
A Guard Of Honour

Today we said a very fond farewell to our Primary 7 class of 2016.

The pupils from the school lined the playground and clapped along with the pipers (some magnificent Airdrie Academy pupils).  Our P7s looked happy but emotional, wearing their ‘Leavers’ T-shirts’ which were bought for them by our fantastic Parent Council, who also did a marvellous job of organising our pipers.

It is always emotional saying goodbye, and everyone at the school would like to pay tribute to a terrific group of young adults, from a class we will never forget.

Reach for the stars boys and girls.  We cannot wait to find out what the future holds for you, and never forget…

Wherever you go, whatever you do, you will forever be part of the Rochsolloch Family.  We will miss each and every one of you.


Fun-d Raising!

Primary 4/5 showed an enterprising approach when they invited the whole school to their fund-raising Fun Day yesterday.

The pupils had organised a variety of different fun 10p activities for pupils to participate in, such as:

  • Pin the Tail on the Donkey
  • ‘Pie Face’
  • Artists Corner
  • Tombola
  • Balloon Animals
  • Guess the Bear’s Birthday
  • Beat the Goalie
  • Knock ’em Down

The children managed to raise a fantastic £140 for The Beatson Cancer Care charity.

It is events like this that make us so proud of our young people.  Well done P4/5…what a great way to round of a successful year!


End of Term Assembly

Yesterday we held our End of Term Assembly, where, as always, our pupils did us proud on the stage by putting on some amazing performances.

Each class presented a song linked to their class learning, before presentations were made to our wonderful Primary 7 pupils.

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended the show for creating such a terrific atmosphere.  We would also like to thank all of our staff, and most importantly our pupils for working so hard to put on a great show!


Leavers’ Party 2016

On Tuesday night, our P7 pupils got together with their friends at All Saints for our annual Leavers’ Party!

The children had a blast, enjoying party games and snacks before dancing the night away together.

You have been a fantastic class, P7, and we will miss you very much.  All the best for the future!



Professional Snaps! Nursery PM

Check out our professional snaps from the PM Class’ Nursery Sports Day!

Once again, we would like to say an enormous thank you, and express our sincere gratitude to John Wilson Photography for providing us with these terrific photographs of a special day!


Professional Snaps! Nursery AM

Check out our professional snaps from the Nursery Sports Day (a.m. class)!


Rio comes to Rochsolloch!

Today, P1-P7 took part in an Olympic-themed Potted Sports Day.  The children worked in House Teams, with each team representing a different Olympic Nation.  Some of the events the children were involved in were:

  • Hurdles
  • Basketball Dribble
  • Tennis
  • Rugby Shuttles
  • Obstacle Course
  • Golf Chipping
  • Team Relays

As a bit of fun for the pupils who had worked so hard, the event concluded with a Teachers’ Relay and Parents’ Obstacle Relay, much to the delight of the children.

We would like to thank all of the parents who came to cheer on the young athletes, as well as the children and staff who worked so hard to make the event a success.  We would also like to say a special thank you to Mr Griffin and P6 who have worked tirelessly to make our Sports Day a memorable one!  We’re already looking forward to next year’s!


A Day in the Capital

June is one of the busiest months in the calendar for our oldest pupils, and as part of their ‘Rights of the Child’ topic, P7 visited the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood today.

After a guided tour and interactive workshop, the class took part in a spot of impromptu hillwalking on Arthur’s Seat, making the most of Scotland’s now-famous beautiful summer weather.


A Roaring Great Topic!

On Thursday, P2/3 provided an incredible showcase of their topic learning by turning our dining hall into a dinosaur museum!  The boys and girls in the class have absolutely loved learning about dinosaurs this term, and their learning has stomped its way across the whole curriculum.

Parents and guests were able to enjoy being led around the museum by the on-site tour guides, and were given the opportunity to observe and take part in some of the following exhibits:

  • Fossil finder
  • Shadow puppets
  • Pin the Tail on the Dino
  • Gift shop
  • Dino Bite Café
  • Gallery
  • 3D egg display

Experiences like this bring learning to life for our pupils, and this is certainly a topic they will remember for many years to come.  On top of some wonderful learning, the pupils were able to raise a marvellous £114.76 for Glasgow Children’s Hospital through the sale of hand-made souvenirs in the Gift Shop.


Wear Yellow Walk

As you can tell, June is a really busy month at Rochsolloch Primary School!  Today our P7 pupils were representing the school at the annual Wear Yellow Walk at Strathclyde Park.

The children collected sponsor money for St. Andrew’s Hospice ahead of taking part in the walk today.  St Andrew’s Hospice employees have visited our school regularly in recent years, where the children have learned about the cost involved in providing the fantastic care offered to residents of Airdrie and neighbouring areas.

The class had a wonderful time in the incredible weather, retuning to school this afternoon proud and exhausted in equal measure!

Fantastic job P7.


Topictastic Assembly!

P1S put on a wonderful Assembly this morning, all about their class topic: The Tobermory Cat.

