Mossend Primary School & Nursery Class

Where Stars Shine Brighter

June 10, 2020
by Mr Reid
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Updated letter from Derek Brown

Good evening

Hope this email finds you all safe and well.  Please find attached an updated letter from Derek Brown.


Please be reassured that we in Mossend are working hard to plan for August and as soon as we have a comprehensive plan we will be in touch as per instructions from NLC

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Paterson

May 18, 2020
by Mr Reid
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Head Teacher Update

Good morning,

I hope this email finds you all safe and well. It seems such a long time since we had some rain – I am sure that your gardens are all needing some water but hopefully, we will return to sunshine tomorrow.

It was lovely to see so many of you on Friday at our jotter and learning pack giveaway or on our delivery route in the afternoon. Everyone has grown really tall during Lockdown – some of us have unfortunately just grown wider!

We are loving the ribbons on our fence, it really brightens the place up and brings a smile to everyone who passes. Keep them coming!

Our online learning is continuing this week with more exciting activities planned for all stages. Well done to those children who participated last week and a special mention to our award winners! I love seeing all of your projects during the week and it’s always a joy to join you at our Superstars Assembly on a Friday afternoon. Remember this is a four day week due to the bank holiday – who can believe we are nearly at the end of May?

Our local Mosque is offering support to our families who may be struggling during this challenging time. The volunteer team will be delivering food packs and aid to those struggling in our locality. If you or someone you know is in need of these packs or assistance then please contact myself in the first instance and we will make the necessary arrangements.

On behalf of all of the staff, we send you our warmest wishes and look forward to the day when we return to Mossend.

Take care and stay safe

Mrs Paterson

May 14, 2020
by Mr Reid
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Weekend Activities and Update

Friday 15th May 2020

Over one hundred families have already signed up to Friday’s Big Camp Out. Sign up now and be part of this free, virtual event, organised by Community Learning and Development and enjoy live music, quizzes, and cooking. #NLBigCamp

North Lanarkshire Sumdog Competition
15th May 8am – 21st May 8pm

A new North Lanarkshire Sumdog competition is starting on Sumdog.

All classes have been entered into it and we would love for you all to try and do a little bit each day to go towards our school score and make Mossend Primary the winners in North Lanarkshire.
What you need to do
  • You can play Sumdog at any time during the contest, on your mobile, laptop, tablet etc.
  • For the score to count, the North Lanarkshire Maths Contest activity must be showing in the green panel on the left of your screen when you click to start each game.
  • There are 1000 questions to complete over the 7 days, that works out at roughly 143 per day.
IMPORTANT – Your scores are based on correct answers.  So, you don’t want to rush all your 1000 questions and get them all wrong or they will not count in the contest. You have the week to complete the 1000 questions, but really think about your answer and select the correct answer.  There are no points for speed, it is about accuracy.

Jotter Giveaway

We will be having a jotter giveaway on Friday morning at Holy Family Primary School between 10:00 am and 11:00 am for those of you who require some additional jotters to complete tasks and activities.

We have a limited number of Learning Packs available for those who cannot access Online Learning. These are the same packs being issued by the Parent Council.

If you are unable to attend on Friday then please email me and I will arrange to leave jotters at the Hub in St JPII in Viewpark or I will email you back to make an alternative arrangement. If you could let me know by 3:00 pm Thursday 14th May to allow me to plan effectively it would be very much appreciated.

I look forward to seeing some of you on Friday.    Mrs Paterson.

April 30, 2020
by Mr Reid
Comments Off on An update from Mrs Paterson

An update from Mrs Paterson

Good afternoon

I hope that this email finds you and your families all safe and well. We seem to be settling into these unusual times and finding new and creative ways to fill our days. I have been in touch with a number of families and will continue to do so on a regular basis, unfortunately when I call it will come up as an unknown number on your phone. It has been really nice to speak with you and the children and hopefully, I have managed to alleviate some of your worries and concerns.

Last week myself and Mrs Wilson from Holy Family were on hand to distribute some jotters and pencils to allow learning to continue. It was lovely to catch up with you all who came along on the day. We hope to repeat this next week as well as Mrs McKay and I making some deliveries of stationery and learning packs for families who are struggling to access online learning. We will keep you updated with further details at the start of the week.

