Mrs N’s Notes, 22.10.21

Week 2 Menu next week, with a change to the menu in school on Thursday for a Hallowe’en themed meal.  See below. Click here to see Thursday’s special Hallowe’en Menu (school only) HALLOWE’EN Just a reminder that pupils CAN dress up for Hallowe’en IF THEY WISH NEXT FRIDAY.  No one needs to and we know many of our children prefer to attend school in uniform.  This is never a problem. 

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Mrs N’s Notes, 8.10.21

Week 1 Menu when we return I know it is not clear from the NLC school meals website, but Mrs Patterson has assured me that we will return on the current Week 1 menus.  For pupils in P.1-3 it is especially important to discuss meal choices with your child to make sure they pick something they will enjoy.   INTERIM REPORTS All pupils from P.1 to P.7 brought home Interim

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Mrs N’s Notes, 1.9.21

Week 2 menus in both the school and nursery next week (see above).  For pupils in P.1 & 2, please continue to discuss lunch options with your child so they pick something they will enjoy. HARVEST Information was sent home earlier this week regarding our Harvest collection this year.  If you want to and you are in a position to help we would welcome any donations of dried or tinned

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Mrs N’s Notes, 23.9.21

Mrs N’s Notes coming to you a day early this week BECAUSE WE HAVE A LONG WEEKEND AHEAD! Remember, school and nursery will be closed on Friday 24.9.21 & Monday 27.7.21 for our September Weekend holiday. Breakfast Club, nursery and school all open at the normal times on Tuesday 28th September. Remember to check our menus for school dinners and nursery Loving Lunches above. STRATHCLYDE PARK – OUTDOOR WEEK Last

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Mrs N’s Notes, 17.9.21

Week 3 menu next week in both the school and nursery.  If your child pays for a school meal, please remember to top up their card using the online system. LET ME INTRODUCE YOU… Meet Brody Canning, born last week weighing 8lb 10oz.  Both Mrs Canning and Brody are doing well and looking forward to a time they can meet you all again in person!  Mrs Canning thanks you all

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Mrs N’s Notes, 10.9.21

Remember to check our Week 2 menus for the week ahead in both the school and nursery.  All of our nursery pupils are enjoying coming to the dinner hall for their ‘Loving Lunch’.  It is great to be able to let them become more familiar with the whole school building now. ALL Primary 1-4 pupils continue to receive a free lunch and free breakfast if required.  Breakfast Club runs daily

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Mrs N’s Notes, 3.9.21

Please see the menus for next week below.  These cover both the school and nursery. ALL pupils in our nursery and Primaries 1-4, plus eligible P.5-7 pupils, receive a free meal.  All other pupils pay for a school meal.  Funds should be added to your child’s card using the online iPayimpact system. COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTS We are all aware of the rising infection rates across the country, as restrictions are

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Mrs N’s Notes, 27.8.21

Don’t we look smart!  HUGE THANKS to all our families.  You have all gone that extra mile to ensure everyone is beautifully turned out in our school uniform daily.  It is lovely to see all our learners proud to be Kirkshaws Kids. Please take note of the menus above: both the school menu and that for the nursery’s Loving Lunches. If your child is at school, please take time to

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Mrs N’s Notes, 20.8.21

Thank you all for your support as we start back for our new school term. Looking ahead to next week, we will be working from Week 2 Menus in both the school (top) and nursery (bottom image). SCHOOL LUNCHES We have come back with a new lunch system that seems to be working well.  All children will eat lunch in the dinner hall, whether they are school lunches or packed

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Updated Information from Public Health – August 2021

SCHOOLS INFORMATION NURSERY INFORMATION Please click the links above to read the latest guidance from Public Health regarding Test & Protect procedures should a positive COVID-19 case be reported.   Please note that some information has not changed: Book a test if you or your child develop symptoms Please be vigilant for symptoms of COVID-19. If your child develops any symptoms of COVID-19 they must not attend school. They should

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