Week Beginning Monday 20th June 2016

The lunch menu for this week:


General Information

After-school Clubs

  • All after-school clubs have now finished for the term.  Well done to all of the pupils who completed their six week block of additional learning.

In-service Day

  • School and Nursery will be closed to pupils on Thursday 23rd June 2016 as the school will be used as a polling station for the EU Referendum.

Tuck Shop on Friday

  • To accommodate the P7 Leaver’s Service, tuck shop will be open between 8.45 and 9am on Friday this week and will not open at interval. Any pupils who wish to buy tuck should enter via the P3-7 pupil doors and go to the hall.

Calderhead School Uniform Sales Night

  • Note for P7 parents: Academy Uniform will be in Caldervale High School on Monday 20th June, 3:15-5pm and Tuesday 21st June, 6-7:30pm to take orders for their school blazers and new house t-shirts.

This week’s diary:

Tuesday 21st June 2016

  • 10.15am-12.30pm:  Cinema Trip for Winning House – Southfield.  Don’t forget to return your permission slip.
  • 11.15am:  Library Bus for any pupil in P1-3 who wishes to visit.

Wednesday 22nd June 2016

  • 9.00am-10.30am: P7s will take part in the Heartstart Day with Miss Tiffney.
  • 9.15am-10.30am:  Nursery End of Year Celebration (Families of Nursery pupils invited to attend).  All Nursery pupils should attend the morning session today.
  • 11.00am-12.00pm:  Nursery Fun Day
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  New Nursery Pupils Induction Session.

Thursday 23rd June 2016

  • Inservice Day.  School and nursery closed to pupils.

Friday 24th June 2016

  • 8.45am-9.00am:  Early Tuck Shop today
  • 9.30am-10.30am:  End of Term Service/P7 Leavers Assembly in the school hall.  All parents invited to attend.
  • 10.30am-11am:  P7 Celebration Tea – Parents of P7s invited to attend.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time.


What’s on Week Beginning Monday 13th June 2016

This week’s lunch menu


General Information

Classes for August 2016

  • Letters informing parents/carers about which class their child will be in and which teacher they will have will be sent home on Friday.  These will be issued to children in a sealed envelope – please check your child’s bag for these.

Janitor Vacancy

  • A permanent Janitor has been appointed to take up post in August 2016.  Mrs. Black, currently the janitor at Kirk o’Shotts Primary School, will join the Stane team after the summer holidays.  She will visit Stane this week to shadow the current janitor.  We are delighted to welcome her to the team.

P1-7 Sports Day

  • Our annual Sports Day will take place on Monday 13th June 2016.  In the event of inclement weather, the text message facility will be used to inform parents as early as possible.
  • This year, the event will be a traditional Sports Day and will take place on the park opposite the school.  Primary 1-3 pupils will compete between 1pm and 2pm.  P4-7s races will be from 2pm-3pm.
  • All parents/carers are welcome to attend and are asked to remain in the spectators area which will be clearly marked.
  • Children should wear appropriate Sports clothing (in their house colours if possible).

Nursery Sports Day

  • The nursery sports day will take place in the playground at 11am or 3pm.
  • Parents/Carers are invited to attend and should arrive via the nursery entrance.
  • In the event of inclement weather, the text message facility will be used to inform parents as early as possible

After-School Clubs

  • The last session of the P1 Balance Bike club was last week.

Primary 7 Cafeteria Cards

  • Children in P7 will need to spend the balance on their Cashless Cafeteria Cards by the end of term as money cannot be refunded or transferred to their High School accounts.

School Diary – 13th to 17th June 2016

Monday 13th June 2016

  • Children in the nursery will be having a photograph taken today which will be given to all pupils as an end of term present.  Pupils should wear their nursery jumper if possible.
  • 12pm-12.45om- Early Lunch for P1-7.
  • 1pm-3pm:  P1-7 Sports Day (see above)

Tuesday 14th June 2016

  • 11.30am-12pm:  P5 Kodaly Music Lesson with Mrs. McGregor.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Basketball Club led by Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and water required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Walking Club with Mrs. Pollock and Mrs. Robert (Outdoor PE Kit and water required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P5-7 Cross Country Club led by Mr. Clark (Outdoor PE Kit and water required).

Wednesday 15th June 2016

  • 9.30am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Multi-Sports Club with Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and water required).

Thursday 16th June 2016

  • 9.00am-10.15am:  P5/6 Badminton Session (PE Kit and water required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P5-7 Bikability Club led by Miss Tiffney (Outdoor PE Kit, bike, helmet and water required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Football Club led by Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and water required)

Friday 17th June 2016

  • 10.15am-10.30am:  Tea with Mr. Clark for Pupils of the Week and Workers of the Week from Wednesday.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time.

Week Beginning Monday 6th June 2016

This week’s lunch menu


General Information

Shotts Highland Games

Well done to all of the Primary 6 and 7 children who participated in the 67th Annual Shotts Highland Games on Saturday.  We had good success at many of the individual events and came in 3rd place overall, receiving £50 prize money.  Thank you to everyone who assisted and to the staff, pupils and parents/relatives who came along to support the school.

St. Andrew’s Hospice Sessions

On Tuesday 7th, all classes including the Nursery will have a Health and Wellbeing session with St. Andrew’s Hospice as part of our Business Link with them.  The children will learn more about healthy eating and the ‘Eat-well’ plate.

The Diary for this week:

Monday 6th June 2016

  • 2.00pm – Nursery Balance Bike Session led by Active Schools Coach
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm – P1-3 Balance Bike After-School Club led by Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and Water required)

Tuesday 7th June 2016

  • St. Andrew’s Hopsice Health and Wellbeing Sessions (see above)
  • 11.15am:  Library Bus for P4-7 pupils who wish to visit.
  • 1.30pm-3pm:  Mr. O’Donnell from CHS working with P6/7.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Basketball Club led by Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and Water required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Walking Club (Outdoor PE Kit and Water required)
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P5-7 Cross Country Club (Outdoor PE Kit and Water required)

Wednesday 8th June 2016

  • 9.30am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly
  • 10.30am-10.45am:  Tea with Mr. Clark for Pupils and Workers of the Week.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Multi-Sports Club led by Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and Water required).

Thursday 9th June 2016

  • 9.00am-10.15am:  P5/6 Badminton Session (PE Kit and Water required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P5-7 Bikability Club led by Miss Tiffney (Outdoor PE Kit, bike, helmet and water required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Football Club led by Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and Water required).

Friday 10th June 2016

  • 9.45am-2.20pm: P4/5 Primary Games at Ravenscraig Sports Facility
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  Nursery to P1 Transition Session for all August 2016 P1s
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time.

Health Week 2016

What a fun and active week it has been!

The whole school and nursery  have been busy in a range of different health activities this week.

On Monday we were introduced to Health Week with a whole school assembly. Then Miss Tiffney worked with all of the classes to cover some aspects of HeartStart.

On Tuesday we had the Co-op visit for a fruit taster session as well as some of the classes participating in making their own healthy recipes.


On Wednesday there was an opportunity for everyone to experience circus skills and smoothie tasting thanks to Ian.


On Thursday everyone enjoyed participating in an Olympic Session run by Graeme.

The Paramedics came in the afternoon and worked with P3 upwards.

In addition each class aimed to complete a daily mile – some of the classes did this together.

It has been a really busy but fun week for everyone involved.

A big thank you to everyone who visited our school and made this week a great success.

An even bigger thank you to Miss Tiffney for organising everything.

Week Beginning Monday 24th May 2016

This week’s lunch menu


General Information

 Book Fayre

  • Thank you to everyone who purchased from the Travelling Book Fayre last week.  We sold over £800 of books/stationery which gives a wonderful £420 commission to spend on books for the school.

 Health Week

  • This week is Health and Heartstart week in the school and nursery, with lots of fun and active activities planned for the children.  Children are permitted to wear casual/sports clothes for the entire week.

Non-uniform Day

  • Thursday is our regular monthly non-uniform day. The children may still pay their £1 donation even though it is Health Week.  This month’s collection will be donated to Christian Aid as part of our annual support to this charity.

 Golden Time

  • Due to the Health Week and the holiday on Friday, Golden Time will take place in classes this week at a time that suits individual teachers.

The diary for the week ahead… 

Monday 23rd May 2016

  • 2.00pm-3.00pm:  Balance Bike session in Nursery with Active Schools Coordinator.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1 Balance Bike Club led by Active Schools Coordinator (PE Kit and water bottle required).

Tuesday 24th May 2016

  • 9.00am:  Miss Law in P2 for Roots of Empathy session.
  • 11:00:  Library Bus in school. Pupils in P1-3 who want to will be given time to visit.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Basketball Club led by Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and water bottle required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Walking Club with Mrs. Pollock and Mrs. Robert (Outdoor PE Kit and water bottle required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P5-7 Cross Country Club led by Mr. Clark (Outdoor PE Kit and water bottle required).

Wednesday 25th May 2016

  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Multi-Sports Club with Active Schools Co-ordinator (PE Kit and water bottle required).

Thursday 26th May 2016

  • Normal Non-uniform Day (See above)
  • 9.00am-10.15am:  P5/6 Badminton Session (PE Kit and water bottle required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P5-7 Bikability Club led by Miss Tiffney (Bikes, Helmets, PE Kit and water bottle required)
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Football Club led by Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and water bottle required).

Friday 27th May 2016

  • Holiday – School and nursery closed to pupils and staff.

Monday 30th May 2016

  • Holiday – School and nursery closed to pupils and staff.

Tuesday 31st May 2016

  • School and nursery re-open at the normal times.

