Category Archives: Whole School

Nursery Menu

Hot Meal Option
Week 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Hot Option Pizza and tomato pasta (v) Pork sausage  with seasoned diced potatoes Fish fingers*  baby boiled  potatoes Mince and mashed  potatoes Lentil soup  and sandwich triangles (v)
Vegetarian Alternative Not required Quorn sausage with seasoned diced potatoes (v) Baked potato with beans and a side  salad (v) Cheese and onion pastie,  with mashed  potatoes,  (v) Not required
Sweet treat, fruit or yoghurt Fruit or yoghurt Homebaking  or Fruit Fruit or yoghurt Homebaking  or Fruit Fruit or yoghurt

*Salmon All choices come with the choice of water or milk included in the price. There should be a minimum of two options of vegetables, salad or vegetables sticks on offer, with two portions served with each meal. Week starting 2nd November, 23rd November, 14th December, 18th January, 8th February, 1st March, 22nd March

Primary School Lunch Menu

Today’s hot option RED BAND Pizza and tomato pasta with salad and vegetable  sticks (v) Pork hot dog with seasoned  diced potatoes and a choice of vegetables or salad Fish Fingers baby boiled  potatoes and a  choice of  sweetcorn, peas or baked beans (mayo dip) Mince pie and mashed potatoes with  carrots and peas Fish and chips with a choice of peas or salad
Vegetarian alternative GREEN BAND Not required Quorn hot dog with seasoned  diced potatoes and choice of vegetables or salad (v) Baked potato and baked beans with a choice of  vegetables or salad (v) Cheese and onion pastie and mashed  potatoes, carrots and peas (v) Quorn nuggets and chips with a choice of salad or peas (v)
Baked potato with  filling YELLOW BAND Cheese (v) or tuna Baked bean  or cheese (v) Tuna or cheese( v) Baked beans or tuna Cheese (v) or tuna
Snack 2 go BLUE BAND Choice of chicken, tuna or cheese (v) Choice of chicken, cheese (v) or tuna Choice of ham, tuna or cheese (v) Choice of ham, cheese (v) or tuna Choice of chicken, tuna or cheese (v)
Soup, sweet treat, fruit or yoghurt Lentil soup,(v) fruit,yoghurt or jelly Vegetable soup (v) homebaking or fruit Chicken and rice soup, fruit or yoghurt or homebaking Vegetable soup(v) homebaking or fruit Lentil soup,(v) fruit,yoghurt or jelly

All choices come with the choice of water or milk included in the price.  There should be a minimum of two options of vegetables on offer, with two portions served with each meal. Week starting: 2 November, 23 November, 14 December, 18 January, 8 February, 1 March, 22 March. Free bread provided daily.



Catholic Education Week

Over the next five days, St.Augustine’s will mark Catholic Education Week. This year’s theme is Jesus Christ – the Way, the Truth and the Life and teachers across the school will be using the specially-produced resources from the Scottish Catholic Education Service. Please can I invite pupils, staff, parents, parishioners and friends to join us in the prayer below  for Catholic Education Week throughout the coming days.

What’s on this week?

Last week was a busy time in school with all classes having a focus on National Anti-bullying Week and National Road Safety Week.  This week our attention turns to Catholic Education Week.  Last week we had the good fortune to celebrate Mass with staff and pupils from St.Ambrose High School  and to give thanks for our wonderful Catholic schools.  We thank Father Michael for making this possible  and Father McGachey for a lovely service. This year’s theme is Jesus Christ – the Way, the Truth and the Life and teachers across the school will be using the specially-produced resources from the Scottish Catholic Education Service.

A copy of this term’s latest newsletter was sent out last week via groupcall.  Please contact the school if you wish to have a paper copy.  A copy of the newsletter is available on the school website. If you did not receive a copy to your mailbox please contact the school in order that we can confirm your e-mail address.

Mon. 23rd Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 7 and 8 – 9.00 – 9.40

Mrs. Docherty online meeting with Speech and Language Therapist – pm

Management Meeting – 3.00pm

Tues. 24th


Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 12 and Rm14 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Students / Teachers virtual meetings with university tutor -pm

Mrs. Docherty to meet Mr. J. McLaughlin- Cluster Improvement and Integration Lead- 2.00pm

Mrs. Docherty – online meeting with Education Manager  to discuss cluster plan- 3.30p

Wed. 25th



Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 16, Rm 13 – 9.00 – 9.40am

Johnny McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit

MMElliott – delivering LIAM programme –

Mrs. Docherty/Mrs. Elliott – to meet Education Manager – 1.00pm

Mrs. Docherty to attend online meeting as  Cluster Chair –  3.30- 4.30pm

Sumdog Training event – Spelling and Grammar – 3.30 – 4.30pm – attended by several staff members


