
Homework plays an important part in the life of the young learner and should reflect the curriculum and learning styles of the class. We believe homework helps pupils to:

  • learn how to organise and manage their time
  • take more responsibility for their own learning
  • practise and build on what they have learned at school
  • learn and work independently in the future

Homework helps teachers to check pupils understanding of class work and keep track of their progress. It lets parents find out what their child is doing at school and get involved in their learning. Homework provides an opportunity to celebrate success.

A homework information letter will be issued at the start of every year, which provides information about homework and the school policy on homework so that there are shared expectations. In addition to this, homework workshops will be held for parents of infant children to share approaches and offer support and advice.

The class teacher will decide the time allocation for homework tasks relating to the child’s stage and ability. Generally speaking, infant reading homework should take no more than 10 minutes on a daily basis, with this extending to 20 minutes as the child progresses through the school and demands of the text increases. A typical week’s homework will usually consist of reading, a phonics or spelling task, a maths task and (in the upper stages) a writing task linked to reading work, social studies work, R.E. etc. Teachers will inform children of the return time of the tasks but generally speaking, as a means for developing good habits for secondary school, the teacher will set the homework at the start of the week, usually to be returned on a Thursday.

In order for pupils to successfully complete homework tasks, the school will provide the necessary materials i.e. jotter, worksheet, reading material, workbook etc. However, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide any necessary stationery i.e. pencil, ruler, rubber, coloured pencils etc.

Parents or guardians finding homework tasks exceeding an appropriate time, or any difficulty arising, should feel free to contact the teacher by phoning the school to make an appointment or writing a message in your child’s homework diary.

The use of homework diaries is standard practice in St Helen’s. This was developed after ongoing work with parents, staff and children through involvement in a homework focus group. The homework diary should be used as an informal method of communication between the home and school. Class Teachers will monitor your child’s homework diary on a weekly basis, or more often if required.

Parents are asked to sign children’s homework and to co-operate with teachers in implementing the school homework policy.

Resources and website are readily available for parents who wish to work with their children at home:

  • www.bbc.co.uk/schools
  • www.sumdog.com
  • www.aplusmath.com
  • www.enchantedlearning.com
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