The Adventures of Wendy and Rover!

Today boys and girls in P6/7 and P7 created our very first editions of our Rights Respecting Schools comic ‘The Adventures of Wendy and Woodlands!’

We are really excited about these comics and think they have the potential to be used in our local community to promote children’s rights. Please click here or check  them out below and enjoy!

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Meeting on 18.01.16

Today we had a meeting and discussed the following:

The Pupil Action Group revisited their role in the school. The PAG decided their role can be split into three sections. The PAG:

  1. Promote children’s rights within Woodlands and the community through assemblies and events
  2. Represent their peers and bring their thoughts and ideas to the PAG meetings
  3. Ensure the rights of all children in Woodlands are being promoted and respected

The Pupil Action Group have been approached by the Rights Respecting Committee at Balmalloch Primary who would like to work with them to help Balmalloch achieve their Level 2 award. The PAG are very excited about this and this meeting wil take place in Woodlands on Monday 15th February at 9.30am

Next Meeting: Thursday 11th February 2016 at 9.30am

For this next meeting children will think of a local business we could approach as a sponsor and what we could ask them for when sponsoring the use of the Kid Power bands.