What’s on at Stane – Monday 21st to Friday 24th Nov 2016

School and Nursery are closed to pupils on Monday 21st November 2016 for a Staff Inservice Day.

The lunch menu for this week will begin from Tuesday.



The school diary for the week ahead:

Monday 21st November 2016

  • Inservice Day – School and Nursery closed to pupils.

Tuesday 22nd November 2016

  • Fiona from Childsmile will visit the nursery today to assist with our Toothbrushing Programme.
  • 10am-10.30am:  Mrs. Wilkinson, Kodaly Music Teacher, will visit to work with P5 for their music lessons.
  • 11am-12pm:  Miss Cunningham, Active Schools Co-ordinator, will visit P6/7 to continue their Young Sports Leaders training.
  • 1.45pm-2.45pm:  Nursery Play on Pedals session delivered by staff from Getting Better Together.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P4-7 Basketball After School Club (PE Kit and Water bottle required).

Wednesday 23rd November 2016

  • 9am-12.30pm:  P7 Transition Visit to Calderhead High School. (Snack required).
  • 9.15am-9.45am:  Celebrating Success Assembly (Pupils with achievements from clubs and home are invited to bring them to share at assembly).
  • 1.30pm-2pm:  Jonathan visiting to work with P1/2 and P2/3 for their RME lesson.

Thursday 24th November 2016

  • 9am-10am:  Mr. Kane, Brass Tutor, working with P5-7 Brass Instrumentalist pupils.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P1-3 Dance After School Club (PE Kit and Water Bottle required).

Friday 25th November 2016

  • Non-uniform Day for School and Nursery (£1 donation for each pupil towards School Funds).
  • 9.30am-10.30am:  Come and Play Nursery Session for parents of am session children.  (Arrive via Main Entrance of school).
  • 1.45pm-2.45pm:  Come and Play Nursery Session for parents of pm session children.  (Arrive via Main Entrance of school).
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra Playtime for children achieving Silver and Gold this week.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm: Golden Time.

What’s on Monday 14th-Friday 18th November 2016

This week’s lunch menu:


The school diary for the week ahead:

Monday 14th November 2016

  • 2pm-3pm:  Miss Speirs from Active Schools will work with P2/3 for their PE lesson.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P1-3 Multi-sports After School Club (PE Kit and Water required).

Tuesday 15th November 2016

  • 11am-12pm:  Miss Cunningham, Active Schools Co-ordinator, working with P6/7 on Young Sports Leaders training.
  • 2pm-2.45pm:  Nursery Play on Pedals Sessions (with staff from Getting Better Together).
  • 3pm-4pm:  P4-7 Basketball After School Club (PE Kit and Water required).

Wednesday 16th November 2016

  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  Jonathan working with P5/6 and P6/7

Thursday 17th November 2016

  • 9am-10am:  Mr. Kane working with P6-7 Brass Instrumentalists.
  • 11am-12.30pm:  P5 Swimming Lessons – FINAL WEEK  (Swimming Kit and Towel required).
  • 1.30pm:  P1/2 to P3/4 Movie Duvet Reward (Children who have earned 10 or more stamps on their Good to Be Green Pathway will attend.)
  • 3pm-4pm:  P1-3 Dance After School Club (PE Kit and Water required).

Friday 18th November 2016

  • 9.30am-10.30amP3/4 and P4/5 Class Assembly – Parents/Carers invited to attend.  Tea/Coffee available from 9am.
  • 10.45am-12.15pm:  P4/5 to P6/7  Movie Duvet Reward (Children who have earned 10 or more stamps on their Good to Be Green Pathway will attend.)
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra Playtime for this children earning Silver or Gold.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time

Monday 21st November 2016

  • Inservice Day 3.  School and Nursery closed to pupils.

What’s on Week Beginning Monday 7th November 2016

Thank you to all of the parents/carers and friends who visited the school on Friday for our Fairtrade Coffee Morning.  The children liked performing their songs for the audience and were pleased that their home -baking was enjoyed by all.

