Below are the details of our School Improvement Priorities for 2024/2025:
Improvement Plan Summary
Cluster Priority:
1.By the end of session 2024/25 all school staff will have an increased knowledge of their corporate parenting responsibilities and almost all schools will have achieved the national Keeping the Promise Award (We Promise level) having a positive impact on GIRFEC Planning.
2. By the end of 2024/2025 we will increase the attendance of the S1 cohort from 26% of the S1 having attendance of 89% or below to 20% of S1 cohort. In doing so will increase attainment for pupils, through a shared and enriched transition programme, with a particular focus on numerously. By the end of 2025/2026 we aim to further reduce the number of pupils of the S1 cohort with attendance under 89% to 15%. We will increase the number of pupils achieving third level maths to 79.3% and meet the local authority stretch aim.
School Priority 1: We will ensure a consistent approach to Assessment is for Learning from P1 to Primary 7. We will refresh approaches to learning intentions, success criteria and questioning, ensuring AiFL is integral to our planning of learning and teaching and deliver best outcomes for all learners.
School Priority 2: The pace and challenge of all learning experiences will be well matched to the needs and interests of all learners, ensuring all learners reach their full potential.
Nursery Class
Priority 1: By June 2025, children’s outcomes will be improved across the curriculum by developing and establishing a shared understanding of Realising the Ambition with a focus on developing the children’s environment including considering the experiences, spaces and interactions for both responsive and intentional planning.
The full version of our School Improvement plan can be viewed using the link below: