Mossend Primary School & Nursery Class

Where Stars Shine Brighter

January 15, 2021
by Mr Reid
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Resource Collection

Dear Parent/Carer,

Can we help with pens, pencils or paper to support remote learning? If we can, then you can collect what you need on Wednesday 20th January 2021 at the below times from the main playground in the school. Please wear a face covering and socially distance at all times.  If you have more than one child in the school, then you don’t need to make a repeat visit.

P1&P2 – 9:30am – 10:00am

P3&P4 – 11:00am – 11:30am

P5, P6, & P7 – 2:00pm – 2:30pm.

If you can’t make your allocated time then please email to discuss an alternative arrangement.

Kind Regards,
Team Mossend

January 12, 2021
by Mr Reid
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Digital Survey

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are carrying out a short survey to assess the digital access to devices and internet that our families have access to. We would appreciate if you could complete the survey on the link below, particularly if you currently do not have sufficient access to digital devices or internet connectivity to allow us to look at ways support you.

 Please note that this survey will end at 3pm on Thursday 14th January 2021.

 Many thanks,
Team Mossend

January 11, 2021
by Mr Reid
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Webex Meeting

Dear Parent/Carer,

Glow and Microsoft Teams is running slow across Scotland today, as pupils all over try to gain access. These systems are not managed by the school, they are nationwide and therefore we all just need to be patient, the issues will resolve.

We know it is frustrating, but please don’t stress. Go a walk, do something offline, BBC Education TV or some PE with Joe and then come back to it later.

If you have an enquiry or an issue you need help with then please email or telephone, however we would ask that you do not repeatedly email or phone in the one day. This is new for us all and we are all trying our best, please be patient and kind as we also have children in front of us in the school building. Microsoft Teams is NOT the platform for parents/carers to communicate either with each other or the teacher, and remember that teachers have their own families too and do need to switch off from work (just like you), so please don’t expect replies at weekends and evenings.

We are having a WebEx meeting for parents/carers at 11am tomorrow, we would encourage you to join if you can, the link is below:

If you can’t make this meeting, but require support then please drop us an email and we will get back to you when we can.

Kind Regards,
Team Mossend


January 10, 2021
by Mr Reid
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Virtual Coffee Morning

Dear Parent/Carer,

We know it is a juggle, but we don’t want parents/carers stressing about home learning. Grab a hot drink and join our WebEx chat for support, technology demonstration and discussion. The meeting link will be sent tomorrow.

P/S Biscuits are optional.

January 8, 2021
by Mr Reid
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Remote Learning Arrangements

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you are aware from our previous email, remote learning will begin on Monday 11th January 2021, this isn’t a situation that any of us wanted to be in, but you can be assured that we have been continuing to upskill our pupils with digital technology since our return in August and have been planning for all eventualities as the global pandemic progressed.

Virtual Classroom

You are now able to view the learning set for your child on this link each Friday:

We will also share this on our school app so that you can easily find it each week, but please note that teachers may add to this throughout the week as learning progresses and therefore it is a ‘working’ link.

Remote learning isn’t easy, we know! Many of our staff are parents too who will also be taking on the challenge of working and home schooling their own children, so we fully recognise the strain that this situation can put onto families. However, at this time the safest place to be is at home and we all hope that it will not be too long before we can return to full time education in school.

Set Learning

One important note to highlight is that unlike the last lockdown, the learning this time will be progressive and differentiated for your child by their teacher, it is a continuation of their learning from school and therefore we will look at the engagement taking place and discuss with you how we can support you and your child.

There is an expectation that all children will continue their education and we would ask that work be returned regularly for marking.

The planned timetable shared on a weekly basis will not mean that children are expected to learn from 9am -3pm every day sat at a laptop.

With this in mind, we know that every family is different and therefore we have a couple of options on how remote learning could work for you:

Option 1The learning we are setting is flexible and accessible – You can access it on a smart phone without logging in (from the link above), read the learning set for your child and then you have the option to complete this with your child independently at a time that suits you and your family around your own work commitments. This option is also ideal if you do not have access to a digital device, as no login is required to view the set work and then you can complete it with paper and pen, sharing with us via email or Twitter.

Option 2 – The learning is supportive – We will have a range of supportive teaching inputs happening each school day on Microsoft Team. This may include live lessons, narrated presentation, digital escape rooms, video instructions and check-in video opportunities with each teacher providing input in a format that they are comfortable with, but all classes will have a teaching input each day and teachers will be online each day, being able to take questions from pupils and provide help. Learning supplementations will also be signposted, such as Sumdog, Joe Wicks PE and BBC Education.

