All posts by Mrs Smith

Our Caterpillars have arrived!

Today our caterpillars arrived in primary 2/1 and we are all very excited. The pupils carefully filled vials with food then we transferred a baby caterpillar to each one. We are all very excited to watch them grow and hopefully in less than two weeks they will become chrysalides. We will keep this page updated with pictures of their progress.

Nursery Transition

Over the next few weeks Primary 1 are excited to be participating in a joint topic with the nursery to help prepare them for school. We will be working on a topic called ‘Hungry Adventures’ where we will explore seasonal fruit, planting, stories, games and play activities. Today we welcomed the nursery children into Primary 1b and as you can see from our picture we were all very busy and engaged. We were fruit printing, making fruit kebabs, planting seeds in our class garden centre and sequencing how to plant seeds. All of the nursery children were very comfortable in the class environment and they also got to meet some of their buddies who came along to help out.

Mile A Day P1b

On Monday Primary 1b went out of the school grounds to explore our beautiful environment as part of our mile a day. While we were walking we were using our senses to spot signs of spring. We could hear birds singing, we saw new grass growing and buds starting to bloom and even spotted some small creatures including a little snail. We also enjoyed building some bug hotels and getting lots of fresh air.

Primary 1b SensesTopic

Primary 1b have been enjoying their science topic this term and have been learning about the sense of sight. They learned how our eyes work then had fun doing activities with their eyes open then closed. They had to build a tower, draw a house and make a cat with plasticine. We then went outdoors and recorded how things look with and without a magnifying glass.

P1b Purposeful Play

Yesterday the pupils in Primary 1b were engaged in their Scotland topic through Purposeful Play.  They were making tartan, preparing information booklets about Kilsyth, constructing a bridge and managing a very busy Tourist Information Centre.