Head Teacher’s Blog – Thursday 16th February 2017

I hope everyone enjoyed their time off this week for the mid-term break.  It was lovely to have all of the boys and girls back in school today and it was lovely to hear their stories about the holiday.  Some children had been lucky enough to go away for a short holiday while others just enjoyed relaxing at home or spending time with their families.

Over the holiday, the workmen have been very busy in our school and the children returned to find a lovely new carpet fitted in our main entrance and foyer.  It looks lovey and fresh – some of the children seemed to be under the impression that I had fitted it!

I enjoyed visiting two classes this morning – I was with P6/7 in the morning to join in with a literacy lesson and I was in P1/2 to share in their Taught Writing lesson after interval.  I was impressed with the hard work and focus of both classes.  In P1/2, I was pleased to see that all children are writing independently and had been using their learning from IDL topic ‘Lost and Found’ to influence their writing.

We had an early lunch break today as M&M Productions were coming to perform ‘Treasure Island’ for all of the boys and girls in P1-7.  It was a wonderful afternoon and the cast entertained us with songs, action, amazing sets and costumes and a very exciting story.  P6/7 got a ‘backstage’ workshop afterwards – the teachers even had to do a bit of acting!

After school, I was leading the P5-7 Cross Country Club.  We did lots of different warm ups, timed trials, relay and interval training exercised to build up stamin and endurance.  I was impressed with the effort of all – don’t forget your kit next week everyone.

Tomorrow, P1-3 and P6-7 will take part in workshops delivered by NSPCC all about Child Safety.  Don’t forget our Health Week starts on Monday and pupils may wear casual clothes for the whole week.

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