The school is a co-educational Primary School and Nursery Class covering morning and afternoon sessions in the Nursery and stages Primary One to Seven in the School. The present roll is 272, with an additional 40/40 nursery places over a 48 week period between the hours of 8am – 6pm.
The school is a single story, traditional, prefabricated building built in the late 1960s. It has 11 used classrooms, a nursery, a large gym and dining hall, IT suite, spare classroom which is used for supporting children and a nurture room. It is set within expansive grounds which have been utilised to include a football park, basketball court, assault course, eco garden, orchard and separate playgrounds for infants, juniors and seniors. Included in the grassy area is a forest which is utilised as a Forest Kindergarten and School. The school embraces outdoor learning and each class has a door leading directly to outdoor facilities.
We endeavour to promote our Catholic school in a multicultural community and welcome and respect children from all faiths. The school holds high standing in the community and has sought to build long term, productive links. This can be evidenced through the support given to families by Barnardos, the involvement with professionals from other agencies, the regeneration committee and other voluntary groups. There are strong links with the neighbouring non-denominational primary, with whom we participate in many shared events and we have strong business links with the local Co-operative Store and The Coffee House. Our school values of Respect, Fairness, Forgiveness, Holiness and Honesty are central to our every day life and were established through consultation with our parents and community.
In addition to this the school is constantly seeking for new ways to build the pupils experiences of Global Citizenship. We have a partner school, Malo Primary in Malawi. This provides the pupils with an understanding of those less fortunate and to see the benefits of practical help through fundraising.
We pride ourselves in our commitment to the wider life of the school, with pupils benefitting from involvement in Eco Schools, Fairtrade, Developing the Young Workforce, After School Clubs and a variety of educational excursions.