Primary 5 2020

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

May 29, 2020
by Mrs Hutchison

It’s the Weekend!

I hope that you have all had a great week and that you have been able to enjoy some of the lovely sunshine we have been lucky to have. Thank you for posting your photos, work and comments on the Primary 5 Team on Glow. It is lovely to see some of the things you are learning at home, well done!

The answers for the Literacy and Maths Activities are here for you to check and see how well you did.

Reading Comprehension – The Wave Answers

Adding Money Activity Answers

Subtracting Money Activity Answers

Money Problem Solving Activities Answers

Another great week on Sumdog! I have rewarded some of you with extra coins as a well done for taking part in the challenges that have been set. The more you take part the more coins you can collect. The top 5 players this week were

Spelling: AF  JG  MA  KN  EL

Grammar: KN  AnK  AM EL  JG

Maths: KN EL AW AF  HC

Well done and keep up the hard work!

Wonderful Work of the Week ( and a birthday too!)

I will post again next week with some new activities for you to try. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the lovely sunshine!

Mrs Hutchison

May 26, 2020
by Mrs Hutchison

Term 4, Week 6

Good morning Primary 5! I hope you all had a nice time over the long weekend. I have posted some new learning activities for this week and some of them will also be available as assignments on the Primary 5 Team. Remember you can choose when and how you complete the tasks. Try to also spend time each day doing something fun, relaxing, learning a new skill or helping with the chores at home.

Keep updating the Primary 5 team on Glow with your comments, work and photos if you can. Also, you can let me know if there are any tasks or activities you would like to try your hand at over the next few weeks and I will try to post some links and resources to help you.

Take care, Mrs Hutchison


I have posted another set of literacy activities that you can complete with your own novel. I have also included a comprehension task about 2 children who witness a Tsunami if you are looking for something a bit different. If you are looking for a new book to read you can access some books online through the following websites using the links below.

Novel Tasks Week 3

Reading Comprehension – The Wave


This term we are continuing to practise and consolidate familiar words. As we are having a look at money for Numeracy this week I thought it would be a good idea to practise spelling some of the tricky words we might see in this topic.

Money Spelling grid


For your writing tasks this week I have give you another journal entry to try and a grid where you can choose which literacy task you would like to complete on the theme of Superheroes.

Journal Week 4

Literacy Across Learning Superheroes Theme




This week we are going to be having a look at adding and subtracting money. The best way to learn about using money is to complete practical activities such as working out the total cost of your shopping bill and then working out how much change you are due. You could even set up your own shop or stall at home to practise! The following activities will also help you to revise your skills.

On the next website take a look at the video presentations for Week 2, Lesson 2 and 3. Here you will see lots of good strategies for adding and subtracting money.

Adding Money Activity

Subtracting Money Activity

Money Problem Solving Activities

Once you have tried some of the activities have a go at the games on the Top marks website to test your knowledge.



I hope you enjoyed learning about Tsunamis last week. This week we are going to take a look at Avalanches. Below are some ideas for activities you can do.

Avalanche Rescue

Avalanche Diary

Avalanche Experiment

Other activities

Try this Tsunami Art Activity based on the painting ‘The Great Wave’ by the Japanese artist Hokusai.

Fun at home ideas P4-P7

Spell Your Name Workout

If you are looking for ways to relax then visit this Virtual Calming Room. It has lots of great ideas and activities that will help you.


I have set challenges on Sumdog for Numeracy, Spelling and Grammar. I will let you know the top 5 players at the end of the week, good luck!


May 21, 2020
by Mrs Hutchison

Happy Holiday Weekend!

I hope that you have all had a super week. It’s been lovely to see all of your photos, work and comments on the Primary 5 Team on Glow. Well done to those of you who were able to complete some of the outdoor learning and kindness activities this week.

The First Minister Nicola sturgeon has just been on TV to say to all of the children learning at home in Scotland, that she thinks you have been magnificent. I have to agree, you should all be proud of all you have achieved over the past couple of months!

The answers for the 3D Shape Activity are here for you to check and see how many you got correct.

Name the 3D Shape Activity Answers

You have made a fantastic effort on Sumdog this week, well done to those of you who took part in the North Lanarkshire Contest as well! The top 5 players this week were

Spelling: CM   KN   JG   EL   HC

Grammar: AF   CM   HC   JG  EL

Maths: HC EL  JG  EW  AnK

Well done and keep up the hard work!

Wonderful Work of the Week

I will post again next week with some new activities for you to try. I hope you all have a lovely, relaxing weekend!

Mrs Hutchison

May 19, 2020
by Mrs Hutchison

Mental Health Awareness Week

The Mental Health Foundation are holding Mental Health Awareness Week from the 18th to the 24th May 2020. This year the theme is kindness. Follow the link below to watch a little video that will explain a bit more.

I am sure that you already have lots of great ideas for kind acts that you could carry out this week. I have also added some resources and activities you might like to try to share some kindness with others.

