The Week Ahead ~ 10-14 December 2018

Week 2 menu this week. Please take time to read the options with your child to make sure they take a meal they will enjoy. Please remember, all clubs have now stopped for this term. Tickets for our Christmas Show remain on sale each day from 11.30am-12.00pm & 2pm-3pm. Monday Coatbridge High School Maths teachers will visit P.6 this morning as part of our transition programme. Mrs Nicolson is visiting

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Mrs N’s Notes ~ 7th Dec

Looking back over the past 5 days and we can see the excitement of Christmas beginning to creep in to our daily routines!  Despite this though, in so many ways it is business as usual…whatever that means (there is no such thing as a typical day in our school).  Quality teaching, support for learning, staff training and partnership working with other schools all continued throughout the week.  However, somehow we

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The Week Ahead ~ 3-7 Dec

Week 1 menu this week. Please take time to read the options with your child to make sure they take a meal they will enjoy. Tickets for our school show go on sale this week.  Children can bring a note of tickets requested and money in an envelope, or adults can pop into the school office when they are on sale: 11.30-12.00 & 2-3pm daily. After school clubs have stopped

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Mrs N’s Notes ~ November 2018

A LISTENING SCHOOL – that’s what we like to call ourselves, but what does this look like? Every member of staff at Kirkshaws is here to listen to  your concerns, opinions or news.  We listen to our pupils, our parents, the wider community and our staff. We take everything you say seriously and will report back to you if we don’t have an immediate answer or solution to your problems.

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Fundraisers Christmas Fête 2018

Huge thanks to everyone who made our Christmas Fête such a fun day out for all the family.  Whether you donated items, manned a stall, helped set up and clean up or attended on the day – THANK YOU ALL! Remember, every penny raised goes right back to giving our children those little extras during the school year.

The Week Ahead ~ 26-30 November

Week 3 menu this week. Please take time to read the options with your child to make sure they take a meal they will enjoy. This week is Eco Week, so prepare to hear all about the exciting learning taking place in all classes and maybe get involved as a family! Monday 3pm – Cross Country and ICT clubs both meet. 7pm Parent Council meets in the Staff Room –

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Mrs N’s Notes ~ 23.11.18

So what do teachers do on In-Service Days? No, we don’t have a party, neither is it an opportunity to tidy up the classes and sharpen the pencils! 🤣 In-Service Days are training days for teachers.  Sometimes we work in Kirkshaws, whilst on other occasions we join with teachers in other schools.  On Monday we were based in Kirkshaws with another busy programme of events. Mrs Harkness led our morning

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The Week Ahead ~ 19-23 November

Week 2 menu this week. Please take time to read the options with your child to make sure they take a meal they will enjoy. If you have not yet booked an appointment for our Parents’ Night on Thursday please telephone the school office for help. Monday Remember, school and nursery are both closed today as it is an in-service training day for teachers. Tuesday P.7 pupils are visiting Coatbridge

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Mrs N’s Notes ~ 16th Nov.

ACHIEVING This week I enjoyed visiting almost all classes as they carried out active literacy lessons.  Although I am constantly in and out of classrooms daily, it is important that I make time dedicated to sitting with children as they work: watching how they approach their learning; listening to their discussions; questioning their decisions and discussing next steps in learning. As you look through this gallery of photographs, you may

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