Mrs N’s Notes, 16.6.23


Week 1 menus coming up!

We have  a number of bills outstanding.  Please ensure all payments are made in full before the summer break.  Thank you.


All tickets have now been sold for our Summer Shows next week.  I look forward to welcoming many of you on Monday afternoon (doors open 1.45pm) and on Tuesday morning (doors open 9.30am).

Please enter and leave by the main school entrance.  As always, we request that you do not try to take your child away early on either of these days.  Pupils will be dismissed from their usual doors at 3pm.


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Rooms 2, 3 & 9 had a fabulous time on their trips last week.  Room 5 are still looking forward to their day out next Wednesday, when they are off to New Lanark!


Remember, tickets go on sale on Monday for our Summer Discos.  Members of the Parent Council will visit classes to sell tickets.  These WILL NOT be available from the School Office.


Parents of Primary 7 pupils are invited to join us on the afternoon of Monday 26th June, for their final assembly in Kirkshaws.  Hankies at the ready!!!  We look forward to seeing you at 1.30pm.


Our youngest learners are hard at work practising for their own ‘show’ next week.  We look forward to welcoming parents  on the afternoon of Wednesday 21st June to celebrate the end of a chapter in these young lives!  Doors open at 1pm.


Remember that school closes for the summer at 1pm on Wednesday 28th June.  Nursery hours remain unchanged that day, but an early finish can be arranged with nursery staff if that would suit your family best.

We all return at the usual times on Wednesday 16th August.


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