Make a greeting card or letter to let others know that they are in your thoughts. These greeting cards are ideal to send to friends, family or elderly members of the community who may be feeling lonely just now. You could colour in the greeting card and add a thoughtful message or use the letter template to write a kind message.

I am Thinking Of You

Thank You For Looking After Us

Thank You For Putting Others First

You Are Not Alone

Record all of your kind acts in this calendar. You could post this in the Teams page to share your ideas with others.

Power of Kindness Calendar

Take care,

Mrs Hutchison

Good morning Primary 5!  I hope you all had a great weekend despite the weather and you are ready for some new learning. The activities for this week are posted below and some of them are available as assignments on the Primary 5 Team. It is up to you when and how you complete the tasks, try to do a little bit of something each day if you can. Friday the 22nd May and Monday 25th May are both holidays so we only have 4 days of learning each week for the next fortnight and a nice long break in the middle to relax!

Thursday is ‘Outdoor Classroom Day’ so many of the tasks this week can be completed outside. I know that you will listen carefully to the adults at home so that you can do this safely and follow the important rules we have in place just now to keep us healthy. Look for this symbol beside the activities that can be done outdoors.

I have posted the help sheet with instructions of how to access Teams again just in case you missed it last time. Remember if you have any trouble getting on to Microsoft teams just comment below or email Mrs Winning and we will help you.

How to Access Teams through Glow instructions

Take care, Mrs Hutchison


Below are some literacy activities that you can complete with any novel of your choice. Remember you can access some books online through the readon website using the link below. Click on genres then longer books and this will take you to lots of chapter books you can choose from.

Novel Tasks Week 2

Take it outdoors – Try to read in the garden, it’s a great way to get some fresh air!



We are continuing with shape for Numeracy this week so the spelling grid will help you learn the 3D shape names.

3D Shape Spelling grid



Take it outdoors – Outdoor Spelling Activities Challenge Cards



Journal Week 3

Take it outdoors –Observation Alphabet Outdoor Learning Creative Writing Activity Booklet



This week we are going to be having a look at 3D shape. I have posted some activities below to help you.


3D Shapes Challenge Cards

Name the 3D Shape Activity

3D Shape Nets Activity

Once you have tried some of the activities have a go at the games on the Top marks website to test your knowledge.


     Take it outdoors –Outdoor 3D Shape Booklet



I hope you enjoyed learning about Tornadoes last week. This week we are going to take a look at Tsunamis. Below are some ideas for activities you can do.

Tsunamis Presentation

Tsunamis Research Writing Activity

Tsunami Craft Instructions


Take it outdoors – Weather Station Garden Craft Instructions


Other activities

You can find lots of information, resources and fun activities to take part in outdoors by following the link below. I have also included some other outdoor tasks that you might enjoy trying this week.

Outdoor Learning Pack 1

Outdoor Learning Pack 2

2D to 3D Shapes

Ball Run Challenge

Find many more resources like these by following these links


BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons


I have set challenges on Sumdog for Numeracy, Spelling and Grammar. I will let you know the top 5 players at the end of the week, good luck!

May 15, 2020
by Mrs Hutchison

It’s the weekend!

Hello Primary 5, I hope that you have all had a super week. I have loved seeing all of your photos, work and comments on the Primary 5 Team on Glow. You really are working so hard, I am so proud of you all!

Next week is Outdoor Learning week so look out for some fun activities on the blog on Monday morning.

Here are the answers for some of the tasks I posted on Monday:

Drawing 2D Shapes Activity Answers

Parts of a Circle Activity Answers

Tornado labelling Activity Answers

Excellent work on Sumdog this week as usual, I can see that you have been busy practising your skills! The top 5 players this week were

Spelling: AnK   JG   EL   MA   HC

Grammar: AnK   MA   HC   JG   EL

Maths: AnK   HC   JG   AM   KN

Well done and keep up the hard work!

Wonderful Work of the Week


I hope you all have a lovely weekend with lots of rest and relaxation!

Mrs Hutchison

May 12, 2020
by Mrs Hutchison

Term 4, Week 4

Good morning Primary 5! As usual I have posted some new activities for you to try over the course of the week. I will also post a few of the activities as Assignments on the Teams page to allow you to complete them on the computer and send them back to me if you wish.

Remember to log on to the Primary 5 team on Glow to let me know how you are getting on, all the lovely photos you post really brighten up my day. I have posted a help sheet below with instructions of how to access Teams. If you have any trouble getting on to Microsoft teams just comment below or email Mrs Winning and we will help you.

How to Access Teams through Glow instructions

Take care, Mrs Hutchison



Over the following weeks I will post some literacy activities that you can complete with a novel of your choice. If you are looking for something new to read try the readon website using the link below. Click on genres then longer books and this will take you to lots of chapter books you can choose from. You can stick with the one book or try a different one each week, the decision is yours.

Novel Tasks Week 1





As we are having a look at shape for Numeracy this week I thought it would be a good idea to practise spelling some of the tricky shape words.

