Welcome to Taylor high School’s website. I hope these pages provide all the information you need about the school, our aims, what we offer to our students, and what we expect of them in turn.
Our school is a Catholic school which provides a wide range of experiences and opportunities to develop the faith and learning of out young people. Our most important aim is for them to develop into well-rounded young adults, well prepared to move onto further or higher education, to training and employment and, ultimately, to fulfilling careers
Taylor High School is a Roman Catholic comprehensive secondary school.
As a Catholic school we are concerned to promote the two great Christian commandments.
- to love God
- to respect our neighbour as ourselves.
It is for this reason that we have adopted as our motto the prayer of our
Patron Monsignor Thomas Taylor which he offered up in 1897, the year of his ordination to the priesthood.
“Que tout soit pour Dieu”,
“May all things be for God”.
As a comprehensive school we welcome everyone who wishes to come here and we are committed to the education of the whole person – spiritual, intellectual, social, physical.