The winner of the Fairtrade Raffle was Kayden F. in P1/2.  Congratulations!

Monday 7th-Friday 11th November 2016

This week’s lunch menu


This week’s school diary

Monday 7th November 2016

  • Two S4 Work Experience pupils from St. Aidan’s High will be visiting Stane all week and will work across all classes.
  • Mr. Orkney, a PGDE Teaching student beings a four week placement in P1/2 today.
  • 2pm-3pm:  Miss Speirs from Active Schools will work with P2/3 for PE today.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P1-3 Multisports After School club (Water Bottle and PE Kit required)

Tuesday 8th November 2016

  • 10am-10.30am:  P5 Kodaly Music Lesson with Mrs. Wilkonson
  • 11am-12pm:  Library Bus visiting school.
  • 2pm-2.45pm:  Play on Pedals session for pm nursery pupils (organised by Getting Better Together).
  • 3pm-4pm:  P4-7 Basketball After School Club (Water Bottle and PE Kit required)

Wednesday 9th November 2016

  • 9.45am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly (any pupils with achievements outwith school should bring these in to share).
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  Jonathan working with P3/4 and P4/5

Thursday 10th November 2016

  • Mr. Kane, Brass Tutor, working with P5-7 children learning Brass Instruments.
  • 11am-12.30pm:  P5 Swimming lessons at Shotts Leisure Centre (Swimming Kit and towel required).
  • 3pm-8pm:  P1-7 Parent/Teacher Consultations (School Hall)

Friday 11th November 2016

  • 10.20am-10.35am:  Early Interval for P1-7
  • 10.45am-11.15am:  Remembrance Assembly (pupils only)
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra Playtime for pupils earning Gold and Silver
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time

Sunday 13th November 2016

  • Mr. Clark and School Captain’s attending Remembrance Service at Shotts War Memorial (The school has been invited to lay a Poppy Wreath at this service).


What’s on Week Beginning Monday 31st October 2016

School Lunch Menu

This week is Scottish School’s Meal Week.  On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, there is a different main meal option from the usual menu.  For every one of these main meals purchased, 1 meal will be donated by Unilever to World Food Programme.  Click on the images below for more information.

Fairtrade Focus Week

This week is our annual Fairtrade focus week.  There will be lots of activities for the children organised throughout the week to promote their understanding of Fairtrade.  Follow our Twitter feed to see photographs of the events.  We will mark the end of this week with a Fairtrade Coffee Morning for parents/carers of P1-7.  Please come along and enjoy the children’s entertainment.


Tesco Football Coaching for Schools

In partnership with the active schools co-ordinator, football coaching sessions for all children in P1-7 have been organised for this Tuesday, 1st November 2016.  These are being delivered as part of the Tesco Bank Football Challenge.  All children will require PE kit for this.

After School Clubs – Term 2

Term 2 After School Clubs begin this week – children have been issued with a letter if they have been allocated a place.  All clubs take place from 3pm-4pm.  Children can be collected from the main entrance at 4pm.

School Diary 31st October to 4th November 2016

Monday 31st October 2016

  • P1/2 look forward to welcoming Mr. Orkney, a teaching student, who will visit their class today.
  • P2/3 will work with Active Schools student, Miss Speirs, for their PE lesson today.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P1-3 Multi-Sports Club with Miss Speirs (PE Kit and water bottle required).

Tuesday 1st November 2016

  • Tesco Bank Football coaching sessions for P1-7 throughout the day today. (PE Kit required).
  • Miss Cunningham, Active Schools Co-ordinator, will visit to work with P6/7 on Young Sports Leaders programme.
  • 1.45pm-2.45pm:  Nursery pm children will have another session of Play on Pedals with staff from Getting Better Together.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P4-7 Basketball After School Club with John Mitchell (PE Kit and Water Bottle required).

Wednesday 2nd November 2016

  • 2pm-2.30pm:  Jonathan working with P1/2 and P2/3
  • 6pm-8pm:  Parent Council Meeting (All parents invited to attend).

