Primary 7 Daily Activities

Hi Primary 7,

I know some of you were having difficulty opening the word document I attached with today’s activities. I have deleted the word document and reattached it so fingers crossed it works. Let me know if there are any more issues.

Mrs Butler

Primary 6 – Wednesday 29th April


Good Morning Primary 6,

Yesterday I asked you to divide some ‘ow’ words from our spelling list into two columns.

You should have ended up with something like this:

Words with ‘ow’

Sounding like ‘cow’

Words with ‘ow’

Sounding like ‘window’



















Today I would like you to sort our spelling words out into a table showing the number of syllables that they have.

Remember a syllable is a part of a word that can be sounded by itself. Each syllable has a vowel sound. For example:

pillow = pil-low

arrow = ar-row

Notice that the double letters are split between the syllables.

One syllable Two syllables

Three syllables

grow Follow = fol-low

Following = fol-low-ing

rainbow, window, swallow, tomorrow, barrow, own, mower, borrowing, hollow, sparrow, elbow, burrow, shadow, shallow


Here’s Cressida Cowell reading chapter 16 of, “How to Train your Dragon.”

Hiccup’s fiendishly clever plan has gone wrong. The Green Death is dying but it’s not dead yet. Hiccup declares that this is truly the worst moment of his life as he falls into the dragon’s open mouth. Thinking back over all that we have heard so far about Hiccup try to make a list of all of the worst moments in Hiccup’s life that have lead him to this point. Is this really the worst moment? Were the other times that Hiccup declared, “This is the worst moment of my life.” really all that bad? Would you describe Hiccup as an optimist or a pessimist?



Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths statements.

a) 6.7 lies between 6 and 7. It is closer to 7

b) 4.3 lies between 4 and 5 . It is closer to 4

c) 7.5 lies between 7 and 8 . It is closer to 8

d) 1.58 lies between 1 and 2 . It is closer to 2

e) 5.34 lies between 5 and 6 . It is closer to 5

f) 0.83 lies between 0 and 1 . It is closer to 1

g) 10.8 lies between 10 and 11 . It is closer to 11

h) 23.25 lies between 23 and 24 . It is closer to 23

i) 58.81 lies between 58 and 59 . It is closer to 59

Saying that 58.81 is closer to 59 is ROUNDING 58.81 to 59. Today I want you to round these decimals to the nearest whole number. You don’t need to write the numbers that they are between today, just the answer will do.

1a) 7.4  b) 8.6  c)9.8  d) 2.1

e) 3.47  f) 6.85  g)15.29  h) 20.63

i) 25.27  j) 33.99  k) 42.14  l) 68.50

2a) 4.10  b) 5.90  c) 3.40  d) 8.70

e) 12.80  f) 14.50  g) 17.39  h) 18.72

i) 0.34  j) 0.51  k) 0.50  l) 101.49

Now why don’t we have a Wednesday Workout.

Today is the memorial day of St. Catherine of Siena a woman who lead an extraordinary life. Watch this short film about her and then record in your jotter why she was so special.

Remember you can still choose another task from your learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

P4/3 Wednesday 29th April

Good morning everyone, thank you to those of you who sent your videos, it was lovely to see you.  I was so impressed by the standard of your questions and answers – well done!!

Let’s start this morning with our morning prayer and an Our Father.  We should continue to remember those who have died with our Eternal Rest prayer like yesterday.


Well, I am a day out I am afraid.  Yesterday was superhero day and I thought it was today and had a nice little plan for you.  However, we will go ahead with it today instead because right now there are many every day heroes around.  Can you think of some examples?

Who is your favourite superhero?  What makes them so interesting?  Do they have special powers?  Can you think of someone in your life that is a hero to you?  It could be a friend or a member of your family.  Why are they so important to you?  How do you feel when you think about them?

Today I want you to create a poem about your very own superhero, someone who is in your life right now or also someone who may have been in your life but has sadly passed.  I would like to read how they are special to you, describe their qualities (caring, loving, helpful) what do they do to make you smile or laugh.  How can they help you when you are sad or upset?  What special power do you think they have? Do they help others by fundraising, nursing, teaching, caring etc

This poem doesn’t have to rhyme but it should have at least two verses.

When it is complete, you can send me it by taking a photo of it or a small video of you reading it out.  Feel free to dress up as your own favourite superhero! I can’t wait to hear or read them!

When you have completed this, I want you to show your own super powers by being kind to someone.  You can do this by baking a cake for someone, making a card, making someone a sandwich or helping with your siblings.  You are all kind to Mrs Boyce and I, so I know you can do this easily.


Keep revising your times tables especially the 6.  Use the song I posted yesterday to help you.

Let’s look at ordering 2 digit and 3 digit numbers.  I have attached a worksheet for both and want you to have a go at ordering them from smallest to largest.  I have also attached a ppt for some extra help and understanding.  Whilst this is mainly aimed at P3, it would not harm P4’s to look also.

Place value ppt

Ordering 2 digit No

Ordering 3 digit No.


Continuing with the superhero theme, design your own superhero mask.  Think about colours and design.  Does your mask need a special part for special powers?  If you are feeling particularly arty, you can design your own cape.  See the attached link for an idea!

