Pupil Action Group – Pitch/Sport Area Design

Today the boys and girls followed up on Monday’s meeting with Kerry and shared their favourite sports and designed a sports area/pitch they would like to see in school.

Article 12 – You have the right to give your opinion, and for
adults to listen and take it seriously.

Article 29 -Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

Article 31 – You have the right to play and rest.

JRSO Letter

Our primary 7 JRSOs have written a letter to a local Councillor (William Goldie) to help with re-establishing a safety barrier outside the school gate. This is to keep children, parents and the local community safe.

Article 12 – Children have the right to give your opinion, and for
adults to listen and take it seriously.

Halloween Assembly

Todays assembly was a Halloween themed quiz. Well done to Primary 2 who showed great Halloween general knowledge, they knew their Halloween characters and were able to guess the most popular costumes of 2020. Worthy winners of the Woodlands Spooky quiz.

Article 31 – Children and young people have the right to have fun 

Vice House Captain Assemblies

Today some of our Primary 6s applied for the role of Vice House Captain. They performed presentations to the whole school – sharing their skills, knowledge and reasons why they would be an excellent VHC! We were all very impressed with the level and effort put into the presentations.

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Article 15 – You have the right to choose your own friends and join or set up groups, as long as it isn’t harmful to others.

Consultations with Kerry from Partnerships and Projects

Kerry Tierney is a Partnerships & Projects Officer in NLC and came to meet some of our pupils, parents and staff.

Kerry asked our pupils what their favourite sports are? What they enjoy playing in school and if we had a fantastic place in school for sports what would it look like!

Kerry asked some of our parent council what sport they would like to see delivered in school. They described the clubs their children attend and what sports their children enjoy.

Finally Kerry spoke to some of our teachers, she asked what resources would help them engage children and help develop their physical activity levels and team sport skills.


Article 3 -All adults should do what is best for you. When
adults make decisions, they should think about
how their decisions will affect children.

Article 12 – You have the right to give your opinion, and for
adults to listen and take it seriously.

Article 16 – A child’s Right to Privacy

Today at assembly we explored article 16 – Every child has the right to privacy.  We discussed the importance of privacy, the reasons why we should have privacy in our lives.

Click on the PDF platform to access the activities

Article 16 – Every child has the right to privacy. The law should protect the child’s private, family and home life, including protecting children from unlawful attacks that harm their reputation.

Black History Month

At this weeks assembly we focused on Black History Month. This month is very important and gives boys and girls, mums and dads and everyone else linked to our school opportunities to learn about black history and its impact in Scotland, they United Kingdom and throughout the world.

Clink on the PDF platform to access the assembly resources,

Article 2 – Non-discrimination

Article 12 – Respect the views of the child

Article 29 – Goals of Education

Article 30 – Children from minority or indigenous groups

School, education and your own individual talents Article 28 and 29

At todays assembly we explored article 28 and 29. We explored a child’s right to education and how education must help develop an individual’s own personality and talents.

Click on the assembly PDF to access the assembly activities

Article 28 – Right to education

Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free and different forms of secondary education must be available to every child.

Article 29 – Goals of Education

Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

Our voice and the importance of being heard – Articles 12 and 13

At this weeks assembly we are learning about Pupil Voice and how important it is to have our opinions heard. Article 12 outlines the importance of respecting children’s views and article 13 tells us about the importance of allowing children to express themselves freely.

We also gave our opinion on what type of Outdoor Learning we would like to see at Woodlands Primary School.

Click the image below to explore the Assembly platform for this week.

Article 12 – Respect for the views of the child.

Article 13 – Freedom of expression.

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