Primary 7 have completed 2 mile a day walks this week. We will do one tomorrow as well. Since we have had such lovely weather we have decided to do this instead of one of our hours of PE inside. It has taken us about 20-25 minutes to complete each walk but we are hoping in the future we will be able to run it!
Mile A Day P1b
On Monday Primary 1b went out of the school grounds to explore our beautiful environment as part of our mile a day. While we were walking we were using our senses to spot signs of spring. We could hear birds singing, we saw new grass growing and buds starting to bloom and even spotted some small creatures including a little snail. We also enjoyed building some bug hotels and getting lots of fresh air.
Primary 1b SensesTopic
Primary 1b have been enjoying their science topic this term and have been learning about the sense of sight. They learned how our eyes work then had fun doing activities with their eyes open then closed. They had to build a tower, draw a house and make a cat with plasticine. We then went outdoors and recorded how things look with and without a magnifying glass.
P7 90’s projects
Primary 7 continued presenting their 90’s projects today. They matched the standards of yesterday’s presentations and we learned some great information about different 90’s events. Some of these included Nelson Mandela, the death of Princess Diana, the release of the Internet and many more. Have a look at some of the children’s presentations.
PE Scrabble
Primary 7 had a great time this afternoon at PE. They participated in a cross curricular lesson with linked their fitness session with Literacy. They were split into groups to complete PE Scrabble. Each team member had to complete a series of exercises including burpees, jumping jacks and squat jumps before gaining a letter for their group in order to make a word.
Many words were made and the group who used the most letters were the winners! Who knew spelling could be so competitive!?
P6/5 Fractions Work
P7 90’s projects
Primary 7 have been researching and completing personal topics at home about events in the 90’s. This is in preparation for our fashion show at St Maurice’s. Our class have been asked to focus on the 90’s and different things that happened in this decade.
Yesterday we some children present their projects to the class, they were so informative, I was very impressed!! I look forward to seeing the rest of the presentations throughout the week and I will keep you posted with the children’s hard work.
SSPCC visit
Yesterday we had a visit from the SSPCC explaining how we can help to prevent cruelty to animals. P7, P6 and P6/5 attended the workshop together. We saw videos about the charity and were able to ask many questions. We also were able to split into groups and play games about identifying animals. It was great fun and very informative!
Novel Studies
Primary 7 have finished their block of non-fiction reading and have now began their novel studies. We will be focussing on the 6 reading strategies which were used in the first term.
Each group have designed their own front cover for their new novel. The novels are proving to be very popular already!
P6/5 RE
Father Daniel kindly spent some time with us today. He was teaching us about the importance of the sacrament of Reconciliation, and we agree that Lent is a great time to ask for forgiveness for the things we shouldn’t have done. He taught us that our souls gather bad marks when we make the wrong decisions in situations, but that they can become white like the one God gave us again, when we say sorry, ask for forgiveness and try harder.