St. Patrick's Primary, New Stevenston

Primary 4/5 – Monday 8th June 2020

Good morning boys and girls!

I hope you are all well and have had a good weekend.

It has been lovely to message some of you on Teams, if you haven’t logged in yet, why not make that your first task for today and get an adult to help you. I will be on Teams throughout the day and so I perhaps might message you back instantly!

There are a selection of tasks to choose from this week for both numeracy and literacy but remember you can also use Sumdog, Studyladder, Teach your Monster to Read and Expresso. I know how much you are enjoying the P4 BBC Bitesize lessons and P5 BBC Bitesize lessonsso for those of you who haven’t tried them yet, why not choose a bitesize lesson today?

Don’t forget to watch Newsround and then try one of the tasks and then post it on Teams.

Last week, I asked you to review books you have been reading and upload your reviews to Teams. This week, why not review a film you have watched?

For our topic, I want to continue looking at the world around us, so far we have been looking at birds and insects. This week, I want to focus on plants. Have a look at the powerpoint – The lifecycle of a flowering plant and then complete the following activity – Flowering Plant Life Cycle. Don’t forget to take pictures of plants you see on walks or in your gardens and post them on Teams. You can also download this week’s mindful colouring task – Plants and Growth.

Continue to take time for Quiet Prayer and although the Angelus challenge has ended, it is something we would do all year in class, so try at 12pm to stop whatever you are doing and pray the Angelus. Why not try saying morning prayer and grace before and after meals as well.


I want you to choose a new book from the Oxford Owl website, remember the username and password is: stpatsprimaryp4/5.

Your first task is this worksheet – Before Reading activity.  I want you to use the Reading Mission guide to help you as you read through the story. Your second task is the Character Grid activity, when you have completed this, why not choose your favourite character so far and draw a picture of them and label it as we would in class. Your favourite character may change as you read through the story, you can add to your picture/character description as you read on. Your third task is to complete the Timeline activity for your novel and finally the Story Mapping worksheet.

The Reading Mission guide also gives you some extra tasks to try or you could try the Story Alphabet activity.

Other tasks:

As a writing task this week, I want you to keep a diary for a week.

We had started to focus on a word of the day in class, why not continue this at home, use a dictionary if you have one or an online dictionary to help you – Word of the Day activity.

Here are some additional tasks to choose from:


This week, I want to focus on addition, subtraction and multiplication. The competition continues on Sumdog but I am going to mix it up, so some days it will focus on times tables and other days addition or subtraction!

The multiplication tasks you can choose from are listed below. I want you to use the Times Tables Videos to practise and then try activity 1 and then activity 2.

I want you to focus on the 8x table question booklet. However, I have also attached some other worksheets – 2x activity , 3x activity , 4x activity, 5x activity, 6x activity7x activity8x activity and 9x activity. Finally, why not try multiplication mosaics activity 1  or multiplication mosaics activity 2.

The addition and subtraction tasks you can choose from are listed below, remember you can choose your own level of difficulty:

Use the worksheets to practise your mental strategies as well, remember you have your mental maths cards to help you.

Miss Mulvaney 🙂

Some new tasks from Miss Coyle

Hello boys and girls. I have been enjoying looking at your work and the photos you are posting. Here are a couple of tasks for you to try this week. Good luck!

Miss Coyle

challenge cards 1

challenge cards 2

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