We hope that most of you have been accessing our online learning – our teachers have worked incredibly hard to create fun and stimulating activities on a daily basis and I thank them very much for this. There are lots of different activities available for you to dip in and out of – remember these are just a guide and no one should feel under pressure to try and do all tasks every day but have a look and see what’s available.

It is not mandatory to complete or participate in our online learning. Our main focus is the health and wellbeing of our children and their families so if online helps you then please join in, however, if your child is happy to do their own thing such as reading, drawing, listening to music, researching, baking, anything at all then that is absolutely fine.

Our online learning is to give parents a sense of routine and a starting point and I certainly know that all of the parents I have spoken with are doing a mixture of school-based activities and their own activities. If you find that the online learning is causing stress then please do not do it, it is not worth it. Enjoy your time as a family, use this time to recharge your batteries and have fun together.

North Lanarkshire Council has also issued some Home Learning advice on their website for parents under the Coronavirus section

There is also advice regarding Free School Meals on their website and please visit that if your circumstances have changed.

I have attached some guidance for children who may be struggling with the situation which I hope that you may find helpful. If you or child are really struggling then please email me and I will aim to respond to you as quickly as possible.

Please take care of yourselves and stay safe. I can’t wait to see all of your new hairstyles on your return (mums and dads too!)

Mrs Paterson



April 27, 2020
by Mr Reid
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Nursery Zone

Dear Parent/Carers,

We are excited to launch a dedicated Nursery Zone website for all our children at Mossend Primary Nursery Class.

At this young age, all learning is achieved through play and the Nursery Zone will provide you hints, tips and ideas for play experiences at home, but also contains interactive content to support this including Learning Games, An audio player with 100 songs, Videos and interactive quizzes.

In addition to this, the nursery staff will upload content including a weekly challenge.

We would love to see some of your play and there is an area for you to securely upload photos, videos or comments so that the nursery staff can interact with your child.

You can visit the Nursery Zone at:

Kind Regards,

Mossend Primary Nursery Staff

April 7, 2020
by Mr Reid
Comments Off on Head Teacher Newsletter – April 2020

Head Teacher Newsletter – April 2020

Dear Parents/Carers, boys and girls,

We are most certainly in the midst of strange and challenging times.  I am writing to you, assuring you that my thoughts are with you all and with our families and wider school community.  Having not seen many of the children for some time now, I am struck by how much we, the staff, are missing them and missing our daily interactions with everyone.
We hope that you enjoyed our message to you all

Despite the physical distance, we can remain connected in many different ways and in this Newsletter, I hope to draw your attention to some of those ways.

Despite there being very few children in school recently, apart from those of Keyworkers, there has been a lot of activity within our local Learning Hub at St John Paul II,  where children from all over Bellshill, Mossend, Viewpark, Tannochside and Birkenshaw will attend to allow their parents and carers to work if they are considered to be Keyworkers.  It is a very different place to be, with Teachers and Support Staff as well as Nursery staff coming from all over our locality to work with those children in our Hub.

It can be an unsettling time for those children who are most likely attending a strange school building with no familiar surroundings as well as no familiar staff to welcome them.  Our own staff who are attending as part of a rota are helping to make everyone feel welcome!

I believe that the welcoming and nurturing ethos which is evident every day in our school is continuing within the Hub, even in the absence of our children and staff.  I would like to take this opportunity to say that I hope you are all keeping safe, healthy and well and that if you need us, we are here.  Contact us via email, leave a message on our voicemail, or send a message via the app, Twitter or Facebook.  These are checked as regularly as possible.

Mrs Paterson
Head Teacher


A new payment system is being set up for pupils who receive free school meals – this includes all primary 1 to primary 3 pupils and all eligible P4-7 children.

It started on Friday 27 March and will run throughout the current health crisis.

Parents and carers of pupils who receive free school meals will be sent a message twice a week from the council. It will include a voucher code for £10.00 (you will receive a total of £20.00 per child per week).

