New Digital Learning Leaflets
Child and Young Person Digital Learning Parent/Carer Digital Learning Click the links above to download leaflets regarding learning remotely at home.
Child and Young Person Digital Learning Parent/Carer Digital Learning Click the links above to download leaflets regarding learning remotely at home.
HOME SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP Please take time to look at the CLASS SECTION drop down menu on our school website. There you will find information relevant to your child’s class; including PE days and your latest Home/School Partnership information. Homework is starting this week. Your child will be issued with a range of homework tasks that are intended to cover a three-week period. You will be able to access this through
So…what’s been going on in Room 4 recently? Here are some clues!
Have you been wondering what Primary 5 are up to this year? Here’s a wee snapshot of some of them at work…
PARENT COUNCIL UPDATE Our Parent Council will be holding their AGM on Monday 21st September. Due to the current restrictions around face-to-face meetings, this will be held online, using WebEx video conferencing. If you are interested in joining our PTA in any capacity, please contact me directly by email on this week and your details will be passed on to Cheryl Grant, Parent Council Chairperson. ROAD SAFETY Thank you
Our class of the day today work in Room 1! Yes, it’s our Primary 1 learners in the spotlight today!
Just a few photos to give you a flavour of what is happening in Room 2!
Looking ahead to next week it is the menu for Week 2. Please take time to read the menu with your child and select the option they would like. Thank you to all those parents making use of the online payment system. At this time we are not handling cash in school. PARENT COUNCIL Our Parent Council continues to function, despite the current restrictions we face. Although face-to-face meetings are
Week 1 menu next week. Remember to speak to your child about their choices WET WEATHER What a wet end to the month! Here’s hoping September is a bit kinder to us! Please remember to drop your child off in the morning as close to their start time as possible. No child needs to be standing on Old Monkland Road: if you arrive early, they are welcome to wait
Well, what a busy first full week we have had. From our youngest to our oldest learners, everyone is working hard, learning new rules and showing the team-spirit we have come to expect at Kirkshaws. I cannot thank you enough for your support at home, preparing the children to return to school. HEALTH & SAFETY RISK ASSESSMENTS We are reviewing our health and safety procedures daily at the moment. Several