Mrs N’s Notes ~ 28.8.20

Week 1 menu next week.  Remember to speak to your child about their choices   WET WEATHER What a wet end to the month!  Here’s hoping September is a bit kinder to us!  Please remember to drop your child off in the morning as close to their start time as possible.  No child needs to be standing on Old Monkland Road: if you arrive early, they are welcome to wait

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Mrs N’s Notes ~ 21.8.20

Well, what a busy first full week we have had.  From our youngest to our oldest learners, everyone is working hard, learning new rules and showing the team-spirit we have come to expect at Kirkshaws.  I cannot thank you enough for your support at home, preparing the children to return to school. HEALTH & SAFETY RISK ASSESSMENTS We are reviewing our health and safety procedures daily at the moment.  Several

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Care Inspectorate Report, March 2020

Care Inspectorate Report, March 2020 We were delighted to welcome Care Inspectorate for an unplanned visit to our nursery class in March of this year.  Unfortunately the national lockdown delayed the publication of our final report.  Click the link above to download your own copy.

Mrs N’s Notes 15.8.20

WELCOME BACK Firstly, can I thank everyone who has made our safe return to school possible.  Without our cleaning, janitorial, kitchen, clerical and support staff, the teachers would not have been in a position to welcome your child back to class safely this week. Also can I thank all our parents who have patiently supported our attempts to coordinate the movement of adults at the school gates.  The safety of

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Mrs N’s Notes – Welcome Back, August 2020

As we come back to school and nursery this week, I know you have many questions and I agree it is all very confusing as local and national messages have changed several times, even over the past few weeks. Thank you for your patience as we try to identify any potential problems before they occur and look for ways to avoid any unnecessary risks as we all return to school

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Mrs N’s Notes – 24.6.20

Dear boys and girls, I want you to have it all. Click here to hear what I would like to play for you at Assembly today. Dear Kirkshaws Families, It is no exaggeration to say I am  weeping as I type this.  Not tears of unhappiness, but tears of joy and appreciation of what we have got and the hope of a stronger school community next session. We started the

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Mrs N’s Notes, 13.6.20

I hope that our newsletter today can answer some of the questions I know you have around our eventual return to school and nursery.  I have spoken to some of you this week and I know that many of your concerns centre around the numerous rumours flying around social media.  So I hope to tell you the truth as I know it today, mid-June.  Please keep in mind that these

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Mrs N’s Notes – 16 May 2020

How are you this week? Hopefully you’ve managed to get out as a family a wee bit, making the most of this lovely weather. Sometimes it’s hard, but we need to keep looking for the positives in every day, don’t we. I can’t thank Kirkshaws staff enough for the mountain of work they continue to do behind the scenes to support us all this term, as well as planning for

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Poita App Problem

There seems to be a problem with the Piota App this morning. We are aware of this and are currently in communication with Piota to try to rectify the situation. However, this will not stop us keeping in touch!  Any urgent communication will be sent out via Groupcall texts and news updates will be posted here and on Twitter. Although many of you may access Home Learning grids on the

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Mrs N’s Notes, 8.5.20

Good Morning! I hope you have plans to relax today and enjoy the VE Day celebrations, all be it a little differently to the way we had planned!  Like so many of our plans for this term, we’ve had to adapt and find other ways to connect, communicate and carry out vital tasks. Over the past week we have been delighted to see some pupils logging into Glow Teams.  This

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