Wednesday 22nd April 2020 Primary5

Good morning everyone, Happy Wednesday! ( I can’t believe that we are half way through our week already!)

I hope hope that you are managing to get into a routine and trying hard to complete some home learning tasks. Please begin your day with a prayer. You might like to try The Five Finger Prayer guide.



For your morning exercise let’s spice it up a little with the Nando’s Challenge; can you handle the spice? I wonder who can achieve the most points? Send me a pic of your spicy workout.

Nando’s Spicy Workout


Select a task form the Spelling Bingo grid below to help you to revise our focus words of the week: impossible, incorrect, untidy, misbehave, imperfect, disappoint, unhappy, inaccurate, disable. 

Spelling Bingo Activities

Extension Spelling:

The prefix ‘tele’ means ‘from afar’        The prefix ‘mono’ means ‘single’
Use your dictionary to help you find four words with each prefix and discuss their meanings.

Read the four short stories from First News and answer questions in your jotter.

First news Four-Stories- April


How quickly can you use simple facts to record the answer to the following multiplication problems:

  1. 30 x 30
  2. 200 x 50
  3. 300 x 90
  4. 500 x10
  5. 7000 x 200
  6.  2000 x 80
  7.  40 x 500
  8.  60 x 60
  9.  800 x 900
  10.  20,000 x 40

Please complete some revision of place value to millions using the following Rigour clip. It might help you to draw your own notation board out. Remember that we group columns together in threes.  

The winner of yesterday’s Sumdog competition was LD. Well done! Your accuracy was amazing! Another competition is available for today, why not have a go!


I know that you are all experts on our rainforests. Our rainforests are not just home to animals and plants; they are also home to groups of people. There are many tribes of people who call the rainforest home but the most well-known are the Yanomami tribe, the pygmy tribe and the Huli tribe. Choose one tribe to research. Find out as much information as you can about them and create a poster of facts.


Here are some simple home STEM ideas. Perhaps you would like to give one of them a go. I particularly like ‘As if By Magic’. Home Stem

Remember that a new Home Learning Grid is also available on St Barbara’s website.

Please do not feel under any pressure to complete all suggested tasks. Feel free to adapt tasks to suit your learning and try hard to keep your mind active.

A huge well done to R M for creating a very cosy reading den yesterday. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch by replying below or emailing me.




Important info

Good afternoon Primary 3,

I hope you are all having a good day. If anyone is having trouble gaining access to Oxford owl can you please check if you have included the spaces and capital letters.

username – miss mcmullen (all lower case with the space included)

password – Primary 3 (capital P and space included)

If anyone is having issues with this please do not worry and I will try my best to resolve it for tomorrow.

Here is a link to our number talks solutions from today:

number talks solutions

Thank you and have a nice evening.

Miss McMullen x



P1a 21.04.2020

Good morning boys and girls.  I hope you are all well.

How did you all get on with your new phoneme sound yesterday? did you manage to practise the sound and think of some ‘wh’ words?…great!!

Today you are going to learn 3 new common words.  They are;




These are tricky words because you cant sound them out.  you just need to try to remember what they look like.

Writing the words down also helps you to remember what the words look like and how to spell them.

So, firstly you need to write each common word out 3 times, just the way you do it in class.

Now you can write them as pyramid words, like this    Kelly's Classroom Online: Creative Ways to Practice Spelling

Now boys and girls I would like you to write a sentence using each new common word.

Remember to put a capital letter at the start of your sentence, a full stop at the end and finger spaces between all of your words.

Remember to try and sound out your words but it is absolutely fine to ask for help.  Remember… Its ok not to know but its not ok not to try!!

If you have magnetic letters at home you can make the words again or make them using chalk, paint, pasta, wool or anything else you want.


This is the link to the books.

Connect OpenPage – Redirect

Click on the TEACHER portal and enter


Password: Parents20!

Now boys and girls you need to go back to the book you were reading yesterday.

Try to read the book to your mum or dad.  Sound out the words you don’t know and remember to use the pictures to help you to read the story.

Now I would like you to talk to someone about what happens at the beginning of the story, what happens in the middle of the story and what happens at the end of the story.

Now its time for you to draw a picture of the beginning, a picture of the middle and a picture of the end of the story.  Below each picture you have to write 1 sentence to say what is happening.  Just like this.  Beginning, Middle, End Writing Paper | Writing paper, Writing ...


Here is a link to some other books I thought you might like.



Ok boys and girls are you ready for some maths work? Great!!

First of all I want you to count and clap to 30, now count and clap from 30 all the way back to 0.

Now can you count in 2’s all the way to 20.

Count in 5’s all the way to 50.

Well Done!!

Now its time to write your numbers from 0-30.  you can use a pencil, pen, crayons or markers but you need to remember to have all your numbers facing the right way!!

