Anti-Bullying Week Article 2, 12 and 19

This week’s assembly focuses on Anti-Bullying week. We looked at what bullying is and what we can do in certain situations to ‘bully proof’ our school.

Click on the image to access the assembly PDF.

Article 2 – Non-discrimination: The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background.

Article 12Respect for the views of the child: Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously. This right applies at all times, for example during immigration proceedings, housing decisions or the child’s day-to-day home life.

Article 19  Protection from violence, abuse and neglect: Governments must do all they can to ensure that children are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and bad treatment by their parents or anyone else who looks after them.

Remembrance Day Article 38

Today at assembly we looked at Remembrance Day and how it has impacted on the rights children have today.

Click on the assembly PDF document to see the assembly activities.

Article 38 – War and Armed Conflicts – Governments must not allow children under the age of 15 to take part in war or join the armed forces. Governments must do everything they can to protect and care for children affected by war and armed conflicts

The Impact of Poverty Article 26 and 27

Today we earned about the things we need to thrive and survive. We shared our opinions on what things are important to help us live a full and happy life.

Click on the assembly PDF to access the activities

Article 26 – Children have the right to help from the government if you are poor or in need.

Article 27 – Children have the right to food, clothing, a safe place to live and to have your basic needs met. You should not be disadvantaged so that you can’t do many of the things other kids can do.