Mrs N’s Notes, 3.11.23

Week 3 Menus ahead:


Please remember that the Staff Car Park should not be used for dropping children off at any time.  This includes at Breakfast Club.  The car park is not a safe place for children to be walking and staff are having difficulty with access when parents are driving in and out.  All pupils know that they should be keeping safe and not using this area.   We want to ensure everyone is safe at all times.


We have a small number of Poppies which will be put on sale to all children next week.  WE DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE, SO THIS WILL BE ON A FIRST-COME/FIRST-SERVED BASIS.  No-one will be allowed to buy more than one Poppy to be as fair as we can.  Although Poppies do not have a price attached, we ask that donations are at least 20p to ensure we are covering production costs.  Poppies will go on sale from Monday.


Our Parent Council will be organising a Coffee Morning next Thursday morning.  As always we would welcome any families along to support this venture.


Next week, we look forward to welcoming in our P.1 parents to see their child at work in their reading group.  Parents should only come on the DAY YOU HAVE BEEN INVITED.  If you come on the wrong day, you will not see your own child working with the teacher.  Please note, you will not miss out on the Coffee Morning, if your day is Thursday.  We will make sure you have plenty of time to take part in both events.


If you have not done so yet, we would appreciate you taking part in our Reading Survey.  This link was emailed out earlier this week:



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