PTA – 7.15pm

Thurs. 26th



Mrs. Elliott – to meet Mrs.S. Docherty – mentor/prob.meeting – 11.15am-

Johnny McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit

Mrs. Docherty to attend Cluster Meeting – 3.30pm – St.Ambrose

Frid. 27th Miss Livingston to cover Rm 2 – am

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 8

DKinniburgh – Educational Psychologist  – nursery and school visit

Committee Meetings – pm



Nursery Menu

Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Hot Option Casserole chicken with mashed potato Penne pasta bolognese served with garlic bread Cowboy beans pork sausage with beans and diced potato Fish fingers*  with mashed  potato Beans on toast (v)
Vegetarian Alternative Vegetable casserole with mashed potato (v) Tomato pasta  served with  garlic bread (v) Cowboy beans Quorn sausage with beans and diced potato (v) Quorn nuggets with mashed  potato (v) Baked potato with cheese  (v)
Sweet treat, fruit or yoghurt Fruit or yoghurt Homebaking  or Fruit Fruit or yoghurt Homebaking  or Fruit Fruit or yoghurt

*Salmon All choices come with the choice of water or milk included in the price.  There should be a minimum of two options of vegetables, salad or vegetables sticks on offer, with two portions served with each meal. Week starting 26th October, 16th November, 7th December, 11th January, 1st February, 22 February, 15th March

Primary Lunch Menu

Today’s hot option RED BAND Chicken curry  and rice  with  a naan bread finger and a choice of vegetables Penne pasta bolognese served  with garlic bread and a choice of salad or vegetables Cowboy beans pork sausage and  beans with potato waffles Steak pie with mashed potatoes Fish and chips with a choice vegetables and salad
Vegetarian alternative GREEN BAND Vegetable curry  and rice with a naan bread finger and a choice of vegetables (v) Tomato Pasta served with garlic  bread and a choice of salad or vegetables (v) Cowboy beans Quorn sausage and  beans with potato waffles (v) Baked potato with cheese and a choice of  vegetable sticks (v) Quorn nuggets  and chips with a choice of salad  and vegetables (v)
Baked potato with filling YELLOW BAND Cheese (v) or tuna Baked bean  or cheese (v) Tuna or cheese (v) Baked beans or tuna Cheese (v) or tuna
Snack 2 go BLUE BAND Choice of chicken, cheese (v) or tuna Choice of tuna, cheese (v) or ham Choice of cheese (v), chicken or tuna Choice of tuna, cheese (v) or ham Choice of chicken, cheese (v) or tuna
Soup, sweet treat, fruit or yoghurt Lentil soup,(v) fruit,yoghurt or jelly Vegetable soup (v) homebaking or fruit Chicken noodle soup, fruit yoghurt or homebaking Vegetable soup, homebaking or fruit Lentil soup,(v) fruit,yoghurt or jelly

All choices come with the choice of water or milk included in the price.  There should be a minimum of two options of vegetables on offer, with two portions served with each meal. Week starting: 26 October, 16 November, 7 December, 11 January, 1 February, 22 February, 15 March.


What’s on this Week?

Please note the school is closed to pupils on Monday as this is an in-service day for staff.

The latest newsletter will be issued this week with dates for your diary.  An electronic copy will be sent via groupcall directly to your mailbox and a copy will be uploaded to the blog.  If you require a paper copy of the newsletter please contact the school.  As soon as we have all photographs from the first communions this week our newsletter will be issued.  Please be aware that any changes to government guidelines may have an impact on our plans and if so we will inform you of this immediately.

This week there is a schedule of planned visits by all staff to other classrooms as part of our ongoing development work around shared approaches to teaching and learning.

Mon. 16th In-Service
Tues. 17th


Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 12 and Rm14 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Mr.  McBrier – Curricular Support Teacher – whole day school visit

Students virtual meetings – pm

Management Meeting

Wed. 18th



Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 16, Rm 13 – 9.00 – 9.40am

Mr.  McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit

Mrs. Elliott – delivering LIAM programme – pm

Students – virtual meetings with Tutor – pm

Miss Ross – HWB session – 3.30 – 4.30pm

Mrs. Drummond – Digital Leaders training – 3.15 – 4.45

Thurs. 19th



Mrs. Elliott to cover NCCT Room 9 and 10 – 9.00 – 9.40am

Mrs. Elliott – to meet Miss Docherty – mentor/prob.meeting – 11.15am-

Mrs. Docherty to attend Head of Establishment Meeting 2.45 – 3.30pm

Frid. 20th Miss Livingston to cover Rm 2 – am

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 8 – 12.00 – 12.45 and from 1.30- 3.00.

First Communions

Congratulations to the final group of children who received the Sacrament of Holy Communion this weekend.  Our good wishes go to the children and their families who waited a long time to celebrate their child’s First Holy Communion.  Many thanks to Father Michael and Deacon David for making the services so special and memorable for all the children.  The children were wonderful and  a credit to themselves, the school and most importantly to their families.