Shape Spelling grid


Journal week 2

Literacy Across Learning Harry Potter Theme


This week we are going to be having a look at 2D shape. I have posted some activities below to help you.

Drawing 2d shapes Activity

Make a poster, video or power point explaining the properties of the different types of triangles.

Parts of a Circle Activity

Escher and Tessellations presentation

Tessellation Creation Activity


I hope you enjoyed learning about Earthquakes last week. This week we are going to take a look at Tornadoes. Below are some ideas for activities you can do.

Tornadoes presentation

Tornado Craft Instructions

Tornado labelling Activity


Other activities

Movie Night Activity

PE Challenges

French Number Challenge Sheet

BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons




I have set challenges on Sumdog for Numeracy, Spelling and Grammar. I will let you know the top 5 players at the end of the week, good luck!



May 7, 2020
by Mrs Hutchison

Holiday weekend!

A big well done for all the hard work you have done this week. Tomorrow and Monday you can all have a well earned rest as Friday is a Bank holiday and Monday is an inset day for teachers!

I would also like to say a huge thank you to all of the adults that are helping you with your learning at home as well as having to do their own work and make sure you are all healthy and happy. If you can, spend sometime this weekend helping with chores, playing with little brothers and sisters or doing something kind for your parents or carers.


Answers for this week’s comprehension activities:

Earthquakes Comprehension Activity Answers

Volcanoes Comprehension Activity Answers

World Volcanoes Comprehension Activity Answers

Answers for this week’s maths activity:

Using a Calendar Activity Answers


The top 5 players on Sumdog this week were

Spelling: ED JG  MA  KN  EL

Grammar: JG AnK  AiK  KN  HC

Maths: AG KN  HC  JG  CM

Mrs Steel let me know that Primary 5 were Ladywell class of the month for April on Sumdog! Well done and keep up the hard work!

I have loved seeing all of your photos, work and comments on the Primary 5 Team on Glow again this week.


I will post again next week with some new activities for you to try. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Mrs Hutchison


May 4, 2020
by Mrs Hutchison

Term 4, Week 3

Good morning Primary 5! I hope that you all had a great weekend and were able to enjoy the lovely sunshine.

I have posted some activities below for you to try during the course of the week. Friday is a holiday so we can take a break from learning after Thursday!

Remember it is not expected that you complete all of the activities posted here. These are just some ideas to keep up the skills that you have already developed over the course of this year. I can see from the posts on the P5 Team on Glow that many of you are spending time helping your parents and learning important life skills too, this is fantastic to see!

If you haven’t already then try to log on to the Primary 5 team on Glow using the login details that were emailed to your parents. This is a great way for you to show what you have been doing at home and to chat with the rest of the class. If you have any trouble getting on to Microsoft teams just comment below or email Mrs Winning and we will help you.

How to access Microsoft Teams on Glow

Take care, Mrs Hutchison



This is a great website with lots of fun comics you can read online. They cover topics in literacy, numeracy, history, geography and more.

You could also try some of these comprehension activities, I’ll post the answers at the end of the week.

Earthquakes Comprehension Activity

Volcanoes Comprehension Activity

World Volcanoes Comprehension Activity


As we have covered all of the Primary 5 spelling words this term is for revision and making sure we are ready for Primary 6 spelling when the time comes.

Orange group spelling grid

Pink group spelling grid


Journal week 1 

Literacy Across Learning YouTube theme





Now that we have looked at telling the time, I thought this week we could have a look at planning time. Below are some websites, games and activities to help you. Once you have watched the video try to answer the questions on the Using a Calendar Activity sheet, I’ll post the answers at the end of the week. Then think about how you would plan the time you spend in school, create your perfect daily timetable using the sheet below.

Using a Calendar Activity

Create your perfect timetable Activity

Try this game to test how well you have done.




I hope you enjoyed learning about Volcanoes last week. It was great to see some of the volcanoes you made at home, they were fab! This week we are going to take a look at Earthquakes, below are some ideas for activities you can do.

Earthquakes presentation

How to build an earthquake proof structure Instructions

Earthquake Proof Building Construction Design Activity



Other activities

Creativity grid

Home PE Activities

BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons




I have set challenges on Sumdog for Numeracy, Spelling and Grammar. I will let you know the top 5 players at the end of the week, good luck!







May 1, 2020
by Mrs Hutchison
1 Comment

It’s the weekend!

I hope that you have all had a great week. It’s been lovely to see all of your photos, work and comments on the Primary 5 Team on Glow. What a hard working class!

You have made a fantastic effort on Sumdog this week, you should all be proud of your achievements! The top 5 players this week were

Spelling: KN JG  JR  EL  HC

Grammar: KN JG  AnK  BW  EL

Maths: KN AM  AG  EL  JG

Well done and keep up the hard work!

Here are some pictures of the excellent work from the P5 Teams page this week. Keep posting and I’ll try to share as much as I can on our blog.



I will post again on Monday with some new activities for you to try. I hope you all have a lovely, relaxing weekend!

Mrs Hutchison

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