Now you are going to practise adding up to 20 in lots of different ways.  Here are some games for you to play.

Just follow this link. and enjoy.


I hope you enjoyed your power point yesterday.  How many different kinds of fruit did you manage to think of?  How many different kinds of activities could you think of to keep you fit and healthy at home?

Today we are going to do a yoga activity.  We know that yoga is good for your body and its good for your mind too.  It helps you to stay healthy and improves your focus and concentration.

Your cosmic kids yoga activity today is Frozen. Enjoy!!



We are all special and we are all unique.

Spring flowers can teach lessons about ourselves

A spring bouquet is special because it is so colourful, and because all the flowers have such different shapes. They’re a lot like people. Some of us are gifted artists; others are gifted in singing or friendliness. Others are builders; some are good leaders. Some are quiet, gentle children. But God makes us all. Just like it takes red, yellow, purple and orange blooms to make a spring bouquet – some cascading and some standing straight up – it takes all sorts to make our world go around. We should appreciate everyone’s gifts and talents, not just our own!

Can you draw a spring bouquet with lots of different shapes and colours, each flower you draw can represent one of your friends or family.

When you have finished your picture you can put it on the fridge door or on a wall for everyone to enjoy!!.

 Here is a spring bouquet to inspire you.

I hope you all have a good day.

Remember you don’t have to do everything, only what you can manage.

Take care.

Mrs Connolly x





Tuesday 21st April 2020

Good Morning Primary 3,

I hope you are all safe and well. What a beautiful morning it is today. If you are able, it may be nice to get out for a nice walk with an adult or for some sunshine in the garden. It is so important to keep ourselves healthy and active at this time.

Well done for your hard work yesterday. I was so impressed with all the examples I received. Please continue to get in touch as I love looking at your wonderful work. Please remember that you do not have to complete every single task each day as much as you can manage is absolutely fine. It is important to take lots of breaks throughout the day.

I have prepared some work for you today, just click the links below.

Reading lesson

Spelling activity

Numeracy lesson

When you have completed your work remember there is a brand new grid. You can choose one or two tasks to complete as a further challenge.

In the afternoon here is a nice spring art activity for you to try inspired by this beautiful weather.

Art Tuesday

Remember to continue to pray throughout the day. You may even say the prayer you wrote yesterday to thank God for looking after us at this time and to ask him to look after anyone who is sick.

Thank you to everyone who has been in touch so far. If you have any questions at all then please get in touch at

Stay safe!

Miss McMullen x

Primary 6 – Tuesday 21st April

Good morning Primary 6,

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths problems:

a) 770  b) 1080  C) 880

d) 5690  e) 9999  f) 7700

g) 8000  h) 1250  i) 1200

j) Four thousand, three hundred and thirty

k) Three thousand, one hundred

l) Six thousand, one hundred

How did you get on?

Here are your questions for today.

In the number 2436,

The 2 stands for two thousands

The 4 stands for four hundred

The 3 stands for three tens

The 6 stands for six units

1.What do the following digits stand for in the number 3471 :

a) 3  b) 4  c) 7  d) 1

2. What does the 5 stand for in each of these numbers:

a) 5741  b)  8750  c) 9875  d) 1599

3. Write the following numbers out fully in words:

a) 3,870  b) 9,051  c) 12,045  d) 20,040

e) 120,427  f) 800,350  g) 702,050  h) 909,090

4. Write the following numbers using digits:

a) nine hundred and ten  b) twenty thousand and fifty

c) sixty thousand and six  d) one hundred thousand and one

e) nine hundred and nine thousand  f) one hundred and eleven thousand and eleven

g) one million

Record your answers in your jotter. Email them to me at

5. There is a place value task for you up on Sumdog starting today which ends with an assessment on Friday.

6. There is also a place value learning pod now open on Studyladder to help you along.

Here is Cressida Cowell reading Chapter 11 (part 1) of, “How to Train your Dragon.”

There are lots of descriptive similes used in this chapter,

“…like 50 dragon trying to get in…”

“…like a couple of sleeping babies…”

Listen to the chapter again and try to write down all of the similes that are used. Cressida Cowell is very careful to only use similes that vikings would understand,

“…like dragons…”

“…like babies…”

“…like cliffs…”

Why do you think that she does this?

Why does she not use similes that we would recognise like, “…as tall as a block of flats…?”

What do the similes add to the story?

Record your answers in your jotter. Email them to me at

For Health and Wellbeing today I have created a new Learning Pod on Studyladder called “Home and Sun Safety” that I would like you to do.

Now listen to this reading from the Acts of the Apostles and think about how the actions of the early Christian Church is being repeated today by the many people and organisations who are helping one another through this time of lockdown.

If there is anyone who is still looking for their log in for Studyladder please email me and I can send it straight to you.

