April Bee Assembly

During the Easter Break we investigated our 4 hives. We need to do this when the temperature is warm, this is to protect the hive. It’s very common for hives to collapse and die off during winter.

3 of our hives look very strong – one is doing ok but has a shortage of bees. We are hoping the queen starts laying eggs and producing worker bees soon!

Our assembly this week was all about our Woodlands Honey Bees.

Click on the link to open an assembly PDF platform. It will let you access the videos and other links.

Article 24 – Children have the right to the best health care possible, clean water to drink, healthy food and a clean and safe environment to live in. All adults and children should have information about how to stay safe and healthy.

Global Goal 15 – Protecting Biodiversity and Natural Habitats.

Rights Respecting Assembly Article 29

This week’s Rights Respecting Assembly looks at Article 29. We examined the role of education and the goals it sets for young people. We looked at the Global Goals and the impact our young people can have when they participate in the discussions for the future.

Click on the image above to open the Virtual Assembly PDF and explore the Hyperlinks attached to each image.

Some great work returned from the boys and girls.



Achieving, Respected and Included.

Article 29 – You have the right to education which tries to develop your personality and abilities as much as possible and encourages you to respect other people’s rights and values and to respect the environment.

Rights Respecting Assembly Article 24 and 28

We did our first remote Rights Respecting assembly. The focus was on articles 24 and 28 – highlighting the importance of balance between the articles. Balance is important to ensure everyone is safe and healthy.

Click on the image above to open the Virtual Assembly PDF and explore the Hyperlinks attached to each image.

It was fantastic to view some of the children’s work.

Safe, Healthy and Achieving

Article 24 – You have a right to the best health possible and to medical care and to information that will help you to stay well.

Article 28 – You have the right to education

Vice-House Captain Presentations

Well done to our Primary 6 speakers for the role of Vice-House Captain. The speeches were very engaging and informative and we loved how your personalities came shining through. The votes will be counted tomorrow!

Active – Article 15: You have the right to choose your own friends and join or set up groups,as long as it isn’t harmful to others.


Walk a Mile for MacMillan

Well done to the boys and girls for walking a Mile for MacMillan today. It was great to see everyone taking part and the photos look fantastic!

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What a great day to take part for a fantastic cause.

Active: Article 17 – You have the right to get information that is suitable and beneficial for you from around the world through TV, radio, newspapers, social media and the internet.

House Captain Assembly

Today our fantastic House Captains participated in their first Digital Assembly.  They spoke about the role of a Vice-House Captain and what skills they were looking for a potential Vice-House Captain to have.

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We are planning on having the Vice-Captain speeches on the 1st October.

Responsible: Article 15  – You have the right to be with friends and join or set up clubs, unless this breaks the rights of others.

Our New Vice-House Captains

As its going to be a strange this year with our Covid 19 measures in place – we have decided to appoint two Vice-Captains for each house this year.

It was a very difficult decision with so many of our children impressing with their well thought out and presented speeches.

Well done to our newly elected Vice-House Captains.

Online Assembly – Article 7

Some fantastic work shared with us linked to the online RRS Article of the week.  Article 7 is about children having the right to a name, a nationality and to be cared for.

Here are two ‘Identity hands’. Children drew round their own hand and added in their own personal details. Such as their names, date of birth, nationality and people who care for them.

Great Job with this one. Mr Green loves the flag in the middle!

What a great idea. Using 3D illusion art for this task. The colours and the design are fantastic.

Nurture: Article 7 – You have the right to a name, and this should be officially recognised by the government. You have the right to a nationality.

We Can Do Good in the Neighbourhood!

A massive well done to one of our fabulous families. During their daily exercise they decided to help clean up the local area. Great community spirit and effort to keep our local area clean and tidy. We are very proud.

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Responsible: Article 24 – Children have the right to good quality healthcare (i.e. medicine, hospitals, health professionals). They have the right to clean water, nutritious food, a clean environment and health education so that they can stay healthy.


Fairtrade Review

Our Fairtrade group did a fantastic job during Fairtrade Fortnight. The children shared their opinions on what they enjoyed and would like to see us do differently next year.

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We also announced the winners of our Fairtrade cooking competition. Well done to primary 5.

Active: Article 29 – You have the right to education which tries to develop your personality and abilities as much as possible and encourages you to respect other people’s rights and values and to respect the environment.

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