Thursday 3rd November 2016

  • Mr Kane (Brass Tutor) working with those children learning to play Brass Instruments.
  • 11am-12.30pm:  P5 Swimming Lessons at Shotts Leisure Centre (Swimming Kit and Towel required).
  • 1.30pm:  Community Fire Fighters delivering a ‘Bonfire Safety’ talk to P4-7.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P1-3 Dance After School Club with Natalie Neil (PE Kit and Water Bottle required).

Friday 4th November 2016

  • 9.30am-10.30am:  P1-7 Fairtrade Coffee Morning
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra Playtime for this children achieving Gold or Silver this week.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time.



What’s on Week Beginning Monday 24th October 2016

Welcome back to school and nursery – we hope you have all had a lovely October break.

  • Breakfast Club resumes on Monday 24th October from 8.15am-8.45am.  All P1-7 pupils may attend this.
  • School and nursery both re-open at the usual times on Monday 24th October 2016.  The staff and teachers will be delighted to see all of the pupils!

The new Autumn/Winter 2016 Lunch Menu begins on Monday 24th October 2016.  This is Week 1.


The annual Parent Council Hallowe’en Disco will take place on Tuesday 25th October 2016.


What’s on Monday 24th to Friday 28th October 2016

Monday 24th October 2016

  • 3pm-4pm:  P4-7 After School Dance Club (PE Kit and Water Bottle Required)

Tuesday 25th October 2016

  • 11am:  Miss Cunningham, Active Schools Co-ordinator, will work with P6/7 during their PE lesson to train them as ‘Young Sports Leaders’.
  • 2pm:  Play on Pedals Session in the nursery for pm children (Organised by Getting Better Together).
  • 5.30pm-6.30pm:  Nursery to P2 Hallowe’en Disco
  • 6.45pm-8pm:  P3 to P7 Hallowe’en Disco

Wednesday 26th October 2016

  • 9.45am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly (Any children who have an achievement outwith school should bring it to assembly).
  • 11am-12pm:  Parent Workshop on Nurture Principles
  • 1.45pm:  Jonathan working with P5/6 and P6/7.
  • 3.15pm:  Parent Workshop on Nurture Principles.

Thursday 27th October 2016

  • 9am-10am:  Mr. Kane, Brass Teacher working with P5 and P6 Brass pupils.
  • 11am-12pm:  P5 Swimming Block (Swimming kit and towel required).

Friday 28th October 2016

  • Non-uniform Day (£1 per pupil).
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra Interval for pupils achieving Silver and Gold.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time.

What’s on at Stane – Week Beginning 10th October 2016

Monday 10th October to Friday 14th October 2016

This week’s lunch menu…


Please note that this is the final week of the Spring/Summer 2016 menu.  The Autumn/Winter 2016 menu will begin after the October Week holiday.

The School Diary for this week…

Monday 10th October 2016

  • All day Titanic Outreach Programme for P5/6 and P6/7 will take place in school today.  There will be some small pocket money items that the pupils may buy if they wish – money for this should not be added to lunch cards.
  • Ms. Byrnes, NC Student, beings a placement in the nursery.  She will visit on Mondays and Tuesdays.
  • 3pm-4pm: P4-7 After School Dance Club (Gym Kit and Water Bottle Required)

Tuesday 11th October 2016

  • 9.15am-9.45am: Celebrating Success Assembly – a day early this week! (Pupils with achievements outwith school are invited to bring them to share).
  • 10am-10.15am:  Tea with Mr. Clark

Wednesday 12th October 2016

  • 9.15am-12pm:  GoKids (local drama group at Getting Better Together) visiting to deliver taser session with P1/2 to P4/5.
  • 1.45pm-2.45pm:  Jonathan visiting to work with P3/4 and P4/5.

