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Firth Primary and Nursery School |
School Staff |
Head Teacher |
Emma Jane Rendall |
Principal Teacher |
Christina Allnutt |
P7 Class Teacher |
Lucy Clements |
P5/6 Class Teacher |
Kirstin Swanney |
P1-4 Principal Teacher |
Christina Allnutt |
P1-4 PT Management Cover (Wednesday fortnightly) |
Jenny Rosie |
P1-4 Class Teacher (Monday – Tuesday) |
Emma Drever |
P1-4 Class Teacher (Wednesday – Friday) |
Emma Moodie |
Educational Psychologist |
Imogen Kerr |
Support for Learning Teacher |
Kelly Wilson |
Support for Learning Assistant |
Shona Clouston |
Support for Learning Assistant |
April Copeland |
Nursery Staff |
Senior Early Years Practitioner |
Erica Drever |
Lead Early Years Practitioner |
Kayleigh Harcus |
Early Years Practitioner |
Chloe Flett |
Early Years Practitioner |
Emily Dennison |
Early Years Practitioner |
Molly Atkinson |
Itinerant Staff |
Art |
Kirsteen Murray |
Physical Education (PE) |
Diane Currie |
Music |
Matthew Mellor |
Choir (YMI) |
Matthew Mellor |
Violin/Viola |
Lynn Procter |
Cello/Bass |
Lilian Kelly |
Brass |
Russ Murray |
Woodwind |
Russ Murray |
School Assistants |
Clerical Assistant and Auxiliary |
Rachael Brammah |
Janitor |
Bruce Moar |
Kitchen Staff |
Head Cook |
Jenna Stevenson |
Kitchen Assistant |
Fiona Pirie |
Kitchen Assistant |
Karen Sinclair |
Cleaning Staff |
Cleaner |
Jean Cunningham |
Cleaner |
Nicole Harper |
Header and background photos by Thorfinn and Freya