Health & wellbeing

So many of you had fun with my PE game cards last week, so I have attached two more for you today.  Again, no fancy resources required, you will have most things I am sure.

Have a great day everyone!

Mrs Graham 🙂


Primary 1b- Wednesday 29th April

Good morning my Primary 1 Super Stars! 🌟

How are you feeling today?  You have all been working so hard this week and it has been great to see your progress on Sumdog and Scholastic. I am very proud of you all. 👏

Are you ready to be busy bees? Let’s get started on today’s tasks. 🐝

Let’s begin our day with our morning prayer.🙏🏻
God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school.                 St. Barbara, pray for us.

Here is today’s overview:


Below I will include any additional information that will help to support your child with the tasks that I have assigned for today.


Phonics- sh, ch and th.

Phonics Worksheet



Most people have sent me an email to ask for their login details for Scholastic. If you haven’t been able to access this resource yet and would like your child’s login details, please send me an email. or

Reading Task ✏️

These questions will help you to describe what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story.


Who are the characters? What is the setting?


What happens to the characters? How do they try to solve the problem?


What happens at the end? How do they solve the problem? What lessons do the characters learn?



Days of the Week

Months of the Year

Adventure Man- Days of the Week Game

Adventure Man- Months of the Year Game

Counting Interactive Matching Activity 🧩

Missing Number Challenge 🌶 

Remember you do not have to print off the worksheet, just copy the numbers into your jotter.


HWB 🏃‍♀️ 🚲 🧹 🧼 

Remember to help around the house by doing some chores.

R.E 🙏🏻

Try your best boys and girls. Take plenty of breaks and keep smiling!😀

Remember if you need to ask me anything or you want to share your wonderful work with me, I am just an email away. ✉

Take care,

Miss McEleney😁🌈❣️






Primary 5/4 – Wednesday 29th April

Good morning!

How are you all? I hope you are having a good week and staying safe. I have been enjoying working at home as I get to see my little girl but I do miss your smiling faces!

Here are today’s task. Try and complete what you can.


Thank you to everyone who has emailed me, please know that I am always here for you even if I can’t see you.

Take care,

Mrs McGill


Wednesday 29th April- Primary 7


Hello Primary 7 🙂!

I hope you are all having a nice week and trying your best to spend a few hours a day doing some school work.

We will begin by saying our morning prayer. Close your eyes and remember in your prayers all of those who have recently died.

Here is the link for today’s learning activities

Wednesday 29th April

These are some of  the resources that you will need to help you complete today’s tasks-

Feline Lonely

Yoga video link 


Have a wonderful Wednesday and I look forward to seeing some of your completed work.

Mrs Butler 🌈❣️


Primary 2- Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning my terrific primary 2’s,

I hope you are all well and have been trying your very best this week. I can’t believe we are halfway through the week already, time really flies when you are having fun!

Let’s keep busy today, making sure our brains and bodies are active by completing today’s learning tasks- Wednesday 29th April

If you wish to complete any more tasks, remember we have our new First level grid for April. You could select one task from here to complete.

Most importantly, remember to take plenty of breaks, try your best and have a great day learning.

If you have any questions I’m only an email away-

Take care and keep smiling,

Miss Shreenan 🙂



Primary 1a Wednesday 29th April

Good morning boys and girls,  please begin today with our morning prayer:

God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together. St Barbara pray for us 🙏

I hope that you have been working hard this week and helping your parents out at home. We will begin today, as we do each day, revising our initial sounds and phonemes that we already know.  This is very important as these sounds help us to read and write.

Literacy – Today I would like you to go on an alphabet scavenger hunt in your house and/or garden. Can you find something around your house for every letter of the alphabet? Take your time and have fun!

You can complete this in your jotter and write down the item or can take a picture of all the things you have found.

Practise your 12 common words from yesterday in any way you wish, rainbow spelling, shaving foam, play doh, pasta, in sand or just in your jotter. Practise writing these words 3 times each.

Reading – Yesterday I assigned you a book from scholastic, if you have not contacted me for your login details yet please do –


Last week we were looking at number bonds to 10.  Let’s see how much you can remember by beginning with our ‘Daily 10’ mental maths questions.

Select level 1 addition and bonds to make 10. How quickly can you answer these questions?

If you would like more of a challenge you can try and complete in a shorter time or try bonds to make 20.

Now let’s practise counting to 100. See how far you can go.

Number Bonds Challenge

General – I would like you to do challenge one today, we will do challenge two tomorrow.

*Chilli Challenge – if you find challenge one too easy I would like you to do challenge three today and keep four for tomorrow.


Health and Wellbeing – I’d like you to choose you own exercise, you can tune into Joe Wicks or Jump Start Johnny or go for a walk, cycle or scoot or even just jump on your trampoline for 10 minutes if you have one.

In class we looked at the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We also talked about the lifecycle of a butterfly.  Watch this story again and try to complete the activity that follows.


Click on the link above to access this activity.  You have to colour, cut and stick in the correct order and make into your very own butterfly lifecycle.  I hope you enjoy this activity.  I’d love to see some pictures of your butterflies 🦋

Mrs MacLeod x

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