The children spoke, sang and danced, while giving their audience the message that everyone is special, just the way they are!

It was incredible to see how far the children have come since starting school last August, and it was clear that they had really enjoyed their learning.  The class were confident and happy, and were a credit to their teacher and too our school, as well as to their parents of course!

Well done P1 Stirling, we all really enjoyed ourselves this morning and we certainly think that you are every bit as special as The Tobermory Cat!


Nursery Class Update

Our Nursery Class is always extremely busy…have a look at what the girls and boys have been up to recently!

In the gallery below you can see a range of exciting learning experiences our children have been enjoying lately, including baking shortbread, investigating how germs are spread and even getting the train!

Looks like great fun!


Assembly with a Twist!

Following their recent topic about ‘Scientists and Inventors,’ P4/5 and Miss Allan decided to host an Assembly with a twist!  Parents and guests were invited along to take part in a terrific interactive Science and Technology exhibition, where the scientists and inventors of the future showcased their recent learning.

The pupils interacted confidently with their guests, and were able to explain and demonstrate a whole selection of wonders, much to the delight of their visitors!

This was a marvellous Assembly P4/5 and a great way to show off how hard you’ve been working!


P2’s Wonderful Weather Assembly!

P2 put on a terrific show for our pupils, staff and parents this morning, sharing their learning from their recent Weather topic.

The class shared a huge amount of information about what they had learned during their topic and surprised their audience with how many long and complicated words they knew and understood!  During the Assembly, the boys and girls also confidently performed some wonderful songs and an excellent poem.

Following the Assembly the parents and guests were given a chance to view some of the terrific work that the pupils had produced during their topic.  Great job Primary 2!


Awesome Assembly!

Primary 1 Edinburgh put on an absolutely superb Assembly this morning, which was all about the Tobermory Cat.  Learning about Scottish culture is a very important part of our pupils’ learning and it was  clear that our boys and girls from P1E have learned so much from their Scottish topic.

It was quite incredible to see just how confident our young people have become, so early into their lives at school.

The children’s clear speaking, confident poetry recital and tuneful singing received rave reviews from staff, pupils and parents alike!  A 10/10 performance!

We would like to say a huge well done to Primary 1 Edinburgh, Mrs Polatajko and Miss Kay for all of their hard work in putting on this terrific showcase of the pupil’s learning!


“Best Class Trip Ever!”

P3 visited Amazonia this morning to round of their Outdoor Learning ‘Into the Wild’ topic.

The class explored the rainforest and were taught about the important role minibeasts play in keeping other animals alive!  The children were then given the chance to hold a variety of creepy crawlies, and they proved to be much braver than any of the adults, who seemed much happier taking pictures! Finally, the children were taught an interactive lesson about the layers of the rainforest before taking a trip to the gift shop before heading home.

On leaving the bus, many of the children were overheard saying that it had been “the best class trip ever!”  That’s what we like to hear, P3!


Wonderful Wild Work

As part of their ‘Into the Wild’ topic, P3 were set a homework challenge.  The pupils were tasked with coming up with a personal project, based on an animal or sport.  The children were given the choice over creating a piece of artwork or model, a PowerPoint presentation, a poster or a written booklet.

Mr Innes really couldn’t believe the exceptional standard of homework that the children managed to produce.  Great job children, and thanks to all the parents for being so supportive!


A Day out at The Kelpies

Last week, P5/6 and Miss Rangeley visited The Kelpies, as part of their Myths and Legends Interdisciplinary Learning Topic.  A grey day couldn’t dampen the children’s spirits, and you can see from the snaps it was a terrific day out!

This topic has been an engaging and memorable one for P5/6, and this visit was a superb way to round it all off!  Have a close look at some of the great artwork the class have produced during this study as well as the smiling faces of the pupils, clearly loving their day trip!

This is what we like to see P5/6!


Stars in the Making

To celebrate the last Choir Club day of the 2015/16 session, the I.C.T. Suite was turned into a recording studio, with a little help from Mr Innes Snr!  The boys and girls recorded a few of their favourite songs from the year and got a little taste of what it would be like to be a recording artist…it was harder work than you might imagine!

Over the next few weeks, Mr Innes (junior and senior!) will be working on mixing a little record, showcasing six months of hard work from our singers, which will be presented to the pupils as a gift early in the new term.


Boys and girls, it has been an absolute pleasure to work with you all this year.  I’m already looking forward to making the Choir better than ever next year, with your help of course! – Mr Innes


Out and About!

Our School Choir, along with the winners of our recent Scots Verse Speaking Competition visited the retirement and sheltered housing at Gartlea Gardens.  Our talented young performers put on a short show of poetry recital and singing for the residents and staff, who were amazed at the confidence of our children.

This was a wonderful experience for our pupils and the residents at Gartlea Garden really enjoyed playing host on Thursday afternoon.  It is always great to be able to take our pupils into the community and the boys and girls always represent in our school in such a positive way.


We are all really proud of you boys and girls.

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