What’s on Week Beginning Monday 16th May 2016

This week’s lunch menu


General Information

Book Fayre

  • The ‘Travelling Book Fayre’ will be in school Monday to Thursday this week.  All children will be given time to browse the books and stationery available to buy.  It will be open for sales at lunchtimes to pupils and during Parent’s Evening on Thursday.  Money for the Book Fayre should not be added to Lunch Cards.

Parent/Teacher Consultations

Parent’s night is this Thursday from 3pm-8pm and parents should have received their appointment time last Friday.    You will have an opportunity to see a sample of your child’s work and hear about their latest progress and next steps in learning.

Fluoride Varnishing

The regular Fluoride varnishing for P1-4 will take place on Friday for those children whose parents have given consent.

Monday 16th May 2016

  • 2.00pm-3.00pm:  Balance Bike session in Nursery with Active Schools coach.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1 Balance Bike Club led by Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and Water Bottle required).

Tuesday 17th May 2016

  • 11.30am-12pm:  P5 Kodaly lesson with Mrs. McGregor.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Basketball Club led by Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and Water Bottle Required)
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Walking Club with Mrs Pollock and Mrs Robert (Outdoor PE Kit and Water bottle required).
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P5-7 Cross Country Club led Mrs. Scott (Outdoor PE Kit and Water Bottle required)

Wednesday 18th May 2016

  • P6 Enterprise Excursion to Edinburgh accompanied by Miss Tiffney and Mrs Pollock:  Pupils should return at 7.30pm approx. but please check Twitter for updates.
  • 9.30am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly (don’t forget to bring in any Achievements out-with school)
  • 10.30am-10.45am:  Tea with Mr. Clark for Pupils and Workers of the Week.
  • 1.30pm-2.15pm:  Miss Law in school to deliver Roots of Empathy Programme with P2.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Multi-Sports Club with Active Schools Coach (PE Kit and Water Bottle Required)

Thursday 19th May 2016

  • 9.00am-10.15am:  P5/6 Badminton Session (Gym Kit required)
  • 3.00pm-8.00pm:  Parent Teacher Consultation Meetings (and Book Fayre).


Friday 20th May 2016

  • Fluoride Varnishing for P1-4 pupils will take place today
  • 11.00am-12.15pm:  Nursery to P1 Transition Session (including Parent workshop).
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  P4-7 Boys Football Session at Calderhead High School
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time

Week Beginning Monday 9th May 2016

The School Lunch menu for this week:

General Information

After-School Clubs

  • The Term 4 After-school clubs start this week.  Children were issued with a letter on Friday to let them know if they had a place on a club.  The clubs run from 3pm-4.15pm. Suitable PE Kit and Water bottles are required for the active clubs (outdoor kit for the Walking and Cross-Country Running Club).  If a child is unable to attend a club, please contact the school to confirm.  All pupils must be collected at 4.15pm from the main entrance by an adult over 16 years of age.

Early Lunch on Friday 13th May 2016

  • To accommodate the Scottish Opera workshop on Friday, lunchtime will be a little earlier (12pm-12.45pm).

Parents Night Appointments

  • Children will be issued with a letter on Friday 13th May 2016 indicating their appointment time for Parent Teacher consultations on 19th May.  Please contact the school asap if this time is unsuitable.

School Diary for Monday 9th May 2016 to Friday 13th May 2016

Monday 9th May 2016

  • Fiona from Childsmile will be in school today and will visit all classes and the nursery.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1 Balance Bike Club led by Active Schools Co-ordinator.

Tuesday 10th May 2016

  • Day 1 of P7 two-day visit to Calderhead
  • 11.00am:  Library Bus in school (P4-7 Children may it this week visit if they wish)
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Basketball Club led by Active Schools Coach.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Walking Club led by Mrs. Pollock and Mrs. Robert
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P5-7 Cross Country Club led by Mr. Clark.

Wednesday 11th May 2016

  • Day 2 of P7 two-day visit to Calderhead
  • 9.30am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly – remember that any child who has an achievement outwith school may bring it in to share!
  • 10.30am-10.45am:  Tea with Mr. Clark (this week and last week’s pupils).
  • 1.30pm-2.15pm:  Miss Law in school to deliver Roots of Empathy Programme with P2.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Multi-Sports Club with Active Schools Co-ordinator
  • 6.00pm-8.00pm:  Parent Council Meeting (all parents/carers welcome to attend).

Thursday 12th May 2016

  • 9.30am-10.30am:  P1/2 and P2 Class Assembly.  Parents/Carers and relatives invited to attend.
  •  9.30am-12.00pm:  School and Vice Captains at Pupil Council Conference accompanied by Miss Kean.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Football Club led by Active Schools Coach

Friday 13th May 2016

  • Book Fayre being delivered today. Children will be able to browse and buy books next week (and it will be open during Parent/Teacher consultations on 19th May).
  • 12.00pm-12.45pm:  EARLY LUNCH
  • 1.00pm-2.30pm:  Scottish Opera Initial Workshop for P5-7.
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  P4-7 Boys Football Session at Calderhead
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time
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