Mrs N’s Notes, 23.4.21

Nursery Loving Lunches (above). School meals for next week above. Next week, both our school and nursery will be using Week 2 menus. PIOTA APP CHANGES Three years ago we were excited to purchase our own school app; a new way of communicating with all our families quickly and effectively.  However, times have changed and we now have more FREE methods of communicating with you.  With the increased use of

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Mrs N’s Notes, 1.4.21

HAPPY EASTER TO ALL KIRKSHAWS FAMILIES! Many thanks to everyone who entered our Easter Competitions.  I can’t believe how hard it was to choose 3 winners from each category…EVERY ONE WAS A WINNER in its own right!  However, the 6 pictured above received special recognition for each being unique in their own way. As we stop now for our Easter Break, can I thank you all for your support through

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Updated Curriculum Rationale 2020/2021

Following prolonged school and nursery closures, coupled with national lockdowns, we recognise that our Curriculum Rationale has had to change in order to meet our changing needs as a school community.  You can download your own copy of our RESTORE vision here: CURRICULUM RATIONALE 2020

Mrs N’s Notes, 26.3.21

Lunch Menus for next week!  School meals above and Nursery Loving lunches below.  This is the final week of this menu; there will be a change of menu after the Easter Holidays.  I’ll share the new menus with you as soon as they are released. HOLIDAY REMINDER School will close on Thursday 1st April for our Easter Holiday.  We reopen at our usual times on Monday 19th April.  We finish

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Mrs N’s Notes, 19.3.21

Week 3 Menus for next week. Nursery Loving Lunches: See School Menu below: WELCOME BACK What a treat it has been this week to have everyone back in the building together.  What a team! ARRIVING AND LEAVING Many thanks to all adults who are adhering to our safety rules in and around school premises.   All adults are asked to maintain a 2m distance from other families and wear a face-covering

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Mrs N’s Notes, 12.3.21

Here we have Week 2 menus for next week; Nursery Loving Lunches above and the school menu below.   RETURN TO THE BUILDING FOR P.4-7!! At last, the time has come for us all to get back together in person.  Our Nursery – P.3 pupils have settled in well over these past 3 weeks and I expect the same from our older pupils as we get back into a new

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Mrs N’s Notes, 5.3.21

Week 1 Menu coming up! School Lunches: Nursery, Loving Lunches below: PLANNED RETURN TO FULL TIME SCHOOL, MONDAY 15TH MARCH Please click here to read a letter from Derek Brown, Executive Director Like you, we were delighted to hear the First Minister announce the plans to have all P.4-7 pupils back in the classroom from Monday 15th March.  We intend to revert back to the plans we were following before

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Mrs N’s Notes, 26.2.21

Week 3 menus for the week ahead ECO FOCUS WEEK We are looking forward to an Eco focus in the week ahead.  Whether working at home or in the building, all classes have an exciting range of activities planned that can be carried out both indoors and outside.  We are very proud of all our Eco awards and we are not going to let this period of Lockdown get in

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Mrs N’s Notes, 19.2.21

WELCOME BACK Click here to read a letter from Jason Leitch explaining the return to school for some children next week. This NURSERY LETTER is also being emailed to all nursery families today too. We look forward to welcoming back our nursery pupils and those from P.1-P.3 from Monday 22.2.21.  Our staggered drop off and pick up times will continue at the infant gate.  As before, please try to stick

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Learning at Home – Parent Guides

During our survey of parents during this current period of school closure, some people requested ‘how to’ guides covering literacy and numeracy topics. Do you know we have a range of these guides already on our website? Click here to go straight to the right web page. In future, if you want to revisit these, you will find them under the LEARNING AND TEACHING menu at the top of the

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