Mrs N’s Notes, 4.12.20

See the menu for our school meals next week above, and those for our Loving Lunches in the Nursery below. COVID-19 Update As we know, working and living in North Lanarkshire, the cases of positive cases of COVID-19 are still very high.  In school we continue to adhere to the strictest of rules around hand-washing, distancing and face-coverings to protect all of our families. On Monday of this week I

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Mrs N’s Notes, 27.11.20

Week 1 menu with major changes on Tuesday & Thursday!  REMEMBER the normal menu will not run on 1st and 3rd December as we are having CHRISTMAS LUNCH!  If any pupils have not returned their Christmas Lunch order form, they should come to school on these days with their own packed lunch. Remember school lunches now cost £3 per day.  Please check your child’s online payment account to ensure ample

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Mrs N’s Notes, 20.11.20

Please take time to discuss the menu for next week with  your child.  Some children need time to consider what they would like best.   CHRISTMAS PLANNING With Christmas fast approaching, can I remind all families that school and nursery staff do not expect gifts from pupils.  It is our pleasure to teach your children and support your family in any way we can.  Our daily thanks comes from the

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Mrs N’s Notes 13/11/20

  Lest We Forget! As you can see, our classes pulled out al the stops this week, with a big focus on Remembrance Day.  Many thanks to everyone who donated towards the Poppy Scotland Appeal.  The money collected is currently in quarantine, but will be counted next week and I will let you know our final amount then. IN-SERVICE DAY Monday 16th November is our staff in-service training day.  Pupils

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Mrs N’s Notes, 8 Nov 2020

Last week was another busy one for us all at Kirkshaws.  Hallowe’en and Bonfire Night brought many opportunities for learning and also lots of excitement about activities going on at home.  At Assembly on Friday it was most encouraging to hear so many of our pupils able and willing to share the safety messages they have been learning in class.   Thanks particularly to Room 16 and Room 1 who confidently

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Class of the Day ~ Room 10, P.7

It’s all go in Primary 7! This afternoon I interrupted their Hallowe’en Quiz.  Mr Gall was asking, “Why are witches’ cats black?”… I think I will need to go back tomorrow to find out the answer…I have no idea!

Mrs N’s Notes, 23/10/20

Welcome back!  Here we are in Term 2 already; I hope you had a restful break. LUNCH MENU CHANGES Our new menu starts on Monday, starting with Week 2. Remember, the cost of a school meal is increasing to £3 from Monday.   House Captains & Vice Captains Before the holiday our P.7 pupils had the opportunity to put themselves forward for election to leadership roles within our school house

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