We are here to help

Please remember that our staff are working incredibly hard to adapt lesson content for remote learning and that this is a learning curve for everyone. We don’t want anyone stressing about remote learning and therefore to provide further support we would like to invite our parents/carers to attend a WebEx session on Tuesday 12th January at 11am to discuss further how remote learning will work, we will send out the join link for this early next week.

Please remember, that Microsoft Teams is for pupil use and not an appropriate platform for adults to communicate (either by chat or on video), you can always emails us at or telephone, but please do allow 3 working days for a response
(it is often quicker) as we may have staff working from home.


Pupil wellbeing is incredibly important at this time and therefore throughout the week all children will have the opportunity to join ‘pupil voice’ forums, celebrate all their achievements at our Fabulous Friday Assembly and other opportunities. We will make regular phone calls to families throughout the week who are using option 1 and not having the opportunity to speak to a teacher online. Our Virtual Classroom (link above) also has a link to a Wellbeing Hub for parents/carers with information on accessing a range of services.

Your teacher looks forward to welcoming your child on Monday remotely, thank you for supporting the school in the way you have and we look forward to a more positive 2021.

Kind Regards,
Team Mossend

January 7, 2021
by Mr Reid
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Remote Learning

Dear Parent/Carer,

Firstly, may we wish you all a happy new year. We hope you all had a relaxing break and that 2021 brings health and happiness for us all.

As you will be aware, the Scottish Government announced further lockdown measures and a letter outlining the impact of this on schools and nurseries was emailed to all parents/carers yesterday; we have attached a further copy to this email for your reference. At this point, only the children of key worker children who have no other childcare arrangements in place should be attending school and over the next few days we will review and request documentation to support requests received.

Remote Learning

For the vast majority of pupils, remote learning will begin on Monday 11th January 2021, but unlike the previous lockdown, the learning set for your child will be specific, progressive and relevant to what they are learning in class and therefore we urge you to ensure that your child completes and returns the set learning. This learning is currently being planned by teachers and we will communicate details of what this looks like to you by the end of this week.

Although, the expectation is that all children complete the set learning, our approach to offer a Flexible, Accessible, Supportive and Timely learning experience and this video explains our approach:

In addition to this, North Lanarkshire Council have a Virtual Classroom available on Microsoft Teams and we have attached a guide to this for you to review. Your child’s teacher will communicate to them via Microsoft Teams the colour of work they can access on the NLC Virtual Classroom and this will supplement the work they set. The code for your child to join the Team is: r0f8wg2.

We have a fully interactive Nursery Zone online with personalised content for our youngest children, our Nursery staff will be updating this content weekly. You can access this directly from our website at:

We appreciate that remote learning will be a juggle and it is not ideal for anyone. Teachers and school staff are all working full time, educating remotely and in the school building for those children in attendance. We hope that our approach will be supportive to you and remind you can contact us by telephone and email should we be able to help.

 Kind Regards,
Team Mossend

December 21, 2020
by Mr Reid
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Latest Update

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you will be aware, the First Minister announced on Saturday a change to the return arrangements for schools.

  • Mossend Primary School and Nursery Class will re-open on Wednesday 6th January 2021 for children of key workers. Please look out for information being sent by email from North Lanarkshire Council with the criteria for a key worker and the application form to complete if you believe your child will need to return on 6th  January.
  • For all other children, remote learning will take place between Monday 11th January and Friday 18th January 2021. Information on accessing content and the learning that will take place during this week will be communicated from the 6th January onwards by class teachers.

Please note, that Mr Reid has accepted a position with Sumdog and will be taking a short career break from North Lanarkshire Council. His last working day will be Friday 22nd January 2021 and we would like to thank him for all the work he has done for our families and wish him good luck.

Tomorrow will be a dress down day for all children, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a relaxing and safe holiday.

Kind Regards,
Team Mossend

December 18, 2020
by Mr Reid
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Parent/Carer Update – 18th December

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find attached our final parent/carer update of 2020, you will also find copies of class newsletters on the class pages within the website and the app.

School closes at 2:30pm on Tuesday 22nd December. P1-3 should be collected at 2:20pm and P4- 7 at 2:30pm in line with our normal staggered end times.

We wish all our families a safe and relaxing holiday and look forward to welcoming everyone back on Wednesday 6th January 2021.

Kind Regards,
Team Mossend




















































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