Ms Hutchison's Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

January 28, 2021
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Magic Show Login Details for P4 to P7

P4-P7Virtual Magic Show with Andy Green – The Magician
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January 25, 2021
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Primary 5 25th January

Good morning Primary 5

You are doing really well. Keep up the hard work. It was so good to see and talk to you so many of you on Friday. We will have a live meet up again at the same time this week.

When looking at your assignments, remember you can use the immersive reader to read the instructions aloud. This may help you understand what you need to do.

Remember you have an assembly meeting with Mr McCloskey today. The link is posted in our Teams general posts!

I have posted a surprise at the end to this post so keep reading right to the end!

If you can ask mum or dad to read through this post with you to help you understand what you have to do this week.

New Topics

This week we are starting two new areas!

  1. Lollipops and Candy Groups you start your novel The Queen’s Nose. Cookie group you start your new Ginn book. All reading tasks are in the usual place – Teams assignments.  I have included some short video clips to help you with the reading tasks. Please listen to them as often as you need.
  2. Our new topic starts today!  It is a geography topic we are looking at our own country of Scotland and comparing it with Spain. This week we will focus on developing our knowledge of our country Scotland. These tasks are in the IDL section at the end of this post.


Numeracy/Maths – Money

We are continuing our work on money. We are using our addition, subtraction and multiplication skills to answer money word problems. Remember to layout your work neatly and show your working. Please put a heading with each task – A simple – Task 1 or Task 4 etc…helps me work out what work you are handing in.

We are also investigating why it is important to save and plan looking at budgets. I have two tasks connected to this one is an interactive game in three parts. The second is a listening and talking activity with mum or dad. There is a little video in the HWB section for you and your parents to use. Yes money comes under numeracy and health and wealth being. Learning about money is learning to be responsible.

We are continuing with our Angles topic – focusing on right angles and understanding some mathematical language.



Only use the General Channel to say good morning and to ask any questions about work. 

Last week I was constantly interrupted by silly chat – I have to stop what I am doing to see if someone is needing help and discover it is silly nonsense.

If you wish to chat to each other use the Silly Things channel.

Remember I can see who and what is being said on all channels so be kind.

Planning your learning

We are keeping the green, yellow and blue tasks. I have tried to put more information on the timetables to make it easier to plan. You only need to look at the table for your group so that is only 3 planners.

Your first task every week will be to plan your week.

I have included an alternative planner. The boys and girls in class today thought this might be easier to follow. It is a list of all the tasks you have to do. You tick them off when you have completed each task. Choose the way that suits you and your family.

Alternative Planner

blank timetable


Lollipops and Candy Groups

Literacy Tasks 25th January

Cookie & Circle Group – All your information for this week is on Teams including your daily planner.


Square and Triangle Groups

Square and Triangle Numeracy 25th January


IDL/HWB/Other – All Groups The tasks attachments are below this planner.

IDL and other timetable25th January

IDL Task 1 25th January

IDL Task 2 Locate Scottish Cities 25th January

IDL Task 3 Glasgow Coat of Arms worksheet

IDL Task 3 Reading Information

Here is the surprise!


January 18, 2021
by User deactivated

Primary 5 Parents 18th January


Dear Parents/Guardians, 

We will be starting our class novel week beg. 25th January. I have left a copy of the novel for each child in school.  You may collect this from school during normal school hours next week. 

I have included some literacy and numeracy ‘emergency worksheets’ which you may wish to use if you experience access issues with Teams and Glow. These sheets do not need to be uploaded to the shared space. I have given enough emergency worksheets to last several weeks.  

Online Learning 

I am aware of the pressures of trying to work from home and supervise your child’s learning. have decided to post all activities for the week on a Monday. I know that some days parents have more time to support their child on tasks than other days so hope this is useful. 

The tasks have been colour coded. When planning your tasks for the week please focus on green tasks first, then yellow tasks and finally blue tasks. 


The literacy and numeracy tasks are in the Teams area as before. The other areas posted on the Glow page. It will be up to each family to decide the order in which they complete tasks.  

I have put up an overview of tasks for the week for the groups on the children’s post on Glow.   