Finally for today, who fancies some Spanish?

Mr. McIntosh

P4/3 Tuesday 21st April

Good morning everyone, I hope you had a lovely day in the sun yesterday!   Some life skills for you today, make sure you make your bed, brush your teeth and make your own cold breakfast.  I’m sure most of you can pour out some cereal and milk.  I would also like you to do one chore around the house today, it’s nice to help out your parents.  They are working hard trying to work and keep you entertained and busy.  Show them you appreciate them by helping out!

Health and Wellbeing

Begin your day with some exercise or yoga.

Jump start Johnny on you tube is super fun and a great way to begin your day.  Also, Oti Mabuse is still offering dance classes at 11.30 each day, this week the theme is Pop, have a go!

Don’t forget to use your yoga poses and breathing which you learned last term, to take some time out to relax throughout the day!


Continue to add more phoneme words to your lists and choose 3 new words to write out 3 times and a sentence for each.

I have attached a punctuation worksheet for you to try.

Punctuation worksheet

Parents: There are two worksheets. The first is the task being asked and the second is a challenge for those wanting to expand their learning.  You and your child can make the choice which one to complete.


Recite your 3,4,5 and 6 times tables today.

Use the above website to play your favourite game – Hit the button.  Choose the times table you want to practise and go!!

Continue from yesterday with rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.  I have attached the following worksheet.  This does not need to be printed.  You can simply record your answers orally with an adult or write them down.



As we know, our P3 children made their reconciliation before we closed.  Continue to reflect on your attitude and behaviours towards others and if you feel the need to seek forgiveness for your actions, make time for some silent prayer time.  A Hail Mary and an Our Father together with an Act of Sorrow would be appropriate prayers.

Additional Info:

BBC bitesize are offering free lessons on a variety of subjects that might be of interest to some of you.  Simply choose your Primary and chose the lessons you want to learn about.

Updated grids are available to download for any additional tasks you may want to undertake.

Have a lovely day everyone!

Mrs G

Primary 1b- Tuesday 22nd April

Good morning Super Stars 🌟

How did you get on yesterday? I hope you enjoyed your first day back and you were able to complete some of the activities that I planned for you. It was great to see some familiar faces on our school twitter page. The pictures really made me smile!😀

Here is today’s overview:


Below I will include any additional information that will help to support your child with the tasks that I have assigned for today.


Common Words: out, now, new 

This week the children are not able to sound out the words to help them read and write their new common words. These words are taught prior to the children exploring the relevant phonemes so for now they are treated as sight words that the children just need to learn. The best way to learn sight words is through lots and lots of repetition. Ask your child to practise writing the words and encourage them to spell the words out loud.

Writing ✍

Once your child has written their sentences ask them to check that they have included their core writing targets. They are very familiar with the symbols below.

Reading 📚 

Our school is using a new digital education resource published by Scholastic online. I will be assigning books for your child to read each week.  Every pupil in our class has been assigned their own login details. Please send me an email and I will be able to give you, your child’s username and password so that they can access their reading books. I will also give you step by step instructions on how to access this resource online.

Maths 🔢

Subitising with Jack Hartmann 🧠

Subitising with dominoes


Number Words


Number Word Game

Outdoor Fun- Obstacle Course Challenge 🏓⚽️🤸‍♀️

I hope you have lots of fun completing today’s activities. Remember you do not have to complete every activity, just try your best and I will be really impressed!

Enjoy your day!

Miss McEleney🌈😊❣️




Primary 2- Tuesday 21st April

Good morning primary 2,

I hope you are all up and ready for another fun filled day of learning!

Here is today’s task- Tuesday 21st April

I hope you have a terrific Tuesday! I would love to hear all about how you are getting one.

Remember to take plenty of breaks and keep smiling 🙂

Missing you all,

Miss Shreenan x


Tuesday 21st April- Primary 7

Good morning Primary 7, I hope you all managed to access yesterday’s activities easily. The sun is shining again today which always puts a big smile on everyone’s face, so let’s get to work! ☀️

I have uploaded another document that details today’s tasks, remember to try your best to work through the set tasks however it is extremely important that you take some breaks and get out in the sunshine. If you have any questions or issues accessing the resources for today’s activities feel free to email me,

Tuesday 21st April

Parents: Remember this is only a guide, please do not feel under pressure to complete all tasks.

Let’s begin our day as we always do with our morning prayer. Close your eyes and remember to keep all of the NHS frontline staff in your payers, they are doing an amazing job.

Here is the First News newspaper article that you will need to access to do today’s reading task.


Remember to complete one or two tasks from the Second level grid, there are some really fun activities on this grid.

Have a terrific Tuesday and I look forward to seeing some of your fabulous work.

Mrs Butler 🙂

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