The message will be sent either as a text message to your mobile phone, by email or as a printed copy if you don’t have internet access.

You can use the voucher code at any shop that accepts Pay Point, for a list of your local Pay Point retailers visit and enter your postcode.

For more information, please email the free school meals team on:

Funding for the additional element of this provision has come from the £3m emergency fund, which has been set up by the council to deal with the health crisis.


We are aware of fraudulent emails circulating asking for bank details of those with children entitled to free school meals.
Please be aware that we do not require your bank details.


If you receive Text Messages from us about your child’s absence, etc. then we have the correct mobile number for you.

If you gave us an updated email address when we requested this a week or so ago, then we have the correct email address for you and we have updated your file.

If your contact details have not changed since the Annual Data Check-in August/September 2019, then we have the correct details for you.




Simply go to or email

Digital Learning

Digital Learning will undoubtedly be one of the most useful tools in the current situation. Here is an outline of all of the opportunities available.  These are not all internet-based and so, therefore, do not always require the services of broadband!  TV channels are all offering daily educational programmes as well as radio.  We will continually review our provision and look for innovative ways to engage with our children and their families.

We have created a comprehensive online learning Team and we already have around 100 children signed up to take part in daily teacher-led activities. The staff have been working really hard on providing a wide variety of fun activities. There is a weekly timetable to keep you on track with suggested activities.  Please pop on and have a look at what is available!  Register to join by completing the form below and find out more information here.


SUMDOG provides users with personalised Maths and Spelling practice through fun and engaging games.  Teachers can monitor progress and set tasks and challenges.  Children can play individual games, or they can link with other children across the school and even the country.  There are motivational tools included to encourage children to improve on their personal best.

Every child in North Lanarkshire schools has been provided with a SUMDOG login as part of the Scottish Attainment Challenge. SUMDOG will be a familiar thing for most of our children, but perhaps not our parents. We have regular Teacher V Pupil SUMDOG competitions so get signed up and beat your teacher!

Study Ladder is an online Literacy & Numeracy learning tool.   All staff had already set their children up with accounts prior to school closure and usernames and passwords have been sent out prior to the closure. Pop a ticket in on the below form


ABC Creative Home School is now up and running at

This resource is free to all parents – you just need to register and set up a password to use.
We have adapted our award-winning resources for schools and nurseries so that parents and other adult caregivers can confidently teach their children music at home.  Even if you have no musical experience, we promise our resources are easy to use.

Activities during the Easter holidays

It is important to have downtime no matter what is going on in our lives!  All staff are working from home just now or are on a rota within the Hub and therefore it is difficult to issue ‘hard copies’ or printed versions of tasks for children to complete at home.  To this end, during the Easter Holiday period (Monday 6th April – Friday 17th April inclusive) there will be a reduction in our online digital presence as well as no additional tasks provided during this period.

Keep in touch

Whilst things may be very different and we are not in our building together, we are still all Mossend Primary School & Nursery Class!  Our staff are still here for you and we will do all we can to ensure that questions, pleas for help with learning/work, support with Free School Meals, etc. are all answered as soon as possible.  By now, I am sure that you will know the various ways to keep in touch, but just to remind you, our contact details are below.  You can also…


What to expect in the coming weeks

Every now and again, we will post updates on the school App.  This can include general updates, information, signposting to resources or just a general hello!

Our Staff

Our staff are having regular discussions and we have had our first ever digital meetings this week, using Microsoft Teams (we all had to make sure our hair and make was done on those days!) We discussed progress with Digital Learning and how we are supporting our children.  Staff are also learning how to make the most effective use of digital technologies during these challenging times.

Making more and best use of all of the digital content

Many of our families are engaging with the resources we have offered.  However, we still do not know how long this current period of ‘Lockdown’ will last and when our schools will reopen to the general population.  Whilst we encourage everyone to get on board with our digital offerings, we also recognise the need for downtime and relaxation!  Please do not stress about things in terms of school work, but please do try to get your child to engage with some learning every school day!

Remember to keep in touch – even if it is just to share a photo of something fun!

We miss you all and we look forward to seeing you all when this is over.

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