Uploading completed work 

A few parents have mentioned the difficulty uploading the completed tasks. Please upload the work when you can and don’t worry about the submission dates. These dates are there to help me keep track. regularly check the assignment folders and find work whenever you post it. If you have difficulty posting in the Teams assignment area email me the work instead.  

Some work has been posted in the general comments area and I’m afraid it is being lost amongst all the comments. It is a bit like leaving your work on the teacher’s desk instead of the correction basket. The work gets buried under a pile of other books and paper. I don’t want to miss the opportunity to report back to the children. 

Helping the children complete their tasks 

Some of the children are finding it difficult to follow the directions/instructions without the reassurance of an adult double checking. They normally have this support in class from me! On the children’s post there is a short clip showing the children how they can hear the instructions being read to them in the Teams. They can play the instructions as often as they need. I hope this takes some ‘pester pressure’ off you 

Please let me know if you find this approach helps you plan and work with your child better than last week’s daily lesson update. We will adapt and develop the learning programme as we move through this new lockdown. I pray that it will be not long until it is safe to have all the pupils back in school. 




January 18, 2021
by User deactivated

Good morning Primary 5 18th January

This week we are going to make a small change to how I share the classwork with you. Instead of getting everything daily. I am going to put up ALL the tasks for the week on a Monday.

Green for Go!

You have to do all the green tasks first.  Once you have completed these tasks you can move on to the yellow tasks. I have put up some blue challenge tasks which you get to try when you have completed all the green and yellow.

You can decide the when you do your tasks. I have sent a letter to your parents via Glow explaining the changes to them.

Following Instructions in Teams

The literacy and numeracy tasks will still be in Teams. Just follow the order of the tasks. I know some of you are having problems following the instructions for the tasks so watch this little clip – it will help you hear the instructions!


This next video clip shows you how to get the worksheets read aloud to you. It is quite an easy process. The good think about this is you don’t need to wait for an adult to read it to you. You can listen yourself as often as you need.

Here are the weekly timetables for tasks for each group. Use these to plan your week. Remember you need to do the green literacy, numeracy, HWB, IDL and RE tasks first!

Literacy Lollipops

Lollipop Literacy Tasks for Week Beg

Literacy Candy

Candy Literacy Tasks for Week Beg

Literacy Cookie

Cookie Literacy Tasks for Week Beg

Numeracy and Maths

Squares and Triangles Weekly Tasks

Square and Triangle Numeracy 18th January

Circles Weekly Tasks

Circles Numeracy 18th January

All other weekly tasks

IDL and other timetable

Links for IDL and other areas.

water cycle powerpoint


How to draw Islamic geometric patterns



January 15, 2021
by User deactivated

Good Morning – Friday 15th January

Well done we’ve made it to Friday! I will be working in the school today so will not be able to answer any questions or respond to emails as promptly as I have been doing on other days.

Please take time to read through the whole post and follow the instructions. I will post your literacy and numeracy tasks in Teams. All other tasks for the day are attached to this post.

First Task of the Day – Say hello on Teams next look at all the tasks set and spend time making a timetable for the day. I have attached a simple planner to help.

Friday planner

Literacy and Numeracy are on Teams

Once you have completed your literacy and numeracy tasks. You may choose to do this task.

Science Tasks – for all

Task 1 – If you want to go back over the video clips posted on Tuesday and Wednesday

Task 2 – Go to Epic Books and read – The nature of matter

This is a non-fiction book with a lot of information it will take time to read and understand take your time.

Go to

Enter class code               zlt8857

Select your name


This book contains 2 simple experiments to try. Here is a third suggestion. If you still have some snow in the garden gather some in a container. Divide it up equally (fair test) put some outside again. Put some near a heat source like a radiator and put some away from the heat source but in the house. Which do you think will melt quickest? Do you remember the scientific term from the YouTube video? Tonight put the containers outside again. Have a look at them in the morning. Have they changed?

If there is no snow left you could use ice cubes!

Art Task for All

All this snow has got me thinking about the characters from the movie Frozen. I have attached a How to draw Olaf link. You may decide to draw another character from this movie or from your favourite movie.

