St Helen's Primary & Nursery

June 24, 2020
by Mrs Campbell

Primary 7b

Good morning,

I can’t quite believe we are here. The Last Day!

It has been a pleasure teaching you over the last three years (some of you have had to put up with ME for 3 years). I am so proud of each and everyone one of you. I have so many fond memories that I will cherish forever. Good luck with everything you do and please remember to come back and visit.

Due to technical difficulties, our special message wasnโ€™t posted yesterday. You know what they say, the best things are worth waiting for!

Please click on this link to access our message to you

Have a fantastic summer.

Thank you for being an incredible year group. I will really miss you all.






Mrs Campbell xx



June 24, 2020
by User deactivated

Primary 7a – Last Day of Primary School!

Good morning Primary 7a,

We have made it. Today is your last day of Primary 7 and your last day of primary school. What a wonderful journey I have been on with you all this year…

I met you all in August and had the privilege of watching you all grow and develop your personalities and achieve so much. You impressed me with your enthusiasm during Nil by Mouth. During our class Christmas Enterprise project, you all got stuck in. You shined at your Confirmation night. You have been wonderful role models to your Primary 1 Buddies throughout this year. Each of you has flourished, even with the unfortunate and disappointing end to your Primary 7 year. You have kept me smiling and laughing with your daily stories and sense of humour.


Thank you for being the AMAZING people you are! You all exceeded my expectations and I’m very proud of you.

Due to technical difficulties, our special message wasn’t posted yesterday. You know what they say, the best things are worth waiting for!

Please click on this link to access our message to you

Have a fantastic summer holidays and please don’t be strangers! We would love to see your smiling faces back around St Helen’s.

Take care everyone. Love Mrs Moore ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–


June 24, 2020
by Mrs Kelly

P4b – Last day of school!

Well Primary 4…we have made it! ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Last day of Primary 4 – and what a year it has been! I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to each and every one of you. You have had so much to deal with this year – school becoming an online learning platform, having to do all your work at home and post it online and so much more! I am so proud of all of you and I know you are going to shine in Primary 5! I have missed your smiling faces and your stories over the last few months but it has been nice to still hear from you on here! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

I also want to say a massive thank you to all of the parents. You have been so supportive this year, both in school and online, and I can’t tell you how much easier that has made my job!

I hope you all have a fantastic summer holiday. We don’t know what August will bring but I am looking forward to seeing you all! Don’t forget to visit!

Take care everyone and please stay safe! Love Mrs Kelly x x x


June 23, 2020
by gw09marshallcarolin6@glow


Good morning everyone,

I canโ€™t believe that today is the last day of term!ย  I have had the best year teaching you all.ย  I have loved being your teacher and you have all made me so proud each and everyday! Thank you so much for being an amazing class. I have missed you all these last few months. Have a fabulous summer and I’ll see you all back to school in August.

Take care,

Mrs Marshall xxx


June 23, 2020
by Mrs Maclean

Good Afternoon Primary 5






I am just back in from school and I am feeling happy that it is the summer holidays soon but a little bit sad as I know I am going to miss you all so much.


We have made some lovely memories over this past year and I am feeling blessed to have been your teacher.

Have a lovely Summer and take care.

Mrs Maclean

June 23, 2020
by Mrs Kelly

P4b – Tuesday 23rd June :)

Good Morning everyone!

I hope you are all keeping safe and well! Only two days left until the end of term and the start of the summer holidays! I hope the weather gets better than it has been lately! By now I know you will all have heard about who your Primary 5 teacher is and you will all be feeling excited! The school is looking a little bit different and the teachers have made up a little video to give you a look at your new class. Here is the link to the video – if you click at the top right of the box it will let you click on your new teacher ๐Ÿ™‚

I have collated some of our memories together in a small PowerPoint and popped it over on teams – I hope you all enjoy watching it ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a great Tuesday ๐Ÿ™‚ Mrs Kelly x x x



June 23, 2020
by Mrs Brocardo
1 Comment

Good Morning p5/6

Hi Everyone,

I hope you have enjoyed your home learning tasks and will now enjoy a nice summer holiday.

It has been great to be your teacher as you have been an amazing class. If you are keen to find out some more information about your new class and teacher go to this link and have a look at your class video.


Mrs Brocardo x

June 23, 2020
by User deactivated

Hello Friends- Skipping Ropes

Well today is your last challenge from the ladies this year.

It’s all about skipping because when weย asked lots of your friends were saying they would be great games to play in the nursery and school.

When we were little we used to make up songs and rhymes to jump to.

Your challenge today is to make a song or rhyme to jump to.

You can ask your family to help .

I’ll tell you who will be the best helpers for this challenge.

Your Grandparents.

Have fun singing and jumping.

Love and Cuddles from All the Ladies xxx

June 23, 2020
by User deactivated

Primary 7a

Good morning boys and girls,

Can you believe tomorrow is your last day of primary school?

Hopefully later today (maybe tomorrow) I will post a wee surprise for you all to mark the end of our time at St Helen’s Primary. Keep your eyes peeled!


Stay safe,

Mrs Moore

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