Category Archives: Whole School

Welcome Back!!!

Hello All Parents/Carers,

We are delighted to welcome everyone back to school on Monday and to welcoming our new Pr. 1 cohort.  Exciting times!!  We hope you enjoyed a lovely summer break with your family and are looking forward to a new school year.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone.  The school staff have been  in the school building for the last few days in preparation for your child’s return to school and can’t wait to meet their new pupils.  Information in regard of your child’s new class and their teacher was issued in June.  Staff will be on hand in the playground to direct your child to where they will line up with their peers in order that we alleviate any anxieties.  Please reassure your child not to worry.  Both myself and Mrs.Elliott will be in the playground to assist with any questions.  Pr. 2 – 7 are requested to arrive and enter the school using the appropriate gates with Pr. 1, 2 and 3 pupils entering via the infant gates – Zone 1 and 2.  Pr. 4 – 7 pupils use the senior gate – Zone 3. School starts for all pupils at 9.00am with the 8.57 bell ringing to indicate that all pupils should be in line ready for morning prayers.  Pr. 1 pupils will start their first day of school at 10.00am with pick up time at 2.45pm for Pr. 1 pupils.  Room 2 /Pr. 2 pupils will leave at 2.55pm from the infant door. Pr. 2/3 (Rm 7) and Pr. 3 (Rm 8)  pupils will also leave from the infant door at 3.00pm. Pr. 4- 7 pupils will leave school at 3.00pm, leaving from either the middle doors or the doors in the top yard and will exit via the senior gate.  Please ensure that there is no crowding at the exit gates. Could I kindly request that you have made an arrangement with your child, if picking up your child, about where you will be located so that your child can meet up with you at pick up time. Please use the boundary fence to locate yourself and spread out so that the exit gates are clear for children leaving the premises.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.  Please have a good weekend.


Kind Regards


Mrs. C.Docherty

Leavers Mass

Congratulations to our Primary 7 pupils who were awarded their Pope Francis Faith Awards at their recent Leavers Mass celebrated by Fr Kane.

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Pupils were joined by family and friends to receive their end of year awards, high school ties and yearbook.  It was a lovely service that also celebrated the retirement of Mrs Fraser who has been part of our team for 23 years. We wish her a long, happy and healthy retirement.

End of Term Update

Last week we enjoyed a number of whole school events that brought our school community together whilst we following all risk assessments around virus control.  Our children have enjoyed

*retreats to the Parish Centre (many thanks to Father Kane and youthworker Jan ) to further develop faith formation

*with the exception of Pr. 7, all classes enjoyed the sunny weather on their trips to Summerlee Heritage Museum. This wonderful facility is on our doorstep and we took full advantage of the excellent workshops on offer when the venue opened.

*Pr 1 and 2 classes had a special visit to local attraction Ice Lab and got to concoct their own recipes. Many thanks to Father Kane who paid for this lovely treat.

*Pr.7 leavers garden party.  Many thanks to the PTA who provided the food on the day.  The event was a huge success and was a fitting send off for a most fabulous Pr.7 cohort.

*Nursery graduation – the nursery team went all out to provide a wonderful party and graduation ceremony for our children who will be transferring to primary school in August.

*Lunch time Beach Party – a huge thank you to PTA for providing juice, ice lollies and ice poles to add to the summer vibe. A huge thank you to Pr.7 who organised the event.  It has become an established school event that has become a highlight of the school year for everyone.

*Scotland day was celebrated on Monday as we joined the hype around the Euros.  The school was a sea of tri-colours and there were quite a few renditions of Yes Sir I Can Boogie. Good fun was had by all.

Our final week will see us say a final farewell to our Pr. 7 pupils.  The Pr. 7 Leavers Mass will take place on Monday in the church and will also serve as the Leavers/Retirement Mass for Mrs.Margaret Fraser, Principal Teacher, who retires this week after 23 years service to St.Augustine’s Primary.  At the Mass we will be joined by Pr.7 parents, Margaret’s family and the family of Mrs. Sarah Cannon who very sadly and suddenly passed away this year.  This will be Sarah’s 6 month anniversary and we felt it was most fitting that her family join us at this service and awards ceremony. Sarah, as you know continues to be missed at St.Augustine’s.

We aim to have our end of term Mass on Tuesday afternoon, weather permitting this may take place outside and if the weather is not kind representatives from each class will attend the service in the church.  Our end of term assembly will also take place on Wednesday morning.  The school will also be a busy place as teachers pack away resources and begin to make plans for August.

At present we are unable to provide information about classes and teachers as we await confirmation about our staffing for next session.  As soon as this information is confirmed we will inform everyone about their classes for next session.  Due to current restrictions we cannot have children moving from class to class and therefore cannot run with our move up afternoon as we would have done previously.  We will, however, endeavour to ensure that children leave school knowledgeable about their class for next session  and their teacher’s name.  We sincerely hope that after a most challenging two years our children enjoy their summer holidays and get to spend precious time with friends and extended family.  Let’s hope the weather is kind to us all and that our staycations are filled with glorious sunshine.

PTA Raffle

Please see below a message shared by our PTA :-

We have kindly had all the below items donated and we thought they would make great little summer ready hampers.

Raffle tickets will be available in school from
today – 20p per ticket/£1 a strip. Please send CORRECT CHANGE as we cannot provide change.

You can also purchase raffle tickets by sending the PTA Facebook page a private message.

The raffle will be drawn next week before the end of term. Don’t worry if your child is not going to be in the last few days of term, if they are drawn as the winner we will arrange for your prize to be delivered to your home. Or you can collect from PTA HQ.

A special thank you to Jill Heart Style for her kind donation of candles and gift cards.

As always, thank you for your support.

What’s on this week?

To celebrate our National football team qualifying for the Euros and to help cheer them on in their first match on Monday against Czech Republic children can attend school in sports wear (Scotland tops only please –  no other football colours) or they can wear anything blue or tartan.  Face paint and sprayed hair is entirely optional.  We will have our fingers and toes crossed hoping for a goal and then you will hear us cheer!

Monday 14th




Pr. 7 – Pupils to attend St.Ambrose induction.  All day. Children to make their own way to school for 9.00am start.

Mrs. Docherty to attend CP Meeting– 12.30

Mrs. Docherty to attend cluster meeting 3.00pm – St.Ambrose HS

SCOTLAND DAY – children to wear sports clothes/ face paint etc for cheering on Scotland!!!

Tuesday 15th





Rm 12 and 14 – assembly – Mrs. Docherty

Pr. 7 – Pupils to attend St.Ambrose induction.  All day.

Speech and Language school visit- 9.30

Mrs. Docherty to attend mentor meeting  2.00pm


Wednesday 16th





Rm 13 and 16 – assembly – Mrs. Docherty

Pr. 1 – Eye screening – pm

Caitlin O’Byrne and Tracey King – to visit nursery – new staff members to start in August

Pr. 7 /S1 – Parent Information Evening – Virtual event 6.00pm

Thursday 17th


9.00 – 9.40- Rm 9 and 10 Assembly – Mrs. Elliott

Kyle Blears – Teen Talk – delivering pupil counselling service

Project Management Training 9.30 – 12.30

PT Interviews – 11.30am – to be held in Room 6

Miss Ross to attend Pr. 1 Revised Literacy Programme – 3.15 – 4.45

Scottish Water – school visit – 3.00pm

Child Protection co-ordinators briefing meeting 3.30pm- Mrs.Docherty


Friday 18th


Pupil Fun Day – own clothes day

Whole school assembly – 9.45

Virtual Talent Show- details to follow

Teddy Bears Picnic- nursery/Pr.1