


Our Main Priorities for Improvement this Year:


  • We are establishing a Writing Progression which is supported by high quality resources and delivered in an active learning environment.
  • We are introducing Sounds Write which is a resource and training for P1/2 teachers.
  • We are introducing Talk for Writing resources for the whole school.
  • We are developing a bank of resources to support creative and innovative writing experiences inside and out.
  • We are developing a bank of resources to support people who need a little bit of extra help with literacy.
  • We are creating learning spaces which help to include everyone and for everyone to be able to think and work independently.
  • We are working on how teachers and pupils plan for writing across the school.
  • We are working with other schools to help support the judgements of teachers when assessing writing.


  • We are establishing a Listening and Talking Progression which is supported by high quality resources and delivered in an active learning environment.
  • We are introducing Sounds Write which is a resource and training programme for P1/2 teachers.
  • We are developing a bank of resources to support creative and innovative listening and talking experiences inside and out.
  • We are working on how teachers and pupils plan for listening and talking across the school.
  • We are introducing whole school Listening and Talking lessons
  • We are working with other schools to help support the assessment of listening and talking.
  • We have our PT training as a QAMSO to support high quality moderation in Listening and Talking.
  • We have our P4/5 teacher and our P6/7 teacher taking part in the LA Listening and Talking project.

Writing and Listening &Talking are our two main priorities for learning improvement. 

Our overarching vision is for these improvements to take place in an inclusive school which has great learning spaces and a positive ethos and culture.

Header and background photos by Thorfinn and Freya

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