Primary 4 Homework

Hello Primary 4,

I have attached your homework for this week below.

Homework Week Beginning 26th of October

Miss McBride

Primary 4

10 minutes independent reading of your own novel.


Group One– Create a phoneme story for oy and oi.

Group Two– Create a word list for dge phoneme. Pick 5 of these words and complete rainbow spelling.


Complete the addition worksheet given in class.


Design your own Halloween mask.


Thank you,

Miss McBride.

Primary 2/1 Homework Week Beg 26th Oct


I hope you all had a great weekend. Please find below the details for the homework this week.




Thank you to all the parents who checked the glow emails, if you need another copy of the username and passwork please just email Mrs McGill ( and I will get you another copy. Also please feel free to email anytime with questions or to send me pictures of the children doing their homework or having fun at home.

It is always lovely to see their happy smiling faces!


Mrs McGill


Primary 1 Homework Week Beginning 26th October

Happy Monday everyone! 

Halloween Week 2018: Stretch Your Celebrations with these Spooky Fun Holidays

We are going to have a Spooktacular week in Primary 1!👻

Your child has been set homework tasks for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. Please remember to send back the clear zippy wallet empty on Tuesday. This term we would ask you to continue to keep all completed worksheets at home until further notice. This will help to keep us all safe.

Could you please encourage your child to practise their reading book each night. 📖 



Letter sound- c😺

1.Practise saying the ‘c’ sound. Listen to the ‘c’ Jolly Phonics song. Sing the song whilst doing the action.

2.Go on a sound hunt around your house looking for objects that begin with the sound ‘c’. Can you think of any other words that begin with ‘c’?

  1. Complete letter ‘c’ formation worksheet.


Ten Frames

We have been learning to look at the arrangement of dots on a ten frame and identify the number of dots.

What are ten frames? (And how they help your child make sense of numbers) - Math, Kids and Chaos

Complete the ten frame worksheet.



Common Words: can, we, into

  1. Use your word tin to practise your common words. When you look at each word, read the word and then spell it out loud.
  2. Can you think of a sentence for each of your common words? Tell an adult your sentences and see if they can spot which common word you have used in each sentence.
  3. Choose a task of your choice from the menu below, to help you practise this week’s common words. Have fun!

P1 Spelling Menu



This term we are learning how to add. Practise adding by playing this fun game.



Letter sound-k 🦘

1.Practise saying the ‘k’ sound. Listen to the ‘k’  Jolly Phonics song. Sing the song whilst doing the action.

2.Go on a sound hunt around your house looking for objects that begin with the sound ‘k’. Can you think of any other words that begin with ‘k’?

3.Complete letter ‘k’ formation worksheet.



Sumdog - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Log onto Sumdog and complete this week’s challenge. Good luck!

Sumdog login details were given out in term one. Please let me know if you have lost these and I can send you a copy of these details.

Last week lots of people sent in pictures of their wonderful work. It really made me smile! Remember boys and girls, if you are really proud of your homework you can scan or take a picture of your wonderful work and send it to my email or tweet me a picture @St_BarbarasPS. 📧

If you have any questions please contact me –

Thank you,

Miss McEleney😀🌈🌟



Primary 2 Homework- WB 26th October 20

Hi everyone,

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend and are ready for a spooktacular week!

Your child has been set homework tasks for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. Please remember to return your child’s reading book along with their clear zippy wallet on Thursday. 

Please find below the details for the homework this week:

Homework- WB 26th October

Thank you to everyone who sent in pictures of last week’s homework, it is great to see all the hard work the children are doing at home. I would love to see how they get on this week!

If you have any questions you can email me


Miss Shreenan 🙂

Primary 3 – week beg 26th Oct

This week your homework is:

MondayRed and Blue group – “tch” spelling worksheet.

Green group – Roll and read “oo” phoneme – see worksheet. Now write these words into your homework jotter.

Tuesday – Common word practise
Red and Blue groupwatch,time, windy

Green groupplay, no, look

A challenge has been set for your common words on sumdog.

Wednesday – 2 times table worksheet and sumdog table challenge.

Remember to practise your home-reader each night to help improve fluency and expression.

Thank you to everyone who has sent us pictures of your homework. Keep up the super work.

Mrs MacLeod & Mrs Moore


Week Beginning 19/10/20

Hello Primary 7,

This week we are working on ‘ci’ making ‘sh’. I gave you these example words;

special, official, delicious, facial, musician, ancient, crucial, financial and conscious.

Practise these words in any way that you wish, in addition find another 9 words which also show this phoneme pattern.

This week we are beginning our new Space Science topic. Try to discover who Laika and Ham were. What do you think about what happened to them? Was there another way? Would you have been willing to take their place?

In Maths we are looking at multiples, factors and primes.

  1. What multiples of 13 are less than 50?
  2. What are the factors of 24?
  3. What are the prime numbers less than 50?

Email me your answers at using your Glow email.

Good Luck,

Mr. McIntosh


Homework Week Beginning 19th Oct

Hello Primary 4,

I hope you have had a lovely October holiday and a well deserved break. I cannot wait to see all of your hard work this term!

I have attached your homework below for this week. Email me all of your hard work please.

Homework Week Beginning 19th October

Primary 4 – Miss McBride

Independent reading for 10 minutes each night.

Monday – We have now finished Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Design a comic strip of your favourite part.

Tuesday – I have set a money challenge on Sumdog.

Wednesday- Create an Autumn collage. You can use leaves, twigs, stones or anything you wish (use your imagination!)

Thank you,

Miss McBride.

Primary 2 homework- WB 19th October 2020

Welcome back Primary 2!

I hope you all had a lovely, relaxing October break.

It is officially term 2. I hope you are ready for lots more super learning this term.

Your child has been set homework tasks for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. Please remember to return your child’s reading book along with their clear zippy wallet on Thursday. 

Here is this week’s homework- Homework- WB 19th October

Remember boys and girls, if you are proud of your homework you can email or tweet me your wonderful work.

If you have any questions please contact me –

Thank you,

Miss Shreenan.


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