Refently a cheque for £600 was handed over to a representative of St. Andrew’s Hospice to support the work of the Hospice. These funds were raised by staff and pupils who took part in the annual St. Andrew’s Hospice Schools’ 6K event in Strathclyde Park in September of this year. Well done to all involved and many thanks to the staff of the hospice for the excellent work carried out by them day in and day out caring for members of our local communities.
Advent 2018
Pupils are busy with a variety of Advent activities. They are encouraged to attend Mass on Tuesday and Thursday at 8:40am. These masses are celebrated by Fr. Martin Delaney, school Chaplain, in our new Oratory.
In Religious Education classes, pupils are making donations to fill Christmas parcels for the needy. As well as this, they are being asked to donate socks, gloves and woolly hats to donate to charities which work with homeless people. Pupils are also encouraged to provide the names of senior citizens who would like to attend the school’s Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party, which takes place this year on Thursday 13th December at 2pm.
Taylor High School Christmas Ceilidhs: December 2018
The Christmas Celidh season is now with us and Taylor High will be holding the following Christmas Ceilidhs over the next two weeks
Ceilidh dance (with some disco) for S4 – S6 pupils: Wednesday 12th December 2018 from 7 – 10pm in the school theatre.
This dance will feature a live ceilidh band and is not to be missed by students in S4 – S6!
S1 Christmas Ceilidh: Monday 17th December, 1.30 – 3.45pm
This dance, for pupils in First Year, will take place in the school theatre within the normal school day ending at 3.45pm. Tickets are currently on sale from Miss Evans, Principal Teacher of Pupil Support for First Year pupils. The lunch break will be extended on this date until 1.30pm to allow pupils to go home and get changed or, alternatively, to change in school.
S2/S3 Christmas Ceilidh: Tuesday 18th December, 1.30 – 3.45pm
This dance, for pupils in Second and Third Year, will take place in the school theatre within the normal school day ending at 3.45pm. Tickets are currently on sale from Mr. Phairs (Second Year) and Mrs. Cooke (Third Year), Principal Teachers of Pupil Support. The lunch break will be extended on this date until 1.30pm to allow pupils to go home and get changed or, alternatively, to change in school.
Pupils who do not attend the two ceilidhs held within the school day, for pupils in First to Third Year, will remain in class and work normally during these events.
Taylor High School Annual Christmas Fayre – Wednesday 5th December, 3pm
The school’s annual Christmas Fayre will take place on Wednesday 5th December from 3.00 – 6.00pm approx. This will feature many of the usual stalls including Santa’s Grotto, Bouncy Castle, Tombola, Bottle Stall, the much sought after Taylor Christmas Hampers, Raffle and lots more. Donations for this year’s Fayre are very welcome. If anyone would like a stall at this year’s Fayre, please contact the school at 01698 274976. The funds raised will support a wide range of activities throughout the year ahead. Many thanks for the support we get from the local community each year for this event especially C& M Events who donate the Bouncy Castle each year and have done so for many years!
Taylor High Visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camps
As part of the Holocaust Educational Trust’s “Lessons from Auschwitz” program, two of our Sixth year students recently visited Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps along with 200 other pupils from across Scotland. Our students, Freya Mitchell and Mariyah Arif, were accompanied by Ms. McMillan of the Social Subjects department.
They flew to Krakow alongside First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, pupils and teachers from other Scottish schools.
The visit itself involved a tour around both Auschwitz and Birkenau camps from a guide who had worked there for over 40 years. The trip culminated in a memorial service with speeches from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Karen Pollock MBE Chief Executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust and Rabbi Daniel Epstein.
Our students expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of such an important initiative and spoke of the profound experience they had there, which will soon be used to educate other pupils at the school about the Holocaust as part of Holocaust Memorial Day in January 2019.
‘Catholic Schools: Good for Scotland’: Diocese of Motherwell Annual Education Mass – Tuesday 20th November 2018,7pm
‘Catholic Schools: Good for Scotland’
The annual Diocese of Motherwell Education Mass will take place in Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral on Tuesday 20th November at 7pm. Parents/carers and pupils are welcome to attend this Mass.
Taylor High School choir will sing the musical liturgy at the Mass under the direction of Mrs. Kerry McKinlay, Acting Principal Teacher of Music supported by colleagues from the school’s Music department. The Mass takes place on the eve of the hundredth anniversary of the Royal Assent for the1918 Education Act which occurred on 21st November 1918.
Taylor High School Motherwell Cathedral Tours – November 2018
Recently, as part of the Motherwell Diocese celebrations marking one hundred years since the 1918 Education Act, Sixth Year students studying for the Caritas Award, undertook the role of tour guide for 50 pupils from primary 7 in our associated primary schools taking the pupils round Motherwell Cathedral. The tours highlighted important architectural and other features of the Cathedral and they were voted a big success by all who took part who now know much more about the background and history of this important church and Motherwell landmark. The photograph shows our tour guides on either side of the Icon, Jesus Our Teacher, which was a important part of the tour itinerary.
S1 & S6 Halloween Disco
Candidates Wanted for 2019 Scottish Youth Parliament Elections
100 Years of Catholic Education – Reception of Jesus Our Teacher Icon into Motherwell Diocese
The Icon of Jesus Our Teacher, commissioned by the Scottish Catholic Education Service to mark the hundredth anniversary of the 1918 Education Act which established Catholic state schools in Scotland, was received into the Diocese of Motherwell from the Archdiocese of Glasgow at a service held in St. Bartholomew’s Church, Coatbridge on Wednesday 10th October 2018. The service was led by Bishop Toal of Motherwell Diocese and Archbishop Tartaglia of the Archdiocese of Glasgow.
The Icon, pictured above right, will reside in a number of churches across the Diocese during the next few weeks.
The Taylor High School Choir sang at the service held in St. Bartholomew’s Church which is the home parish of the Icon’s creator, Bernadette Reilly, who also spoke at the service about the reasons for the inclusion of various aspects of the imagery incorporated into the Icon.
The picture shows the Taylor High Choir in St. Bartholomew’s Church, Coatbridge on either side of the Icon. The musical liturgy was led by Mrs. Kerry McKinlay, Acting Principal Teacher of Music supported by Miss Suzanne Evans, Principal Teacher of Pupil Support. The event was also attended by the Head Teacher, Mr. Gerry McCormick.