All posts by Mrs Rendall

Let’s Talk Money – Scottish Welfare Fund

Are you, like so many others, struggling to manage financially?

You are not alone, and we have a small, but committed team at the Council who are here to try and help with financial support and advice.

If you’re on a low income, or getting certain benefits, assistance could be available from the Scottish Welfare Fund.

Under the Fund, two types of grant are available – Crisis Grants (one-off payments) and Community Care Grants (helping people leaving care to live on their own, or to stay in their own home or to help folk facing exceptional pressures and needing essential household items).

Further information is available on

If you wish to discuss if you are eligible for help via the Scottish Welfare Fund contact Orkney Islands Council on 01856 886312 or email

To find out more about our Let’s Talk Money scheme head here:

Best Start Grant – School Age Payment

We have changed the way that we deliver Best Start Grant School Age Payment

Three young children playing outdoors

Eligible families now receive payment automatically

Best Start Grant School Age Payment will be paid from Thursday 1 June 2023.

Parents, carers and guardians who get Universal Credit, tax credits or other qualifying benefits and who have a child born between 1 March 2018 and 28 February 2019 are being urged to check whether they should apply for Best Start Grant School Age Payment or if they now get the payment automatically.

Nursery and P1 Registration Information

Nursery and P1 Registration Information

Early Learning and Childcare Logo

It’s that time of year where the Council’s Education team asks parents and carers to register their young children for nursery and P1, to help schools and nurseries plan for the school year ahead.

Registration takes place online between 9am on 23 February and Friday 1 March (closes at 5pm).

For Nursery Registration:

Children turning three between 1 March this year and 28 February 2025 can be registered for their first year of funded Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) in one of Orkney’s nurseries or with a partnership childminder – to start in the term following their third birthday. (If your child is three or four years old and currently attending their first year of ELC they will automatically be enrolled for their second year in their current setting – parents/carers do not need to complete a registration form unless they wish to change setting).

Online registration forms can be accepted after the registration period but please be aware that in some settings spaces may be oversubscribed.

In the Papdale catchment area there are two settings, Papdale and the Strynd. Glaitness is also available to Papdale catchment parents. When registering, parents will be asked to indicate their first choice, followed by their second and third in the event that their first choice is oversubscribed at the time of registering. Once registration opens, places are allocated in the order they are received.

You can find the online registration form, and information about each of the settings, at

If you have any queries or require any further information or assistance in completing registration forms, contact the head teacher or nursery manager at your local setting or the Early Years Service, on 01856 873535 or email .

For P1 Registration:

If your child is five years old on or between 1 March and the first day of the school term, Tuesday 20 August 2024, your child will start school this August.

If your child is five years old on or between Wednesday 21 August and the last day of February 2025, your child is eligible to start school on 20 August 2024 – however, you have the option to defer your child’s entry to school. (If you choose to defer, you should let your nursery know so your child can be enrolled for a further year – you won’t be required to complete a registration form). All children who are eligible to defer as above are entitled to an additional year of funded Early Learning and Childcare.

Parents and guardians who wish to enrol their child(ren) for Primary One should complete the online registration form at

If you have any queries or require any further information or assistance in completing registration forms, contact the head teacher at your local school or the Education Department, Education, Leisure & Housing on 01856 873535 or email .

School Inspection

Dear Parents and Carers

We have been notified today that HM Inspectors from Education Scotland will be visiting us to conduct an inspection during the week commencing 18th March 2024.  This will be an inspection of the nursery and primary.  You can find out more about inspections from the Inspection and Review documentation pages of Education Scotland’s website:

As part of the inspection, Inspectors gather the views of stakeholders via an online survey which is available by using the links below:

Firth Primary School

Firth Nursery

It would be really helpful if you were able to complete the survey.  Inspectors will also be meeting with groups of parents during the inspection, so to be part of that discussion you should complete the survey with additional links provided to indicate your interest in taking part.

You should complete the survey by the 8th of March for one child or for each of your children in attendance.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Kind Regards

Emma Jane Rendall

First Aid in Our Community

We are really lucky to have been supported by Cooke Aquaculture to buy a defib and a case for our school and community.

Cooke Aquaculture have created a post about their investment in us which can be found on their social media:

Cooke Aquaculture Scotland | Bellshill | Facebook

May be an image of 16 people, people studying and toy

Cooke in the Community | Orkney School Life-Saving Device and Training
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland realises the importance of defibrillators within local communities and we were happy to help the Firth Primary School purchase one of these life-saving devices.
We were thrilled to see the Orkney school was able to get a crash course in first aid, thanks to a member of the Kirkwall Fire Service.
Mark Rendall came along to administer the first aid training with the P4/5 classes, showing them how to use the defibrillator, amongst other important skills.
The school said that they were very grateful to Cooke for the contribution, which enabled them to purchase both the device and the case for outside the school building for the use of the whole community.
More about the Cooke Community Benefit Fund 👉

Dates in May


1st May May Day Holiday

1st – 5th May Instrumental Course

5th May Coronation Party

8th May Public Holiday

12th May Mini London Marathon

22nd May Firth Trashion Show

24th May RSPB P4/5 visit

26th May Orkney Folk Festival Performance

29th May Parent Engagement Assembly

30th May RSPB P3 visit

November Memories

Hello November!

What is happening this month at Firth Primary and Nursery!

We have booked Orkney Photographic to do school photos on the 1st of November.School Photos Tomorrow. - Enniskillen Royal Grammar SchoolClick the image to visit the website for ordering photos.

There is a theatre company visiting on the 2nd of November to share a performance with our P4-7 classes.

acting clipart - Clip Art Library

Care Inspectorate Consultation - Quality Framework for Care Homes - Scottish Care

We had a surprise visit to the nursery from the Care Inspectorate on the 2nd of November.

They have sent out a questionnaire for our nursery parents to complete and return.

Thank you to everyone who has managed to do that.  

The children were super and we got lots of praise for so many things.

We also got action points which we will share with you when they are published in a few weeks.

We will be going over some of the basic safety rules for children to make sure we all stay safe on November the 5th.

See the source image

We have a four legged visitor on Monday the 7th, Zoe is coming along to school to help us learn about keeping our community safe.

We have a Remembrance Service planned for the 11th of November.

See the source image

Parent Consultation Appointments will be booked online for a meeting in school on the 14th and 15th of November.Image result for parent teacher clipart

The children in the Kids Community Group have been planning and organising a fun day for the whole school on November the 18th.


The dress up theme is Spotacular but anything you fancy will do fine!

See the source image