January 14, 2021
by User deactivated

Good morning Primary 5 14th January Please read to the end!

Today I am trying to make it simpler to work through your tasks. When you log into the Teams area you will see an assignment for your literacy and numeracy groups. Each post will contain all the tasks you need to complete and a suggested order. I have limited the amount you need to upload.


I have noticed some people are rushing and not reading instructions. Please take your time. The instructions are written for YOU not your parents. I think you could do a lot of it independently, if you stop, read, think, check instructions once again then start your tasks. If you make a mistake the world won’t end…we make plenty of mistakes in class so don’t worry if you make them at home.

Spend time looking at what you are being asked to do then plan your day. You may decide to start with literacy or start with numeracy or you may wish to do a bit of both. After one hour online take a break. It might be your playtime or a time to draw or read. Make time for lunch and some exercise.

I worked with some of our class today and we didn’t get through all the tasks and that is okay. We took time away from the computer and did some independent quiet tasks. You could do the same.

Numeracy and Literacy tasks for each group are on Teams.

RE Task for all

Recap Monday’s power point on the important places in a Mosque.


Then complete this interactive quiz.

Access this lesson using pin code: MH2639
at Twinkl Go

Free Choice Learning for all

Choose a BBC Learning activity to watch on TV. Let me know which activity or programme you choose and why. Put your answer in the comments to this post.

For example we watched a clip about Victorian engineers from BBC bitesize because P7 are doing a topic on Victorians.

Remember to check in and say hello in the Teams General area.




January 13, 2021
by User deactivated

Good morning Primary 5. 13th January

Good morning all,

Today I will be working with the children who are in the school building. I have chosen tasks today that should be more interactive and give you feedback as you go.

There is only one task to be uploaded to the Teams assignment area when you get the chance.

All tasks are here on Glow today. Your first task is to look through the tasks and decide when you will do them. Remember to build in regular breaks away from the computer. Take advantage of the the dry weather and wrap warm and go outside to play. Have you watched any of the BBC tv learning? Marcus Rashford is doing the PE lesson today. Why not schedule time to do that with him instead of Joe Wicks!

Once you’ve planned your day. Take your time working through your tasks. If you are having difficulty with something and your helper is busy working – move on do something else and come back to it when everyone has time.

Please check in on Teams this morning. It is our way of taking the register!

I will do my best to get back to you if you have any questions but it won’t be as quickly as it as been for the last two days. We will see how we manage with this style of work. I’m working in the school this Friday too so we can make adjustments as we go.

Please remember to be kind and patient with the adults at home. They are trying to do their job and help you too…remember  do what you can. It is not normal school.

Ms Hutchison


January 13, 2021
by User deactivated

Numeracy Session for Squares and Triangles 13th January

Start your numeracy session off with some recall work.

Task 1 – Mental Recall

Go to Topmarks Hit the Button. Try 10 minutes on the multiplication tables choose the 12 tab and practise the 6x, 7x, 8x, and 9x. Then go to the division button and try the division tables for 3, 4, and 6 for 10 minutes. Keep a note of your score.

Task 2 – Mental Agility – Addition and Multiplication of money

Look at the power point. Use your jotter or a white board to make notes of your calculations if you need to. This is not a race! Take your time and get the answer correct. For this activity accuracy is more important than speed! You know who I’m talking to!! Keep a note of your score.

Square and Triangle WednesdayMoney-Problems-Task-Setter-Powerpoint

Task 3 Written problem solving

Triangle and Squares problem solve monday money

Task 4 Virtual Classroom

See separate post.

Task 5

Go back to Topmarks and try to beat your scores.

Task 6 Upload your scores and written problem solving to the Teams assignment area.




January 13, 2021
by User deactivated

Science – Changing States 13th January

Watch this video. It takes less than 10 minutes. The first part recaps the learning we did yesterday. The second half introduces and checks your knowledge of some scientific terms.


Once you have watched this clip try this quiz. Remember you can go back and watch the clips from yesterday.

Log on to twinkl go and enter this code MH2309

Access this lesson using pin code: MH2309
at Twinkl Go

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