Thursday 13th October 2016

  • 9am-10am:  Mr. Kane, Brass Tutor, working with Brass Instrumentalist.
  • 11am-12.30pm:  P5 Swimming Lesson at Shotts Leisure Centre (Swimming Kit and Towel required).
  • 2pm-3pm:  Solihull Meeting for Parents (See Below for Details).
  • 3pm-4pm: P1-3 After School Basketball Club (Gym Kit and Water Bottle Required)

Friday 14th October 2016

  • 9.15am-10.15am:  Community Police Officers visiting to deliver ‘Stranger Danger’ workshop with P1-7.
  • 2pm-2.15pm: Extra Playtime for those children earring Silver or Gold this week.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time.

Monday 17th-Friday 21st October 2016

  • Don't forget that school and nursery will be closed from 17th-21st October 2016 for the October Week Holiday.  
    We re-open at the usual times on Monday 24th October 2016.
  • Solihull Parent Group – Come along and find out what’s involved


What’s on at Stane 3rd-7th October 2016

The lunch menu for this week:


Picture menus for this week:

The School Diary for the week ahead

Monday 3rd October 2016

  • This week is the school’s focus week on Science.  We will have a range of visitors working with the children and lots of hands on Science lessons.  See the timetable for the week here.
  • New NC Early Years and Childcare Student Miss Byrnes starts a work placement in the nursery today and will visit every Monday and Tuesday.
  • 2.30pm-2.45pm:  Extra playtime for the pupils achieving Silver or Gold on Friday 30th September.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P4-7 After School Dance Club (PE Kit and Water required).

Tuesday 4th October 2016

  • 10am-10.30am:  P5 Kodaly Music Lesson with Miss Wilkinson
  • 11am-12pm:  The library bus will visit today (this has been reduced to once per month.  Pupils who wish to visit will have an opportunity.

Wednesday 5th October 2016

  • 9.45am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly (please remember to send any awards or achievements from home).
  • 11am-11.15am:  Tea with Mr. Clark for the Stane Superstars.
  • 1.30pm-2pm:  Jonathan visiting to work with P1/2 and P2/3.
  • 6pm-8pm:  Parent Council Meeting in the staffroom (including AGM).

Thursday 6th October 2016

  • 9.00am-10.00am:  Mr. Kane, Brass Tutor, in school.
  • 11.00am-12pm:  P5 Swimming lessons at Shotts Leisure Centre.  Swimming kit and towel required.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P1-3 Basketball After School Club (Water bottle and PE kit required).

Friday 7th October 2016

  • Last day of placement in the nursery for Miss Turkington, Teaching student.
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra playtime for children achieving Silver/Gold this week.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time.

Please remember to hand in any orders for ‘Badger the Mystical Mutt’ novels as soon as possible.


What’s on Week Beginning Tuesday 27th September 2016

This week’s lunch menu…


This diary for this week…

Tuesday 27th September 2016
  • 9am-12pm:  Nursery Parent Meetings (Please enter at your appointment time via the Nursery doors).
Wednesday 28th September 2016
  • 9.45am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly (please bring any achievements from home).
  • 1pm-4pm:  Nursery Parent Meetings (Please enter at your appointment time via the Nursery doors).
  • 1.30pm-1.45pm:  Tea with Mr. Clark for this week’s Stane Superstars.
  • 1.45pm-2.45pm:  Jonathan working with P5/6 and P6/7.
Thursday 29th September 2016
  • 9am-12pm:  Nursery Parent Meetings (Please enter at your appointment time via the Nursery doors).
  • 9am:  Mr. Kane, Brass tutor, working with pupils from P6 and P7.
  • 11am-12.30pm:  P5 Swimming Lessons at Shotts Leisure Centre (Swimming Kit and towel required).
  • 3.00pm-4.00pm:  P1-3 After School Basketball Club (PE Kit and Water required).
Friday 30th September 2016
  • Non-uniform Day (£1 per pupil, donated to School Improvement Fund).
  • 10am-12pm:  P3/4 outing to Active Schools Sports Hub (Wishaw Sports Centre)  PE Kit and water required.
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  Author Visit from ‘Badger the Mystical Mutt’ for P1/2 to P4/5.
  • 2.30pm-3.00pm:  Golden Time
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